over 6 years ago - PlanetSide 2 - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello welcome to another planetside 2
4s stream it's gonna be the first of our
6s summer streams we're gonna show you guys
8s off some of the summer stuff that we've
9s been working on but before I get into
12s the details of what's going to be on the
13s stream just wanted to let everybody know
15s that we realize some of the issues that
17s are going on on live and we hope you're
21s having a lot of fun on there what we've
23s been working very hard on a hotfix to
25s sort of address some of those those
26s issues there's like giving in for vision
28s working again there's some issues with
30s with construction but there's just been
33s some problems with our data build
34s process and so there you saw that there
36s were some stuff on tests that you guys
38s gave us bug reports for we were able to
40s get fixes done we got them deployed to
42s test we're seeing those bug reports so
44s pleased that they've been incredibly
46s helpful continue to submit those bug
47s reports but we we want to make sure that
51s we get as many of these fixes over to
53s live as soon as possible but there's
54s definitely some issues that are
55s preventing us from getting it to live
57s today these guys have been really
58s busting their ass trying to create this
60s this hot fix but we just couldn't quite
62s hit the mark to get it out today so it's
63s good you're gonna be seeing a fixes for
65s a lot of these problems going out to the
66s game early next week
67s yeah I have an update pretty much ready
70s to go yep so now we get ya a little bit
74s more time to try to squash a couple more
75s of those bugs but yeah we didn't quite
77s hit the mark for that we definitely
79s don't want to destabilize the game
80s further before there's the community
81s smash event that's gonna be hiring
83s tomorrow so what are some of the stuff
86s that we're gonna be covering on this
87s stream we're gonna talk a little bit
89s about the update that just came out this
90s is Nick he's the producer of planetside
92s sail oh yeah so we're going to talk a
103s little bit about the update that just
105s came out we're gonna show you some of
107s the holiday items that we're going to be
108s adding to the game for the for the
110s summer coming up here we're gonna be
111s showing off some of the new implants
112s that are coming to the game soon we're
115s going to talk about the spawn system
116s improvements potentially you guys are
118s going to be getting a whole lot of
119s details about how that's bonded that is
122s up on reddit right now it's up on reddit
124s yep okay so I I haven't I haven't seen
126s it yet I hope everybody's playing nice
129s but yeah we wanted to do something kind
132s of a little bit
132s experimental with the community and you
135s have basically what's I what is a game
138s design dog - sitting in front of you for
140s the other public to see took a lot of
142s the lingo actually I'll just talk about
144s it later okay cool yeah that's not good
146s tails quite yet we might talk a little
149s bit about the next alert that's going to
150s be coming to the game and I hope you
153s guys are really enjoying the aerial
154s anomaly alert where we might show off a
157s new stop oh okay well we'll talk about
160s it later we're gonna be taking your guys
161s questions during the stream so go ahead
163s and start asking your questions right
164s away we're gonna do our best to try to
166s pull some of those questions out and
167s address them as the stream is going on
168s and as always we're doing a giveaway
172s during our several giveaways during the
173s stream so you just need to be active and
176s chat and I'll call out whenever we're
178s gonna run one of the raffles and you can
180s type whatever you want go type something
182s nice about drew maybe this time that
185s qualifies you maybe gets a little bit of
186s bonus on on whether you could win or not
189s or not so yeah just go ahead and be
193s active and chat and you'll be qualified
195s for those raffles and you mentioned to
197s ask questions right yeah yeah we'll go
199s ahead and ask those questions in chat
201s and we'll be doing our best to try to
202s answer some questions during the stream
204s yeah yeah we're gonna yeah we're trying
207s to focus on questions because past rooms
209s we've kind of led the questions like at
211s the end I mean sometimes we'd pepper
213s them in between yeah but I gonna focus
215s get the questions answer the questions
218s so do do good questions so yeah now that
223s we've done our introductions and got to
225s run down some of the topics I wanted to
227s also point out that we know about some
229s of the performance issues that have been
230s affecting the game from from all
232s different sides we've been having
234s infrastructure problems and and we've
236s had prompt critical has been on reddit a
238s little bit telling you guys about some
240s of the details that are affecting
241s specifically infrastructure that's in
243s Europe we've had some issues that are
246s affecting our zone server performance
247s that's not purely on the server side and
249s there's some stuff that's been affecting
250s the game from the client side we're
253s really starting to get some really good
254s leads on a lot of these performance
256s issues and we're getting a lot more
257s resources that are dedicated to
259s improving performance in planetside so
261s the next several updates you guys can be
263s looking forward to some performance
265s improvements coming
266s the game so yeah with that let's go
271s ahead and kick it over to rel to talk
