Lots of people are reporting several problems to log to servers, especially Cobalt an Emerald. BattleEye isn't working well too.
Probably due to massive population, more than the servers can handle.
External link →Lots of people are reporting several problems to log to servers, especially Cobalt an Emerald. BattleEye isn't working well too.
Probably due to massive population, more than the servers can handle.
External link →Hi all - responding here with the comment I dropped in the bug megathread:
We believe we've identified the login issue, and it's *NOT* actually server-specific; it's just affecting a lot more EU players right now with EU pops so high. We're in the process of cleaning out our server logs, but we can only clean so many sessions at a time, so this will likely continue throughout the day (and players will see a steady improvement as more people log in/out) rather than get done in one big swoop.
Seems like EU servers have limit around 2,1k players. Miller was basically stuck (related to fisu activity) around 2,1k as well as Cobalt (around 2k)
It's not that the servers have a cap (at least when it comes to login services - overall performance can obviously impacted) it's that we've identified a login issue that needs to be cleaned up on a session-by-session basis. It's just going to take longer on Miller and Cobalt because pop is so high and we can only clean up a certain number of sessions at a name; as primetime passes and more players log out, that will speed up the process, and leave us in a better state throughout today and leading into the weekend.