about 7 years
ago -
PlanetSide 2
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Transcript (by Youtube)
1s | [Music] |
12s | and hello and welcome to the fifth |
16s | anniversary livestream for planetside 2 |
19s | everybody how you guys doing hopefully |
22s | pretty good you might be here right now |
25s | because we are patching again that's to |
28s | handle those issues that you guys are |
30s | seeing this morning there was |
31s | disconnects happening there was own |
33s | crashes everything was on fire |
35s | yeah everything was on fire yes but but |
39s | we were really quick with the |
40s | extinguishers correct no worries and so |
42s | that that patch should be should resolve |
44s | all those issues it should also resolve |
46s | a couple other issues that were spotted |
48s | with the patch this morning including |
50s | the 12-month boost that working |
53s | correctly yep |
54s | so we'll be sending out patch notes for |
56s | that soon but we had to run it here to |
58s | do the livestream right so let's see |
62s | what it's been a crazy year of |
65s | planetside that's a fun stuff happening |
67s | and we've we've done a lot of stuff this |
71s | year but before I get to that stuff |
73s | we'll be doing some some giveaways |
74s | during the stream today they're gonna |
76s | work a little bit differently than the |
77s | that we have done in the past yeah just |
81s | chatting in twitch chat makes you |
83s | eligible for the raffles and we're going |
86s | to be giving away some of the fifth |
89s | anniversary bundles today and we'll be |
91s | talking about what's in those bundles a |
93s | little bit later bang raffle yes so Kay |
96s | typing Bank raffle it's usually |
98s | technically works but saying something |
100s | nice about rel also gets you but it |
103s | doesn't give you any bonus points to try |
107s | I'm gonna try or so they think |
110s | so I did what do we do this year with |
113s | planetside we added orbital strikes to |
115s | the game which is pretty cool giant |
119s | massive explosions to clear out bases |
121s | and cause all sorts of havoc and mayhem |
123s | that we want to make those more usable |
126s | than they are right now but they're |
128s | already pretty cool right now we revamp |
130s | the implant system does the old one |
132s | scrapped it reconfigured it rebuilt it |
135s | somewhat from the ground up did we |
137s | revamp Endor |
138s | this year we also we also revamped in |
140s | Darth about that actually we revamped |
142s | Amrish as well as well |
144s | add an obstruction only Bay are not a |
146s | construction only based but we had a |
147s | construction accessible we're really |
150s | good at this we also added meltdown |
156s | alerts to the game with our critical |
157s | mass update and made it more we tried to |
160s | get the fights on continents to be more |
162s | balanced as well as getting people to |
165s | focus more the faction level objectives |
167s | certainly makes it more dramatic too and |
170s | then just lots of balance adjustments |
172s | which all the balance so it was |
179s | overwhelmingly positive all the feedback |
181s | I really can't thank you guys enough as |
183s | a community and just please continue to |
186s | keep showing your support yeah alright |
188s | I'm done so yeah thanks |
191s | we're so convincing so we did a AMA last |
196s | week and I felt like it was pretty |
198s | successful we had over a thousand |
200s | comments on it by the time we started |
202s | called it a day yeah last check it was |
204s | nearly 1400 and there were some really |
206s | great questions on there and I felt like |
209s | I got some we got some feedback from the |
210s | community that was unexpected and it |
212s | helpful so we're planning on doing those |
215s | more often it's always a lot of fun to |
219s | interact with the community you know we |
221s | were in there for maybe four or five |
223s | hours trying to get to every question |
225s | get to as many answers out there as |
228s | possible so many questions so what are |
230s | some of the like the feedback you would |
232s | give to the community on how they |
234s | interacted with us oh yeah so I writing |
237s | the the super long posts is it's a |
240s | little bit difficult for us to address |
241s | all of those things because we all have |
243s | different spheres of expertise so being |
247s | able to answer all those questions in |
248s | one post is is tricky so we're just |
250s | trying to answer the ones we can at any |
252s | given point yeah and also like actually |
255s | a community member was kind of divvying |
256s | up each question and two posts and that |
258s | makes it a lot easier for us yeah so |
260s | they can kind of sort through it and |
262s | different community members can jump in |
263s | for different things without having us |
264s | to step on each other's toes which I |
266s | think happened probably a couple of |
267s | times kind of sort of yeah we were just |
269s | trying to answer questions as fast as we |
271s | could yeah yeah it was it was a lot like |
273s | I spent like trying to read as many of |
276s | them as we can |
276s | it's just like you know trying to be if |