272s about one of the some of the details are
274s the most recent update that came to the
275s game okay yeah so if you haven't played
277s since Tuesday Tuesday we really released
279s a massive update probably yeah yeah yeah
283s well so as an iPad isn't my word doc
284s with 11-point Clery font just saying but
289s yeah so that that's all live now it was
290s a massive or it's a working of
293s construction it didn't fit in one forum
295s post yeah so we reworked construction a
299s great deal drew has been likened like in
304s the community talking with people
306s getting feedback and just every step of
307s this this process and it's been a good
310s learning experience not only for him but
312s it's been a good experience for the
314s community as well to kind of have that
315s that interaction with them with the
319s development team so yeah so it's good
322s work course yeah and I yeah I mean
327s orbital strikes orbital strikes I've
331s gotten a lot of really positive feedback
337s yeah so a construction got a revamp
340s there was some foundational work done
343s for first squads and that the UI work
345s behind squads which will be a big focus
348s of our next update along with the other
349s spawn it changes not sure they'll
351s they'll hit the next update at the same
353s stride but but that's the SAR for
356s motivation right now was that someone
359s plug something into their computer
361s alright alright so I what else we're
367s doing right now what's you finish
373s talking about the details again we added
374s the we added an event system to
376s planetside 2 so I what happens is every
379s so when it kind of unlocks and
381s stabilized then you'll get through a
382s charging period where events are coming
384s in and some of that is some of them are
387s facility alerts I kind of throwback from
390s from old-school plan aside and then we
392s also unveiled a new anomaly alert which
396s people have been really digging so far
397s definitely some some performance
400s it's you know it's not making things
401s better but but the alert people are
404s doing it certainly some adjustment
405s adjustments that we can be that we can
408s make so regarding you know where the
410s anomaly spawn and and the scoring and
413s pacing that sort of thing and we'll look
415s to doing that in future update and then
418s melt down got some adjustments as well
420s so now winner-take-all all the rewards
422s got increased and you guys are getting
423s implants out the other way around
425s so that was the last update cool and I
428s we have a question about the last update
430s with these new battle rifles that went
431s into the game I've noticed there's
433s already some concerns about their
434s balance and specifically did the dragoon
436s yeah yeah no well I so we're gonna let
440s it play out for a little bit there are
442s some changes coming to the explosive
444s ammunition for the dragoon in that its
446s minimum damage ranges is being taken or
450s the the arming distances is going away
452s the there was actually a like a hidden
457s penalty in velocity that's going away as
459s well it's just something that was an
460s oversight and then there's there's
463s another change oh and does like lots of
465s friendly fire damage so some it's just
467s minor stuff but we're gonna let it play
470s out for a little bit and then it will be
471s tweaking at the right the battle rifles
474s as a whole all together at a later later
476s update and then I think but we won't
479s wait for that one he mentioned a couple
480s of the changes that'll be coming to the
482s aerial anomalies we're better
485s improvements on like how the spawning of
487s the random choices of where to where the
489s anomaly appears right yeah so it
491s anomalies right now they're they're
492s using a very rudimentary spawning system
495s and then there's just a bunch of like a
497s pool of random locations and the picks
498s you know out of that pool
501s unfortunately the anomalies gonna peer
504s in the same spot they can appear on that
505s like the same side of the map and that
507s sort of thing so we're gonna be making
510s some more just more more elegant changes
514s to how how those anomalies spawn so that
517s it's not always kind of loaded into one
518s area and that's kind of exclus
520s exclusionary to the some of the other
522s factions that you know want a shot at
524s winning yeah yeah so some of that stuff
526s is uh yeah that'll definitely shake out
528s but initial indications seem to be that
531s people enjoy it and
533s there's more to come yeah yeah cool so
537s let's move on to the next thing you we
540s have some upcoming holiday events coming
542s did you want to talk about something a
544s little bit of the details of one of
545s these holiday events yeah you know okay
548s so last summer well actually so July 4
552s we tend to do some just uh you know
555s Amerika Amerika events we had the the
560s freedom bration last year and so the
562s jump just the freedom choices coming
564s back actually we'll throw it over to
565s Drew's PC oh no had to get a light
568s assault no I saw okay
572s still kick it over to quick well I don't
577s want to ruin everything else so last
584s year if you remember the fridge I go see
586s we can see them from from both so last
592s year if you remember the freedom
594s thrusters you could actually see
595s anything a first person now you can it's
598s not necessarily the same effect that's
599s happening - I don't okay I got this okay
610s do it
611s whoa okay I gotta fix that one it's my
615s bad
616s all right so it's not the same freedom
