about 2 years
ago -
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All PC servers will come down for the following update on Wednesday, December 14, at 6:00am PT (3:00pm CET). The downtime for this update is expected to last up to 2 hours.
Capture the Flag
- Hacking a Repo now initiates and overload that lasts for 30 seconds before it converts the Repo to your faction.
- This 30-second countdown can be interrupted by the opposing faction.
- Perihelion's charged fire now shows projectiles correctly on remote clients.
- Firing a weapon and switching to a repair/healing tool no longer causes a player to be stuck in an infinite firing loop on remote clients.
- Fixed an issue where entering/re-entering a vehicle as a MAX suit could hide your ability HUD display.
- NS-R3 Swarm variants no longer mention "Flak Detonation" in their descriptions.
- Various model and animation cleanup on the NS-11C Frostbite.
- Amerish Sky adjustments.
- Outfit War statues on Sanctuary now display outfit information once again.
- Doubled the amount of Snowman that can be spawned on a continent at once.
- Snowmen no longer spawn on locked continents.
- Chimera's Avalanche Tire Trails now appear on the middle set of tires.
- Removed campaign currencies from the handful of store items that still used them.
- Fixed an issue preventing NSO from using faction-based jump pads at the following bases:
- Howling Pass (Indar)
- Saurva Bio Lab (Indar)
- Dahaka Amp Station (Indar)
- Zurvan Amp Station (Indar)
- Peris Amp Station (Indar)
- Freyr Amp Station (Esamir)
- Jord Amp Station (Esamir)
- Naum Amp Station (Hossin)
- Hurakan Amp Station (Hossin)
- Ixtab Amp Station (Hossin)
- Broken Vale Garrison (Hossin)