280s | you the more concise the post is the |
281s | easier it is to just go wrap it through |
284s | and and answer as much as possible and |
286s | also the the baby posts guys can't have |
293s | nice things |
294s | so some what were some of the |
296s | highlighted questions though the most |
298s | common ones I mean combined-arms was |
300s | obviously a very discussed topic |
303s | discussed it was touched on quite a bit |
306s | we did actually we gave out some some |
309s | answers that people probably weren't |
311s | expecting so like the Japan Japan server |
313s | yeah so we've been investigating that |
316s | we've been hearing people talking about |
318s | the sort of the Asian or just a |
323s | international contingent that saw in |
325s | Connery and we so that if the game is |
328s | being popular with with those regions we |
330s | want to be able to serve those regions |
331s | better so we've been investigating |
333s | getting a Tokyo server up and running |
335s | for planetside sounds like it's |
337s | something that we can make happen and no |
341s | promises yet but we're we're in the |
343s | process of getting all the stuff in |
345s | place the main thing that is a little |
347s | tricky about it though is gonna be |
348s | allowing for the server transfers |
350s | because we we don't have a formalized |
353s | system for allowing transfer between |
355s | servers we don't plan on implementing |
358s | the formalized system for for doing |
360s | server transfers so it's gonna be purely |
363s | a one-way ticket and we're gonna have to |
365s | come up with some way to make it a |
366s | little bit more palatable for our |
369s | database operations group yeah so that |
371s | yeah the database operations group like |
373s | a Nick mentioned that's completely |
375s | separate from us they have their own |
376s | like they serve the entire company so |
379s | there's a lot that they they handle so |
382s | these pieces yeah it just makes a lot of |
385s | sense for it to be a kind of a one-off |
387s | thing yeah but I but none of these |
389s | hurdles are ones that we can't clear we |
390s | definitely can make it happen |
392s | and so just stay tuned we will we should |
395s | be should be announcing something soon |
397s | yeah it was a bunch of fun questions too |
401s | I particularly like the ones that were |
402s | like what's the the craziest thing you |
404s | wanted to do but we you know couldn't |
406s | for whatever reason you know I I quite |
409s | like that one which |
410s | I question what you answer it's not too |
427s | bad yeah I any other AMA stuff that kind |
430s | of sticks out in your mind just I was |
432s | excited that there was a question about |
434s | lore because that's actually something |
436s | I've been really interested myself and |
438s | as I answered in the AMA we're working |
441s | on developing sort of a planetside Bible |
444s | that we're trying to collect all the |
446s | lore as it stands right now and make |
449s | note of the places where there's huge |
451s | gaps there's also community but created |
454s | Lord that we actually like quite a bit |
457s | Salem will be looking to maybe |
459s | incorporate some of that stuff into the |
461s | actual kated lore yeah and develop some |
464s | some new story to make the just flush |
467s | out the lure of planetside because I |
469s | think it's really like it's got amazing |
471s | potential I love sci-fi but myself it |
474s | has that whole Battlestar Gallactica |
476s | thing going on but it has a lot of other |
479s | sort of elements going on as well |
481s | there was a Neal Stephenson book called |
484s | seven Eve's that maybe you guys know |
488s | about that |
488s | I definitely like some of the elements |
491s | that are going on in there as well so |
493s | just that's another thing to stay tuned |
496s | for we're gonna be doing some stuff with |
498s | planetside lore in the coming year yeah |
499s | and good job eclectic Trek and other |
502s | community members who are kind of |
504s | interesting that sort of thing it's we I |
507s | mean I think it'd be impossible to say |
509s | that that we've read it all but we have |
512s | an interest in it and I know I've read |
514s | some stories and but have been super |
515s | impressed by it so yeah it's it's a good |
518s | thing to have them community more |
520s | community what impact I guess look at a |
523s | word community a interaction and |
526s | engagement yeah |
528s | engagements probably you guys are |
530s | passionate about the game and it shows |
532s | through to us in charges us to do better |
535s | and like be more excited about the game |
537s | ourselves it's it's a fantastic feedback |
540s | loop yeah and like I said that's that's |
542s | one of the reasons I love interacting |
543s | the community you know you guys are so |
545s | passionate you care so much about the |
546s | game that it really inspires us it's |
548s | kind of easy to get lost sometimes and |
550s | just like doing the work because we've |
553s | for the anniversary bundle we've just |
554s | been heads down like yep just like |
556s | drilling so but let's show off the first |
567s | bundle the first the initiate spindle |