618s thrusters as last year we're not seeing
620s one of those effects no Jesus okay I
623s just gotta fix some stuff this is fine
630s anyway so the freedom thrusters are back
633s this year they're going to use
634s skirmisher jump Jets opposed to Icarus
636s jump Jets that's max rank and they so
641s it's just free it's free max rank jump
644s jump jets that have America particle
649s that's how you say yeah and so for the
653s for July we're going to be doing so from
656s the 4th to the 8th we're gonna do double
658s experience for all we are gonna do the
662s there's gonna be some sales
664s that are they're coming out to probably
665s probably infantry gear and then we'll be
668s doing bringing back some of those
669s holiday items so you have the Jesus
673s flirt flare guns the flutter guns the
676s what is the name of the camo patriot
678s camo pay tree cameras come back which is
680s its I think it's a really appealing camo
682s but then we did some new things as well
684s yeah well whip it out drew okay so the
695s first thing that we wanted to show was
697s the water gun no wait I'm gonna switch
704s the whole screen so we specifically
716s these are currently work in progress I
719s teased out a um a wand what's funny is
725s that most of the responses were just
727s like ah this like it's a new continent
729s the new torial area no it's actually
736s anyway so I'm sorry so the particle
750s effects that the sockets are a little
751s bit again work in progress so they need
753s to be attached correctly and then
754s there's some scaling issues on the ER
756s one a little bit large yeah just BAM yep
763s you get a faction specific sparkler yeah
768s not too bad just a fun little stuff and
770s you'll everybody's getting these for
773s free right yep yeah free ones maybe
775s we'll unlock some and us so we're
779s thinking about doing director yeah yeah
782s so I probably in Iraq some sparkling her
784s reward maybe or you just have to get a
788s thousand one hundred less kills for days
794s so
796s in so for the for Independence Day
799s double experience from the fourth to the
802s eighth but the start of that event July
804s 4th also kicks off a summer event they
807s were doing and summer was gonna have
809s we're shooting for a new directive line
812s we're shooting for i/o there's probably
816s probably gonna be a bunch of cosmetics
817s and and sales throughout and that sort
818s of thing maybe bring back summer reward
821s promo code possibly or something similar
824s and we we're playing with squirt guns
828s there's no way around it we're playing
831s with squirt guns whoo there's something
832s else that's water-based that you guys
833s haven't shown yet okay okay okay
841s right now these do nothing except be
843s annoying this is what yeah we also have
852s water balloons water grenades which are
855s factions we have a faction specific
857s coloring yes they do lovingly crafted
860s faction specific water water grenades
864s here let me kick it over to your screen
866s all right got this yeah my cons and
874s everything else and then yeah so you'll
876s you'll see your your freedom thrusters
877s show up as well and your your loadout so
879s that would just be a thing that you have
882s access to and and who knows who knows
884s what else we're doing we're kind of
885s early in the brainstorming and creation
887s process we have a lot of ideas and yeah
891s yeah I've got a couple of weeks so we'll
897s see let's see how it goes yeah all right
902s so shall we move on to the next part of
904s our stream do we do a giveaway first we
907s are going to do a giveaway right now but
909s while that's going on yes and we'll be
912s bringing Paul on thank you drew so yeah
920s go ahead and make sure you have typed
923s something in chat to make sure you are
926s what's the eligible for the
929s and Roxy you'll have a winner for us
931s shortly some guys how you doing we're
934s doing all right
937s okay I'm fine he's fine what should we
945s would we all wish we could have patched
946s today yeah I wish we could about
948s yesterday but we'll be back patching
952s soon I wish I could hold this up like a
953s shield and just like wave away your your
956s water like create a shield that just
959s turns into steam hey recon dogs are
965s working again oh yeah yeah so we did a
968s lot of bug fixes and recon doors are on
970s there as well what are we even talking
972s about we got a winner
973s okay and it's killer six two six two six
976s congratulations a lot of kills yeah all
981s right so the next part here is we are
984s going to have you show off some of the
987s new implants okay yeah just a couple
991s couple to show off so in the next update
994s there's gonna be a new batch of implants
997s and there's a lot of adjustments to
1000s sorry there we go a lot of adjustments
1003s to some older ones as well so sensor
1006s shield is getting buff deep operative
1007s getting a buff lots of things are
1008s getting a buff and or changes deep
1012s operative now the the new effect so
1014s currently or what it does on live is
1016s basically nothing so so now now it will
1021s whenever you spend a cumulative of 36 or
1025s so for rank one 30 seconds outside of
1026s cloak without taking damage your cloaks
1028s visibility will be reduced by 75% so
1031s what it does is kind of
1036s what it does is kind of reward you for
1040s just just being sneaky and you know not
1042s taking damage so being like infiltrator
1043s ask and then after a certain amount of
1045s time your your your cloak will be more
1049s this is the normal visibility because
1051s I'm taking damage but um but yeah so
