about 3 years
ago -
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All PC servers will be offline for the following update, Dec. 15, at 6:00am PST (4:00pm CEST), downtime is expected to last up to two hours. PS4 will receive this update Thursday, the 16th.
PlanetSide 2 on Linux
- In November, we quietly enabled compatibility with Proton and whitelisted the game through Valve.
- While there are no plans to natively support Linux at this time, you are free to play PlanetSide 2 from the platform at risk to your own device. We do not ban accounts for playing from a Linux operating system.
- Since mid November, our east coast servers have been struggling during peak times, and on some continents more than others.
- We continue to investigate the cause of this issue as our highest priority, and are taking steps to address and mitigate the problem where we can.
- For the time being, the Census API output to our East Coast servers (Emerald/Jaegar) has been taken offline to remove a variable from the equation during our investigation.
- NSO characters can once again interact with light ground vehicle terminals regardless of their progress within the campaign.
- Wasp and Lodestar Prototypes now trigger Tank Mines.
- Fixed an issue where the Containment Site tempest siphon alerts and FX were too loud.
- A.S.P. 2 titles are now available to equip for those who have earned them.
- Disabled vehicles from Campaign 01 have been removed from Esamir.
- Removed the outdated "Toggle Video Capture" button from the keybindings list.
- Fixed an issue where Orbital Strike warning audio would no longer play.
- You can no longer hack terminals in Sanctuary's faction embassies.