573s | let's shoot it over to rile screen all |
576s | right so the initiates actually so this |
578s | year we have three different bundles but |
579s | the initiative one has has a camo for |
583s | everybody and I've been told that this |
585s | camo is uh pretty pretty decent this |
588s | year and a couple of decals an |
590s | anniversary horn which i think is |
591s | hilarious actually want to show this off |
592s | I know not supposed to do this while |
595s | you're waiting while you're setting that |
597s | up there's a question about player |
598s | studio vehicle horns that's that's a |
600s | very difficult thing to do because of |
602s | how audio works in our game it's not |
604s | just like playing out as yeah just dump |
607s | it in there yeah unfortunately but I'd |
610s | be fine I'm still waiting for uh for |
612s | John Cena and I think it should happen |
619s | we should probably slay some time for |
621s | that and also you get a carbine so |
624s | Empire specific carbine it's either |
627s | going to be the Lynx the zenith or the |
629s | the Bandit for for the different |
632s | factions are and they're gold and black |
635s | so I think it's fancy |
637s | I like I'm just gonna show off the Horn |
643s | real quick actually you can see on the |
644s | screen that I have the Dogu SMG which is |
649s | on test right now all of the the Jays |
652s | here what am i doing right yeah I was |
657s | trying to find where my vehicles go all |
659s | right so let's let's pull a lightning |
660s | right here and this horn is like |
662s | everybody gets it everybody gets a |
664s | galaxy gets and all the vehicles get it |
675s | ready yep that's my lights okay that's |
679s | might something else okay hold on we had |
686s | to wait like forever it's like a whole |
691s | 12 seconds yeah I know I know |
693s | man those horn nerfs though super cheesy |
705s | you love it |
706s | so speaking of all the cool stuff that's |
707s | in that bundle we're gonna go ahead and |
709s | give away one of those bundles right now |
710s | yeah all you have to do to make yourself |
712s | eligible for one of those bundles is |
714s | have typed something in twitch chat |
716s | started or yes since we've started and |
719s | I'm sure people are typing stuff now oh |
722s | yeah the Roxy will be the one handling |
727s | the sort of raffle and contacting the |
730s | winners of these raffles as the as the |
731s | stream is going on all right |
734s | so shall we introduce Zach mm-hmm good |
737s | bye for now I'll see you guys later |
739s | yeah all right so we have been building |
743s | up the team actually very recently we |
746s | have added a few new new members which |
751s | is super awesome it's nice to uh it's |
753s | nice to be growing as a team again yes |
756s | yeah super thrilling so I this is Zach |
760s | mr. Zach Antwon and he is a UI |
770s | programmer that we hired when and |
772s | September yeah sweet so he's been around |
776s | actually we also hired recently a |
778s | programmer Garrett brush which has |
781s | interacted a little bit on the ami |
783s | actually Zach interacted a little bit on |
784s | the AMA as well that's answered three |
786s | questions three questions right and so |
788s | one was about well I didn't answer the |
791s | one about our favorite alcoholic |
793s | beverages oh you did not like that was |
795s | the one I was most qualified to answer |
798s | yes because I don't want to speak out of |
800s | turn are we are we allowed to mention |
802s | the stuff on stream yeah sure |
804s | see what do you have a favorite I'm a |
806s | liquor kind of person okay it was liquor |
809s | beer or wine okay that was pretty broad |
811s | categories nothing is there a specific |
814s | liquor drink that you like huh whiskey |
818s | kind of congratulations to the two marv |
822s | de for winning that initiates |
823s | anniversary bundle |
825s | Kazu enjoy that anniversary cord yeah so |
831s | I Zack has been with us for a little bit |
833s | now and he's just been tearing apart are |
836s | you I know well not tearing apart that's |
838s | probably a little bit more violent I've |
840s | been building building and like |
843s | investigating it and that sort of thing |
844s | so I'm where have you or what kind of |
846s | work if you've been doing prior to us |
848s | okay so I'm a man of a particular set of |
853s | skills |
854s | to quote Liam Neeson Thanks way back in |
858s | when I was in college actually I was |
860s | doing flash and ActionScript work on the |
864s | side and it was always just something |
867s | that was there for me and in 2010 or so |
871s | Steve Jobs declared it dead technology |
876s | yeah |
877s | and it kind of held true but you would |
881s | still find people that we're still using |
882s | the technology so my name just having |
887s | that on my resume would have everybody |
889s | coming at me just because you know there |
891s | weren't many people doing what I was |
893s | doing and you're doing a lot of contract |
897s | work contract work |
898s | six months to just work oh yeah floating |
901s | from job to job picking up new projects |
903s | and I think that's really helped with |