1054s then you'll become like super stealth
1056s you know for a while and 75% it's pretty
1058s significant I could show that off or we
1062s could you have something else let's show
1063s off firewall okay so there are a variety
1066s of class specific implants also being
1068s added to the mix and one of them is one
1073s of them is the firewall implant which is
1077s the only exceptional implant exceptional
1080s class specific implant currently in the
1082s game and what it does is so if I if I
1085s own a turn for example okay I'll be
1090s asked or allowed to embed a firewall
1092s into the turret and once you embed a
1095s firewall gets all shiny the health pool
1098s increases by I think it's fine like 25%
1100s and and enemy infiltrators so if we go
1104s to Paul if you want to hack turret so he
1108s has to first disarm that firewall before
1111s than hacking it for themselves so it
1114s just creates like a little bit of a
1115s buffer to to give infiltrators some some
1120s fun stuff especially the just the people
1122s who like to kind of go behind enemy
1124s lines and or the people who just like to
1126s be be helpful and and not necessarily be
1130s so compound oriented that's okay it's
1133s just a fun thing one of the the many
1135s that are coming to the game in the next
1137s update unfortunately a lot of the other
1138s ones I don't really want to show off
1140s right yeah that's fair actually we
1143s should we can show off it like it I know
1145s well a powerful one yeah yeah all right
1150s okay
1151s so I so there's another implant which is
1157s which I'm kind of proud of I so symbiote
1161s is an implant that essentially acts like
1165s Nana we've armored the catch catch is
1167s that you need to be taking damage
1170s periodically okay so symbiote what
1176s happens is it gives you the 20% small
1178s arms resist does not stack with with
1180s nano we've armor but it does afford you
1182s an opportunity to use something besides
1183s nano wave armor you know in case you
1185s want to go that direction so the
1188s consequence though is that anytime
1190s you're live for longer than X amount of
1192s seconds without taking damage the
1194s symbiote is gonna not your your health
1197s pool so if you're don't don't damage me
1200s or anything Paul we're just gonna sit
1201s here and and die and still haven't see
1204s you've already taken one chip I know
1206s that's that's just from seconds is a
1212s pretty long time it is it's not too bad
1214s it's just um so you just have to take
1216s small arms damage yeah and but once the
1218s starts going it's it's pretty um it's
1220s pretty drastic so you'll see the the
1222s small chunks but still just getting to
1227s the front line sometimes takes a little
1228s while yeah so it's basically like yeah
1233s we've armor for almost free as long as
1236s you're you're constantly finding
1238s somebody to fight or you have ways of
1240s healing yourself like being a medic is a
1242s pretty good way of doing that right yeah
1244s so so we'll see we'll see how that
1246s shakes out and it could could receive
1248s adjustments to both the time and just
1250s how often it not to be helpful and that
1252s sort of thing we'll see well see how it
1253s goes it's a it's a very experimental
1255s concept and and it's I like that crunchy
1259s noise it may hurt of the crunch and the
1261s it kind of blurs your screen for a
1262s moment just to to realize that you're
1263s taking some damage without it actually
1265s coming from an external source
1267s it doesn't one health it's a smarts and
1273s it doesn't kill a toast
1274s no it just kind of goes it hibernates
1275s for a while cool alright so what about a
1281s firewall does it work with Spitfires not
1285s currently but we could do that that is
1286s seem especially broken yeah jack up
1289s their health a little bit maybe uh I
1291s mean maybe we can give them some other
1292s benefits that could be fun you know the
1295s interplay between engineers and
1297s and whatever other class yeah yeah it
1304s was like sure another question now that
1305s we're talking about implants is the kids
1307s want to know about Broodmother okay
1309s because I saw I noticed on that when we
1311s teased it or we showed off some of the
1313s implant names on a previous stream
1315s people immediately went on they went on
1318s Reddit and started speculating about
1320s what Bruno's yeah no the the top top
1322s tier speculation was that Broodmother
1324s would give you the ability to just spawn
1327s on top of your squad leader or whoever
1329s had that equipped yeah it's not the case
1331s sorry it's a little bit more mundane
1334s than that but I'm gonna show it off yet
1338s I still think you're not ready yet needs
1341s to work actually a lot of these need
1342s some work and they there's a lot of
1344s compromises that I've been forced to to
1347s take on with some of the design but
1349s we've we've gotten some text since then
1351s so I think I'm gonna turn around and hit
1353s again all right what else we got uh so
1363s what did we do a giveaway we did a
1367s giveaway already okay
1369s there's not one coming for a little bit
1370s next let's talk about the spawn system
1372s uh but we'll kick it over to T'Pol a
1374s little bit to talk about what's some of
1376s the stuff that is going to be changed
1378s for the spawn system let's kick us out
1387s covered around so the important thing
1389s about the okay got you sure there we go
1395s so the important thing about the design
1397s dock that I'm sharing is more than its
1399s weight it's more of a technical it's
1408s more of a technical document that's
