10 months
ago -
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Game servers will go down for our scheduled pc update tomorrow @ 6am pt / 3pm ct. for a 3hr downtime window.
This month's patch is loaded with bug fixes, especially to animations and audio. We are also bringing back previous St. Patrick's Day Bundles from March 17th until March 26th
St. Patrick's Day Bundles Return
The returning items arrive (March 17th - March 26th):
- 2023 Saint Patrick's Day Bundle
- 2022 Saint Patrick's Day Bundle
- Gold Lover's Bundle
- Green Fortune Bundle
- Jackpot Bundle
- Leprechaun's Bundle
- Wyrdwood Bundle
- Classic Clover Decal
- Leprechaun Decal
- Pot O Auraxium Decal
- Shamrock Decal
- Clover Camo
- Weapon Camo: Green-gold Flecked
- Jackpot Hood Ornament
- ANT / Sunderer Clover Trails
- and more!
- Enjoy a Double Experience For All Weekend from March 15th until March 18th
- Improved database transaction efficiency; i.e. ensuring that everything is immediately saved to database on changes. Previously this happened only a few minutes after the fact and could be lost in cases of reboot/crash/power outage on the server.
- Added automatic consistency fixes; e.g. fixing situations when X is marked as a friend of Y but Y is not marked as friend of X.
- More reliable friends invitation processing; e.g. removing cases when someone sends an invite to be friends and invitee doesn't receive it.
- The beacons are not lit; beam visual effect should now de-spawn properly after the beacon's destruction
- Outfit Wars decals now have the proper file format and should no longer crash the client
- Players can no longer spawn in destroyed aircraft, preventing them from acquiring vertigo and the ability to shoot through walls
- Reworked the suppressor attachment audio on the following weapons; NS30 Vandal, Warden, Carnage AR, GR-22, NC9 A-Tross, NS-11, Reaper DMR, EM1, EM6, NC6S Gauss SAW S
- The NSX: Yumi's bolt can now be worked. Fixed a visual bug with the reload animation
- Fixed weapon reload sounds for many weapons, including; AF57 Piston, NS AM7 Archer, EM1, EM6, NC05 Jackhammer, T16 Rhino, T32 Bull, T7 Minichain, T9 CARV, T9 CARV-S, TMG50, VE-C Horizon, VE LR Obelisk, VE-A Lacerta
- Obelisk and other VS weapon's hand IK will properly un-attach during 3rd person reload animation sequences
- Ammunition Belt certification selection tooltip now includes information about the reload speed increase
- Gate Shield Diffuser certification selection tooltip now contains information about its interaction with water on Oshur
- Fixed MAX jumping and landing audio
- Fixed localization error in vehicle and aircraft key-bindings
- The Natural Camouflage cosmetic for the Chimera should no longer be visible in the first person view
- NS-11A's audio with the suppressor is incorrect