905s | this job just digging into an existing |
908s | code base and I just want to clarify |
911s | this isn't a contract job yeah so Zack |
923s | is on the team he's been or is a UI |
925s | programmer and what what is what does UI |
928s | programming entail so there's sort of an |
931s | ambiguous line between a UI designer and |
934s | a UI programmer |
936s | they sort of interact the jobs kind of |
939s | go hand in hand at certain times but I |
941s | would say when some people think of UI |
944s | they tend to think of the design side |
947s | you know making things look pretty |
949s | making things look cohesive and they |
953s | want the information to be communicated |
954s | in a certain way |
956s | I certainly have to account for that |
958s | when I'm doing my job but I'm more on |
961s | the functionality side of things making |
963s | things work making the buttons actually |
965s | do stuff and press them and actually |
967s | bringing up the correct information and |
969s | showing it to the to the player yep has |
972s | has there been any challenges so far |
977s | I mean how have you acclimated to AI |
978s | from like me looking at you it just |
981s | looks like you hit the ground running |
982s | and kind of just uh I've been doing very |
984s | very well so far |
985s | but as far as your sorry I know I know |
988s | like made you feel good but on your side |
993s | do you feel like you're learning quickly |
995s | and after you do you feel like there's |
996s | still like a whole lot to learn do you |
998s | feel like you just dip your toes in like |
1000s | what kind of comfort level yeah I think |
1003s | the task that I'm I'm taking on really |
1006s | helped the drive or helped drive the |
1008s | learning process okay yeah so like I can |
1011s | look at something and I can start going |
1013s | down this investigative path trying to |
1015s | find the right places in code and |
1020s | there's still tons to learn about this |
1021s | this beast of a codebase going through |
1026s | but I feel like I'm taking it and in |
1029s | pretty good strides and really picking |
1032s | up sort of the nuances of the system |
1035s | you've been making a lot of changes so |
1038s | far and basically everything that I |
1041s | let's do that why not okay so if you |
1044s | want to search my screen here yeah we |
1046s | see on chat that there's some people are |
1048s | thankful at least one person for the |
1050s | adding some of the additional info to |
1052s | like the mini-map so here well this one |
1055s | person it's only one person it's |
1057s | literally only one person yeah I'm |
1060s | kidding I'm sorry okay so we've done a |
1062s | bunch of changes or rather Zack has |
1065s | since we we took one board and |
1068s | one of which is that so you have capture |
1071s | points that now show a padlock icon on |
1074s | them when you cannot capture them which |
1075s | makes it so like when you're when you're |
1078s | fighting to a base and a stay forever |
1080s | I'm just trying to get there and then |
1081s | you finally get to the capture point |
1082s | only for it to say like no you know you |
1084s | can't capture it anywhere like that's |
1085s | that's a horrible feeling so being able |
1088s | to know in advance like whether or not a |
1090s | capture one is valid it's kind of a cool |
1091s | thing so there's one thing and that's on |
1094s | the the mini-map your - we have yeah |
1097s | yeah and we have faction population per |
1101s | region so that's a it's only when the |
1103s | map is open so that there's a lack of |
1105s | right so there's no clutter there the |
1108s | ISO counter now shows alongside the the |
1112s | rest of your currency it got some |
1113s | feedback about this feeling cluttered |
1115s | and honestly I agree so we can |
1117s | definitely reevaluate and any move like |
1120s | one option might be just to have an on |
1122s | screen one you have a maximized mini-map |
1125s | here or you know maybe not at all we're |
1127s | always open to to change it showed on |
1130s | the tab screen as well so you can |
1131s | quickly take a stock of that sort of |
1133s | thing and you know instead of just |
1135s | having it up in the that window here I |
1137s | think I accidentally showed off some |
1138s | implants that's fine good so what else |
1142s | do we change we change a bunch of stuff |
1144s | the world map yeah the world map so so |
1147s | if you go to the world map you can see |
1149s | the world map here which is I takes you |
1151s | normally the screen was only accessible |
1153s | from the the warp gate terminal which is |
1156s | like one place like where you start and |
1159s | it's like when you never saw it again |
1161s | so having I having the map more |
1163s | accessible like this allows us to do |
1165s | some cool stuff like if we for example |
1168s | hypothetically wanted to show like which |
1171s | outfit owned the continent or like how |
1173s | scrolling text fir'd you know which I |
1175s | know who owned it recently or you know |
1178s | what the scores are and that sort of |
1179s | thing like we can make these we can we |
1181s | can do some fun stuff because this is |
1182s | more easy or it's easier to access now |