1409s meant to allow you to to look through
1411s and see what types of technique we need
1415s to create right and just yeah but the
1418s change is to see what what tech we have
1420s access to now what needs to be modified
1422s and how we make that extensible or give
1425s the designers more power because the
1427s spawn system right now is the firm
1429s technical side it's a little bit much
1431s see it's pretty rough yeah there's at
1432s least what four different areas that
1434s yeah so I mean you know the way that we
1436s spawn NPCs there's a ton of different
1438s like routes in the code bath right
1440s through there there's a couple for
1443s players you know whether you're spawning
1445s in a vehicle or like straight into a
1447s vehicle or you're transferring to
1448s servers or whatever a lot of those for
1451s for whatever reason are different parts
1454s of the code or at least they don't sort
1455s of flow through a central location right
1458s you know that's legacy tech tech debt
1461s from older games that's for sure
1463s something that all all engines have so
1466s I've been when I found that originally
1468s when I was working on something else I
1469s was itching to get in there and try and
1471s fix it but it was never a priority so
1474s right now I'm excited to get in there
1476s and give all sorts of tools to the
1479s design team to you know make a fun and
1482s interesting and balanced situation yeah
1485s because you know spawning is a real part
1488s of the game when you die how could you
1490s you've been get back to the fight and
1492s where you go and all that sort you get
1493s your mic a little bit up you're a little
1496s low just get a little bit in there
1497s that's better get a little bit of sweet
1499s talk going on right so yeah spawn is is
1507s very important and it's it's sort of
1509s what keeps the pace going in the game
1512s yeah and the goals specifically with
1516s with this design talk is to to try to
1519s spread out the populations actually uh
1522s Nick reminds me of this non-stop
1524s whenever we're creating sort of events
1526s or anything crazy is that if you get too
1528s many people in one area it's just like
1531s kill it can kill the server yeah kill
1533s the server but not create an ideal
1537s experience for everybody right so what
1540s we're trying to do is is distribute the
1542s populations as often as we can and try
1545s to create more balanced fights at the
1547s same time because that's if there's if
1549s there's any silver bullet any silver
1551s bullet to does or gang which I just were
1554s defining here loosely as it's having way
1556s too many players of one faction in a
1559s region yep to where the fight is
1560s imbalanced I it's probably through the
1563s the Swan system because
1565s half of those players are just there
1567s doing whatever you you tell them to do
1568s and just the path of least resistance
1570s sacks so if we kind of if we're moving
1571s if we're making the the least resistant
1574s path of one that's you know moving you
1575s elsewhere then it'll help with that a
1577s little bit right we ultimately everyone
1579s wants to be in like an interesting fight
1581s right know balanced with like a fair
1585s amount of people but not like you know
1587s seven hundred people in one fight right
1589s well then it can be fun it tends to
1591s stress oh I only see you like thirty of
1593s them at the same time everybody else
1595s disappears it disappears yeah yeah so
1598s that's that's kind of the direction
1599s we're going interested in seeing what
1601s you think of just not not only the where
1603s we're going with the spawn system in
1604s general but the just putting that the
1607s documentation forward is kind of a leap
1608s of faith for us to the community to see
1612s yeah you handle it people tend to
1619s understand design documents and such a
1622s bit better than like programming tech
1624s documents and stuff like oh yeah I can
1626s see where he's going with that yeah but
1627s you know there's there's a lot more
1629s going on than what's in the documents
1631s there's a lot of discussion and factors
1633s right and play so it's not like just oh
1636s yeah we didn't think of that yeah yeah
1638s no if anything that the documents are
1640s like a starting point gave it to jump
1642s off of cool yeah what else have you been
1645s working on tall so I've been working on
1646s a bunch of stuff bunch of stuff for the
1648s lovely planetside players over the last
1651s like month or so I've been working on a
1653s lot of tech for the anomaly's not only
1657s helping RAL work through some of the the
1660s Lewis script to like make them or make
1662s them work in the first place but I
1664s created a new meta game type that
1665s gathers resources and actually talks
1668s between the zone in the world for meta
1669s games our our alerts yes essentially the
1672s the alerts the continent the
1675s stabilization all that sort of thing any
1676s sort of like zone wide event except
1679s they're actually server-side their
1681s server wide instead of just individual
1683s zones but we for the anomaly's we have
1688s as you may have noticed a little
1690s indicator on the heads-up display and on
1693s the map and I went in and made a generic
1696s system for that so it'll be easier to
1698s you put in more stuff later making it
1702s easier to create things is always a good
1704s good idea there was an issue where
1709s players would appear before they had
1711s finished loading in and so they could
1713s spawn and die before they even got there
1717s we have since fixed that you you only
