7 months
ago -
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Servers are coming down at 6AM PT / 3PM CEST tomorrow for a hotfix that will address the following below. Estimated downtime may be up to 3 hours.
Sunderer Update Follow Up
We are happy to see players explore the new modules added to the Sunderer this week. We've been reading your feedback across social media, the forums, reddit, discord, steam, youtube and twitch. We agree with the census that the Sunderer could use some rebalancing. We are working on an update that will hopefully make proper balance adjustments to the Sunderer's capabilities. We'll post more information about that update later.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an audio bug where audio is faint or disappears when changing camera view when firing the following weapons:
- M20 Basilisk,
- G40 Ranger,
- CT-102 Satyr
- M20 Drake
- M202 Wyrm
- M18 Palisade
- A30 Walker
- Lightning Skyguard
- Sunderer cargo units will no longer remove ownership of the Sunderer itself from the player.
- Sunderer Ammo Tower cargo unit now has the correct cooldown in the descriptions for each tier on its cert tree.
- Fixed Sunderer's Deploy Dome to allow its top mounted weapons to not collide with the shield.
- Some players may have purchased the "Directive Bundle: Tides of Summer 2023" from the members only section. The icon for this bundle wasn't ready and was accidentally sent live. Although everything else in the bundle was correct (and for those who have purchased it, yes you may keep it!) However since the cat is out of the bag, we plan on making previous Event Directive rewards available to purchase with Daybreak Cash (Account wide purchase) or A7 (character only purchase) if you are a Daybreak Member. We weren't planning to go live with this until later this year as we have been heavily focused (art wise especially) on upcoming content, rewards, and Depot items.
- We have seen feedback regarding Member Only Bundles and that players would like to preview them before considering purchasing a membership (totally understandable!). In a future patch we will make previewing available to all players (we just have to get it all through QA first).