1184s | also if you are stuck in VR training |
1187s | after a continent locks you aren't you |
1190s | aren't just like sitting there on the |
1191s | map screen waiting to if you can't get |
1194s | into the next continent because you're |
1195s | on the / pop faction shame on you |
1197s | you can actually go to the world map and |
1198s | then go to VR training which you |
1200s | couldn't do before |
1201s | because it was only accessible like from |
1204s | from the screen so yeah there's that and |
1207s | then I can open the map to go back to |
1209s | where you were I just a bunch of quality |
1211s | of life stuff like from the the loadout |
1214s | screen if you're in a loadout terminal |
1215s | you can actually click on the boost |
1216s | button it will take you to the boosts |
1219s | what else there was some squad changes |
1222s | made as well right yeah I mean actually |
1225s | I think most of them is kind of sitting |
1227s | in your your changeless training on just |
1229s | yeah we're waiting because we want to |
1230s | get the rest of the changes so you can |
1233s | sort your squads now I believe yeah you |
1235s | can sort by the different columns there |
1238s | right distance cohesion that sort of |
1239s | thing so that's it's kind of helpful to |
1240s | have cool yeah there's there's a bunch |
1243s | of stuff that's on the way |
1245s | good just one we did more than that |
1247s | there's a lot more there is a lot more |
1248s | it's just yeah you don't have instant |
1252s | recall of everything god it's been a |
1255s | blur like I don't even know what |
1256s | happened okay okay so shall we why don't |
1262s | you go ahead and show off the what |
1263s | empire do you play Zach while you're |
1265s | while you're pulling up the the soldier |
1268s | bundle like what said the soldiers were |
1270s | sad to say that we're giving them a hard |
1278s | time because because yes is a very |
1280s | popular faction I'm kind of a weird word |
1292s | tacky yeah well we're all hip we're all |
1297s | have been cool yeah so what do we want |
1300s | to show off the the other bundle yeah |
1302s | yes yeah yes yeah I already unlocked |
1306s | some of those stuff here yeah but the is |
1309s | my audio Stella can I move the mic |
1310s | that's fine okay so at the soldiers of |
1314s | five year anniversary bundle so instead |
1315s | of the initiative the the three nine |
1318s | nine nine is forty bucks |
1320s | favorite cash bundle here it's the |
1323s | mid-tier you have a helmet mount the |
1325s | helmets is a this kind of fancy stalwart |
1328s | one and it has this this super sweet |
1331s | shader on it if I don't say so myself |
1333s | yeah that's pretty cool and the |
1335s | Lightning gets them |
1336s | city and trim similar very similar |
1337s | shader and also this looks like super |
1339s | Metallica doesn't it miss or anything |
1340s | like that but I don't know if that's |
1342s | gonna turn you off or on but it's still |
1343s | pretty sweet regardless and you have the |
1346s | let's say we have the automatic Scout |
1349s | rifles they all have gold versions of |
1351s | them they're super slick and and I'll |
1357s | say oh L set of decals with the |
1361s | superiority decal yeah yes which are |
1364s | just the the decals that have no number |
1367s | behind them and that's kind of fancy and |
1369s | also these six-month or out boosts like |
1370s | everybody they're really like the heroic |
1374s | boost it's one of the main draws to |
1375s | these these bundles every year so that's |
1378s | this is where you get it and but I guess |
1381s | we can't tell people enough even though |
1384s | it's pretty well known but the corrupt |
1387s | boost is granted only to the character |
1389s | that purchases the bundle right I know |
1391s | that there's some people that still that |
1393s | they're they struggle with that |
1395s | particular part end up talking to or see |
1397s | us department but just want to throw |
1399s | that out there yeah yeah so it is on the |
1401s | character and there's disclaimers on the |
1403s | bundle so nobody can well so hopefully |
1405s | people don't get confused yeah so six |
1408s | months rogue boost easy peasy and we |
1410s | want to give one out yeah let's go right |
1413s | now so same rules all I gotta do is have |
1415s | typed something into twitch chat and it |
1418s | makes you eligible for the raffle yeah |
1420s | so good luck everybody |
1421s | bang raffle bang do we have any plans |
1425s | for cult here this is a loaded question |
1430s | there's not a pop this on man strict |
1432s | maybe we could wait till the end all |
1433s | right well maybe maybe I mean Colt here |
1437s | is is obviously it didn't serve its |
1439s | purpose as the the training continent |
1441s | and we were going to evaluate what we |
1445s | want to do with that and also other |
1446s | unused assets really like in Nexus and |
1449s | that sort of thing as we move into the |
1451s | 2018 so cool so what are we doing for |
1455s | ps4 ps4 ps4 so we sort of we didn't |
1460s | quite get playing the implant system and |
1463s | meltdown out as we had hoped |
1465s | today but we are so so close |