1719s appear in game after your load screen
1721s has dropped so and and it's the timing
1724s on it's really tight so like it's like
1725s almost immediately so there's there's no
1727s way you could get an advantage on it or
1729s anything like that but you spawn and you
1731s don't spawn dead which is great yeah so
1734s that was one of them the instant action
1738s it doesn't send you to cut off territory
1740s we were we were having some issue with
1743s that joined combat
1744s oh sorry join combat yes there's like
1749s three names for it in the code anyways
1752s there was an there was a bug where when
1754s you were queued into the faction queue
1756s for a continent if it was too full and
1759s you switched zones for whatever reason
1761s it would drop you that doesn't happen
1762s anymore
1764s outside of that we've been doing some
1766s performance profiling to see what sort
1769s of like hitches happen on the client and
1771s we're gonna be looking to server
1772s performance and that sort of thing yep
1774s and that's all been really interesting
1776s and we've got some good leads on some
1778s good fixes cool outside of all of that
1781s there's some interpolation code but is
1785s an h1z1 that'll make it so you can like
1788s like instead of you know kind of
1790s twitching to different spots it'll be
1792s like smoother it'll be more accurate to
1794s what your players actually doing but
1797s unfortunately the h1z1 code and the
1799s planetside 2 code are very different so
1802s bringing code from one to the other is
1804s proving to be a lot more involved than I
1806s originally hoped it would be that's a
1808s goal is is trying to port over some of
1811s that interpolation code so that we can
1813s alleviate some of the issues players
1814s have with with dashing you know across
1816s the screen so that's that's kind of long
1820s in the short of it cool yeah that's a
1822s lot of stuff and what's what's
1824s interesting is that most of the stuff
1825s like it's not really forward facing you
1829s know it's kind of just hidden behind the
1830s scenes and
1831s I didn't know we mentioned this a lot
1832s but there's there's just so much that
1833s goes on behind the scenes that yeah this
1837s is just scratching the surface I just
1839s figured I'd call those out specifically
1840s because those are kind of pain points
1842s for some people so yeah for sure cool
1845s well let's do another giveaway yeah so
1848s be active and chat say something nice
1850s about Paul maybe and we'll be doing one
1853s of those raffles and we'll let you guys
1854s know who the winner is in a moment I've
1856s used up all my karma used up all your
1857s Karma for winning raffles so those with
1865s Arielle anomaly it's been pretty
1866s successful I think and we're gonna be
1868s making improvements to it that make it
1869s sort of have more long-term sort of
1871s staying power that it doesn't just have
1873s a honeymoon phase on it what's up what's
1875s one of the next sort of events that
1876s we're bringing to the game let's say so
1879s the next one that's currently being
1880s worked on after we or maybe in tandem
1883s with making some adjustments to Arielle
1884s and always is a sort of a Destruction
1887s Derby I think we talked about this maybe
1889s do last dream-like kind of yeah I think
1892s it was the one that was my favorite okay
1896s yeah so it's kind of like that so on the
1901s map they of course will appear and what
1905s it does is asks you in your fashion to
1908s take ground vehicles and collect seismic
1912s readings like so all throughout Endor or
1915s wherever these these geysers of gas that
1918s are kind of coming up and and you need
1921s to take these seismic readings and you
1924s do it in sequence and sorry this is the
1927s like the garbage lore reasoning behind
1931s everything must have Lord yeah yes yeah
1936s except for the sport guns ya know it's
1939s just so hot on Endor yeah no it'll have
1941s Lori too so yeah yeah so racetrack
1946s people go around they they collect a
1948s seismic readings and it's just as that
1949s and every if you get readings in
1952s sequence you get points for your
1953s fractions similar to aerial anomalies
1955s aerial not only is by the way just so
1957s everybody is aware of the scoring
1959s process it's one tick there one point
1962s per player purse
1964s and listen the reason sorry about galaxy
1966s full of people that you fly up no yeah
1969s sorry achill yep yep for vehicle per
1972s player it's Brad yeah this could call it
1974s so get in there and get all your
1976s vehicles in and make a big chaotic yeah
1978s yeah so ESF are definitely a good way to
1981s kind of tip that balance but also like
1983s having the support galaxies in and oh
1985s yeah it's just it's it's very beneficial
1987s but there's no reason to load your
1989s galaxies up with a bunch of people to
1990s try to score more points but galaxies
1992s tend to last the longest yes it's it's
1998s kind of a balance but I'm sure a meadow
1999s will shake out at some point oh for sure
2000s yeah yeah but death race death race so
2003s you're going around and similar to the
2006s aerial anomalies are gonna get a
2007s discount on some sort of ground vehicles
2009s I not sure if it's just gonna be all of
2012s the transport vehicles or it might just
2013s be harass or might just be harassers and
2015s flashes flashes are so cheap anyway that
2017s probably doesn't matter but but either
2020s way so we're gonna do something similar
2022s like that and also once you go through a
2025s one of the checkpoints you get all your
2027s turbo back thinking about making it so
2030s just your turbo is extended for this
2031s event as well so maybe like supercharged
2033s and you just can so we'll see it sounds
2040s like there'll be a group of players that
2041s aren't going to participate at least not
2043s by scoring points instead they're just
2045s gonna hang out near on the track with
2046s their main battle tanks and try to pick
2048s off beauty yeah
2050s making construction bases around the
2052s capital so trying to blockade and stuff
2055s the way that is currently Lockheed your
2057s faction so vehicle vehicle gate I'm
2067s really excited to see how everything
2069s shakes down I'm personally gonna be up
2070s on the shelf as a Tuscan Raider with
2072s like a big rocket launcher yeah cool
2076s alright so that's probably the next one
2078s we got a winner for that raffle it's a V
2081s Tech now and then also we got a question
2089s on how soon or the spawn change is going
2091s to be ready yeah
2092s how soon are they gonna be ready yeah
2093s it's just like pull some OT
2099s ya know you know it's like I said it's
2101s kind of an involved process like you
2104s know like with the experience system
2106s it's pretty core so it's pretty
2108s important so you don't want to mess it
2109s up
2109s yeah so it also involves exploration
2111s because it's uncharted waters kind of
2114s sort of touched some areas but but never
2117s you know yeah for sure with the stuff
2119s it's it's gonna involve you know like me
2120s to know top to bottom exactly how
2122s everything works and that always takes
2124s some time right that sort of thing so
2126s well I see pretty much as soon as we can
2128s write as with anything so the the most
2131s important part to take away is that it
2133s is it is a focus right now
2135s we feel that this is an important part
2136s of getting the game to a place that
2139s feels better for all players so so we do
2142s want to take the time to do it and we we
2146s also don't want to rush it out the door
2148s so this is this is important that it is
2151s basically our one of our highest
2152s priority things to work on right now so
2154s it's a big change we want we want to
2158s bring it out as soon as possible is the
2160s is the answer to that question of course
2161s so but we're not gonna rush it so maybe
2166s in a couple of months would probably be
2169s a really sort of honest and I think well
2178s let's kick it over to your screen oh
2184s that's not any more I need more wrong
2186s it's nothing to see here just smoke and
2189s mirrors all right so so I'm not saying
2194s I'm not saying about for you carrier but
2198s I wonder if it has subject I think I
2204s think I jacked up the handling on it
2205s that's fine no that's fine right now
2208s it's just using galaxy handling and I
2211s think it's a little bit modified to be
2212s jacked up but it's not gonna fly like
2214s this you're not gonna get to fly it
2216s you're not really not I mean Italy
2218s probably possibly not yeah but we are
2224s he's just trying to get some yeah try to
2226s get some air
2230s - uh so Oh a the turrets back yeah I
2234s thought I'd Jack this up well I probably
2236s did it's fine now anyway so there are
2238s some were you know toying with getting
2241s turrets set up on the bastion fleet
2243s carrier and being able to use it as a
2246s vehicle to you know climb inside I
2248s thoughts on getting it into the game at
2252s the initially probably on Rails yes yeah
2256s we attached to an event probably you
2258s know thinking that I
2260s so since meltdown alerts are like one
2263s and a half hours now it would be nice to
2265s have a faction Paul Paul's case I want
2269s to be part of it go oh you can't see me
2273s where'd you go I don't know you Elodie
2274s doubt or something
2275s oh oh yeah I updated the model I maybe
2278s didn't update the LEDs I saw you for a
2280s second okay well anyway so I'm gonna get
2289s you he's gonna use the squirt gun and
2291s bring down the bastion I don't see how
2296s he's off to the right side shoot me down
2298s no I mean you can try all right well
2305s these guys are messing around let's do
2306s one more giveaway yeah yeah but yeah so
2311s we'll probably bring in a snowflake
2312s carrier
2312s it only has collision the metal for
2314s right now again it's using the galaxy's
2316s collision looks pretty good though yeah
2317s not too bad it'll be really interesting
2320s to to go to bring these things below the
2322s flight ceiling and have them cruising
2323s around but if if they do appear it'd be
2326s nice to to have outfits maybe or maybe
2328s factions be able to contribute to
2330s resources to then unleash a bastion
2333s during it the meltdown event like that
2335s could be so it creates like a sub
2337s objective and we're learning a lot about
2339s how massive air battles will work by
2341s looking at the data that's coming from
2342s aerial anomalies so we're sure there is
2344s a little bit of method to our madness
2346s yeah but it's mostly just madness it's
2348s mostly men we're all mad here yeah cool
2352s slightly mad all right we got a winner
2355s for our last raffle it's one bad kill
2358s congratulations that a joker reference
2361s only takes one bad kill
2364s maybe whatever notes this thing I don't
2367s know
2367s cool yeah did we want to squeeze another
2370s couple questions on do we have any more
2372s question any more questions Roxy any
2374s questions at all Roxy Oh what Paul
2380s where'd you get that shirt oh I actually
2382s got it at a wedding I stood in my
2384s friend's wedding and it was like cosmic
2387s themed and he's a big fan of cats and so