1468s | so let me show you guys if you can swing |
1470s | it over to my monitor here here's a |
1473s | video of the actual implant system |
1475s | working on ps4 I know I saw showed a |
1478s | screenshot of this last last time here |
1480s | is it full working completely in the end |
1483s | you can select your implants you can |
1485s | equip them we've tested all the implants |
1488s | they work on ps4 you can upgrade your |
1491s | implants so let's go ahead and upgrade |
1493s | the ammo printer here and upgrade it |
1496s | again sort of watch this clip a couple |
1498s | times and you can also purchase your |
1504s | your bundle packs so the one thing |
1506s | that's missing it'll pause it whenever |
1507s | we get to that part so there's a couple |
1511s | different ways to get to the actual |
1512s | bundle purchases that's one of the ways |
1513s | so if we have the ISO recycler thank you |
1518s | yeah ISO icon actually appear correctly |
1522s | at the store but we already have this up |
1526s | and running you purchase your packs so |
1528s | here's the main thing that needs to be |
1529s | implemented is when you purchase your |
1530s | pack right now you're getting this same |
1532s | congratulations screen is currently |
1536s | being shown we wanted to show the actual |
1538s | implants that you're awarded you can go |
1540s | and look at what you got in the |
1541s | inventory right now but this is the one |
1544s | piece of the puzzle that's still |
1545s | remaining the real thing that's |
1546s | preventing us from releasing implants to |
1548s | ps4 right now though is we're tying it |
1551s | into the meltdown system and the |
1553s | meltdown system is still like it's very |
1555s | close but it still requires some we're |
1557s | testing how you do get these these item |
1560s | unlock notifications but that we don't |
1562s | think that's quite enough |
1563s | that's not submission yeah yeah but I |
1565s | mean now that we have some UI we can |
1566s | definitely hammer on on all sorts of |
1569s | things okay oh yeah we got a winner for |
1575s | the soldier bundle congratulations to |
1577s | sev are my Knights for that |
1580s | congratulations forget that soldier |
1582s | bundle you want yeah that's pretty cool |
1583s | yeah let's see and it's also on the ps4 |
1588s | for it we're we do know that there's |
1592s | that technical issue with there's the |
1595s | commander's bundle is not showing up on |
1597s | ps4 so we're looking into that right now |
1600s | yeah |
1600s | um I mean we're gonna yeah I mean we |
1604s | have kind of a half-measure |
1605s | queued up for the time being but I mean |
1608s | ideally we want the the bug to be fixed |
1611s | before we do the Ethan and I |
1613s | appreciation sale which is that January |
1615s | or February that is February February |
1618s | okay yeah so hopefully that'll be fixed |
1621s | by then yeah I don't want it to come to |
1623s | that yeah yeah hopefully hopefully |
1625s | before that yeah yeah so we I think well |
1629s | there's pretty good chance we'll get it |
1630s | fixed in the next day or so but worst |
1633s | case scenario that's where it'll appear |
1635s | again we want to move on to show it off |
1639s | some of those Doku smg's sure why not |
1642s | all right so if you don't mind swinging |
1644s | over to my screen here so I should |
1645s | probably be in VR training but you know |
1648s | so we released three new SMGs on the |
1651s | public test server right now and you can |
1653s | kind of dive in and mouse around and |
1656s | these are all done by Doku we contracted |
1658s | Doku out he did amazing art for us and |
1660s | and you'll see plenty of these weapons |
1663s | on the way so this er SMG I like so |
1670s | there's a smg's or all that kind of they |
1673s | have you know real Empire specific on |
1675s | flavor for most of them and the the TR |
1679s | SMG actually has a and what am i doing |
1688s | has a attachment that you can equip that |
1693s | gives it a little bit more power |
1695s | specific flavor so the the Trident burst |
1697s | adapter here |
1697s | well allow you to not just use the SMG |
1700s | for for shooting man's but also let you |
1703s | use the SMG for super shoot demands nice |
1708s | I like this are you thinking the same |
1711s | thing I'm thinking it's like you'll have |
1718s | no idea what we're talking about that's |
1719s | yeah so there was a community video |
1721s | there was the low-budget audio cracks me |
1730s | up |
1731s | well anyway yeah I know that was that |
1733s | was hilarious that was like the best |
1734s | piece of |
1734s | community content I shouldn't play |
1736s | favorites sorry but that was like the |
1738s | best thing that I've seen in a long long |
1739s | time |
1742s | somebody somebody shouldn't bite that |
1744s | name for life except make it a TR |
1746s | character yeah so we're gonna switch on |
1748s | over to go to the the NC weapon right |
1750s | here the NC is the the Gladius SMG and |
1754s | and it has a thumping sound beefy oh |
1758s | yeah good alright and this SMG it hits |
1764s | with 200 damage model which is the same |
1766s | as the Gauss song so it's very it's very |
1769s | chunky at yeah it's very NC in flavor |
1774s | okay air vehicles have to run from that |
1776s | lady and yeah and it's an SMG is |
1780s | probably the least interesting maybe of |
1782s | the the three but it's also it's super |
1785s | solid so by far not the least powerful |
1787s | yeah for sure and then there's an ammo |
1789s | type that can increase I'm talking over |
1791s | this go for our commander okay you're |
1794s | done okay and it has a special ammo type |
1797s | that increases velocity by 50% normally |
1799s | not super useful on an SMG to be |
1801s | completely honest but it can definitely |
1803s | help you get hit it confirms that okay |
1805s | fine finally I'm leaving I'm leaving |
1807s | lady thanks lady |
1812s | all right yes yes is probably the most |
1816s | interesting now it's gonna look like |
1818s | we're bias yeah but it's also so the |
1822s | thing about yes is that is just really |
1823s | easy to do interesting stuff because |
1826s | there lore and yeah because of you know |
1828s | they kind of embrace the the sci-fi |
1830s | aspect of the sci-fi shooter so yes you |
1835s | have the the VES canis and there's well |
1840s | I guess we gotta throw a sight on it I |
1841s | have really just purchase that let's |
1842s | just do that and all these optics 3.4 X |
1846s | you don't do that at an SMG the this one |
1849s | yeah okay so got this |
1854s | Papapa I got to get away from everything |
1856s | leave this world okay so I know some |
1862s | Jean obviously has a as a nice yeah it's |
1868s | so crazy it starts out with a low rate |
1871s | of fire and then spins up to like the |
1872s | fastest rate of fire but it happens over |
1874s | 2.5 seconds so that's it's not realistic |
1877s | for somebody to hit that unless they're |
1878s | just in super close quarters and then I |
1879s | could just kind of I just combo it on |
1882s | people and I can I can imagine some |
1885s | really fun situations but there's also |
1888s | some unique attachments here so one of |
1890s | them is the regenerative power core |
1891s | which isn't this is a 40 round magazine |
1894s | so you might not find basically what it |
1896s | does is it kills the log reload in a |
1898s | long reload is just a longer reload that |
1900s | takes place when you have an empty |
1901s | magazine with a 40 run magazine is kind |
1903s | of it's more difficult to justify but |
1906s | it'll basically just like always let you |
1908s | do the short reload so if you have a |
1910s | habit of emptying out the magazine this |
1912s | will be a little bit it'll be something |
1914s | that you might have an interest in but |
1917s | more of the reload after taking two |
1919s | shots guy yeah yeah but the the intent |
1924s | was kind of to pair it with these |
1925s | unstable ammunition so unstable |
1928s | ammunition is it makes the projectile |
1930s | spatter which there's been some very |
1932s | lively discussion regarding but and some |
1935s | of those concerns are taken on board the |
1936s | the internal version is a little bit |
1938s | different there was some nerves to the |
1939s | cone of fire and we'll go from there |
1941s | throw it up on to us see what you think |
1942s | but yeah so the bullets get bigger it |
1945s | gets battery and maybe makes it easier |
1948s | for you to land a head shot maybe makes |
1950s | it easier for you to let certainly makes |
1951s | it easy for you to land body shots and |
1954s | so it gives you like a better chance to |
1956s | kind of like empty that magazine and |
1958s | feel good about it |
1959s | lay lay more shots on target because the |
1961s | bullets are just bigger so that's when |
1962s | the regenerative power core kind of |
1965s | comes into play anyway |
1967s | that's uh yeah I'm really diggin these |
1970s | things |
1973s | so speaking of some more Doku stuff we |
1976s | want to finally do it show off what |
1979s | these uh these other weapons are gonna |
1981s | look like I think it's time all right |
1982s | let's do it |
1983s | okay all right let's put on my screen |
1985s | all right so here they are here's the |
1988s | the TR ones oh man |
1990s | thank you dokey there's the vs ones oh |
1993s | god I love them |
1995s | absolutely love them and there are the |
1997s | NC ones so I don't know which ones are |
2000s | my favorite I know I'm a vs guy but man |
2003s | those TR ones are looking pretty sick |
2005s | yeah they are pretty sick |
2006s | hi we're all looking at the screen right |
2008s | now yeah but uh they're they aren't so |
2012s | what are we going to be able to reveal |
2014s | in the future is it gonna be maybe some |
2016s | unique weapon mechanics to go along with |
2018s | these guns |
2018s | well yes yes we have to we want to |
2023s | really hammer on the amp our specific |
2026s | flavor of these things and we're gonna |
2028s | think outside the box a little bit and |
2030s | develop some unique mechanics which |
2032s | which takes code time and fortunately we |
2034s | have a little bit more of that now so we |
2036s | can kind of hit that and LNG's are gonna |
2039s | be next I'm just gonna say it |
2040s | the LMGs we're gonna get a torque TR LMG |
2043s | it's just gonna happen because we've |