2390s is his wife so sorry bit of an exclusive
2393s but I'm glad that you guys like it yeah
2395s it's pretty cool all right are there any
2399s questions related to the game no that's
2402s a good question it's a good question I
2404s got no problem answering questions like
2405s that why or sister squads the first
2418s parts underlay okay oh-hoh interest okay
2421s that makes more sense
2423s okay outfit alliances yes we would want
2426s to do that
2427s sister squads that that's more like
2430s companies yeah it's probably a
2433s possibility but wasn't part of our
2436s current plans for so and yeah possibly
2442s so I think it's over some of the outfit
2444s oh yeah yeah yeah that's for sure
2447s like getting alliances in it would be it
2449s would be pretty massive and actually I I
2452s don't know if anybody caught it maybe
2454s they did in the dock but it mentions
2455s outfit alliances and that's spawn
2457s document oh it does okay so that's why
2459s they're calling okay and yeah I wonder
2463s if outfit alliances implies something
2465s else that we're gonna thinking about
2467s doing with outfits but well we won't get
2471s into any more okay detail than that
2473s we're so secretive oh I love it it's fun
2475s it is fun because for us someone
2480s actually if we watch community smash
2482s every yeah I watched the last one for
2485s sure that one was great and seeing some
2487s of the highlights from it were amazing
2490s but the thing that I get the most sort
2492s of enjoyment from watching about
2494s community split smash is how the
2496s decisions are
2497s about how to deploy resources it's
2500s absolutely amazing to see planetside
2501s played at such a high level because
2503s normally when you're playing on live
2504s it's it's pretty chaotic right like at
2508s the outfit level there's people doing
2509s some pretty amazing stuff and some
2510s pretty amazing coordination and it just
2512s comes across as super overpowered but
2514s when both sides or when all sides of a
2517s fight are performing at such high levels
2520s of precision and organization it's just
2522s incredible to see so it's it's
2524s planetside at its best for sure yeah I
2527s believe that as well I know the thing
2529s about super smash is that everybody's
2531s moving toward the same goal yeah yeah if
2533s there's anything little frustrating from
2535s watching it it's the fact that there
2536s it's such a tug of war that doesn't seem
2538s to be moving anywhere but that's that it
2541s just it proves how sort of well played
2545s both sides are performing the strategies
2548s so it's pretty exciting I know that a
2551s couple of us are gonna be participating
2553s in the next one which is Saturday yeah
2555s tomorrow correct are we allowed to say
2561s who's participating yeah you're cool
2563s with that yeah okay so I drew an IR yeah
2566s and I'll be there and I'll just be
2567s harassing people on chat really you know
2569s and probably making sure that no events
2571s automatically or like an aerial anomaly
2574s doesn't start on accident or anything
2576s actually I think the admins have the
2578s controls over alerts Oh any news on the
2584s new player experience okay yeah no
2592s Paul's looking forward has no idea it's
2594s just don't worry you're not laughing
2595s sorry oh yeah yeah new player experience
2598s so hey just this update or this is
2601s coming a hotfix we have fixed for the
2604s tutorial vehicle gate shield so won't
2606s look jacked up anymore yeah we have
2608s actually it changed the skybox as well
2610s so it's a little bit less depressing
2612s what else the we have so I don't fly
2621s okay and we do have some interesting
2626s rail tech kind of coming in so it'll
2628s help out with getting
2629s tutorials into well
2633s tutorials and like doing some moving
2636s npcs and that sort of thing
2637s also the the prototyping of destruction
2640s derby is actually that's that's me doing
2644s in an alert version of a tutorial that
2648s I'd like to do I just have one word
2650s players going to go around the track and
2651s then like learn I got three like gone on
2655s man
2656s yeah I turned it off I didn't want to be
2658s too cheesy but yeah it so it's I it's we
2663s want to make tutorial modules it's it's
2667s been neglected if I'm if I'm being
2669s honest it's a huge priority but there's
2673s there's been so much in the way I don't
2675s want to say in the way there's been
2676s other things that have taken priority
2678s correct there's a lot we want all the
2682s wings and we will eventually just some
2684s things need to be focused on first and
2687s there's certainly yeah detect that were
2688s or kind of reliant on for for the
2692s nucleic tutorial stuff so slow process
2694s but still want still want to get it done
2697s at some point I will just finish up what
2699s this is the last question yeah when one
2701s or more Doku guns coming so carbines
2704s prompt the next yes salt rifles after
2707s that and then then who knows maybe more
2712s who knows maybe more but those are the
2714s next two yeah that's it yeah thank you
2720s everybody for coming to another
2721s planetside 2 stream we hope you guys are
2724s excited about the stuff that we're
2725s working on we're definitely stoked that
2728s you guys are and really like in the most
2730s recent game update and like I said at
2733s the beginning of the stream there's a
2735s hotfix coming probably on Tuesday of
2737s next week and it's going to deal with a
2739s lot of the problems that you guys have
2741s seen in this latest game update so
2742s thanks everybody
2744s we'll see you next time
2753s you