2044s | been wanting it for so long super high |
2046s | rate of fire and low damage model but |
2048s | just like it's docked to the extreme so |
2051s | yeah we'll do that |
2052s | look at that yeah maybe even some UI |
2054s | elements that need to be implemented |
2056s | from scratch what does that even mean |
2059s | numbers the numbers appearing over |
2061s | people yeah for sure so let's answer |
2067s | this question or the old anniversary |
2069s | bundle is going to be available so in |
2071s | during a reximus which we well yeah we |
2076s | do sales during a reximus and on the |
2078s | weekends I think we've traditionally |
2079s | sold some of the the older bundles and |
2082s | you'll probably see that come back again |
2083s | as well as actually I've been getting |
2085s | requests for like it for doing that I |
2088s | gave you suppressed platinum maybe are |
2090s | you go with that I know sorry I |
2094s | shouldn't have done that on stream I |
2095s | think this is the pan back for that |
2096s | calls your question earlier |
2098s | and we'll think about it okay and the so |
2102s | the NS 11 a platinum it was the summer |
2104s | reward |
2105s | I don't like there's there's been some |
2106s | requests for older weapons so I like |
2109s | things to be unique to the think about |
2114s | it alright |
2115s | but either way there's gonna be fun |
2116s | stuff and in December there including |
2118s | like revamping the the holiday directive |
2122s | and we've definitely learned some |
2124s | learned some things from the revamp of |
2126s | the Halloween directive so I mean we've |
2129s | learned that people really really love |
2130s | infiltrators and they love it when |
2132s | you're using power knives and they love |
2134s | it when you're running people over at |
2136s | the Wraith click flash we're just gonna |
2137s | just gonna write it all right well that |
2141s | joke didn't go anywhere |
2142s | anyway yeah but it will be completely |
2144s | redoing the sorry I got distracted |
2146s | no it's why the holiday directive and |
2149s | you should look forward to some some |
2150s | cool stuff including new cows man I have |
2152s | a nice or xmas thing to throw up here we |
2154s | go ray alright hey so what's what's |
2158s | happening for a reckless even there yet |
2160s | you don't pick up the holiday |
2161s | decorations until after Thanksgiving you |
2166s | know I I should know I'm on my street |
2169s | there's people that are putting up their |
2170s | their Christmas lights alright yeah |
2172s | that's not me though I was overachievers |
2175s | it's yeah although you know what really |
2178s | made me feel sort of a jerk about it was |
2181s | I was we were welcomed by someone who |
2183s | was putting up their Christmas lights |
2186s | and there this little like three year |
2189s | old girl ran out it was like hey like |
2191s | she was like just totally losing her dad |
2193s | putting the lights up I'm like I'm sure |
2198s | Wow so anyways what's happening for her |
2203s | well I mean it's just basically that |
2205s | like well we'll talk about the the |
2207s | revised holiday directive once we get |
2209s | down there and if if we have a chance to |
2212s | show off new cosmetics before that you |
2214s | know maybe we'll have another stream in |
2216s | December yeah oh yeah right yeah yeah |
2219s | there might be some more fun things but |
2222s | even this they're gonna happen I know |
2225s | yeah alright this could be new |
2228s | directives yeah good because I like what |
2232s | we did with Halloween yeah what else we |
2236s | got here |
2237s | ah I think it's time to show off the |
2240s | what's in the commander's bundle and get |
2242s | it over to Michael's Braille screen |
2244s | getting it Nick |
2247s | can't let me smalls okay all right so |
2250s | the commander's five-year anniversary |
2251s | bundle is it comes complete with |
2254s | everything else from the other two |
2255s | bundles of course as well as a neutral |
2259s | goal tax camera which is usable across |
2261s | all factions and instead of the Empire |
2262s | specific color it has a gray and we have |
2265s | a war bringer title which is um right |
2268s | now this is actually well hopefully it's |
2270s | fixed now it will be fixed though okay |
2271s | so the the war bringer title supplies |
2274s | not all all your characters but it |
2276s | didn't prior and we're gonna give out we |
2279s | gotta do a great risk it's for everyone |
2282s | who purchased the bundle and thank you |
2283s | for purchasing the bundle like so |
2285s | quickly we we will get the list of those |
2288s | people and make sure that you get that |
2289s | title granted to your account at the |
2291s | account level for show okay and so we |
2296s | have some implants as well minor cloak |
2297s | comes with it infra vision comes with it |
2298s | counterintelligence comes with it and |
2300s | what else main battle tank obsidian |
2304s | trims so you have this side yeah it's |
2309s | kind of fancy so just like the lightning |
2311s | now before and you have a 12-month |
2314s | heroic boost I also hold a bunch of nine |
2317s | basic impacts those as much implants but |
2320s | a 12-month rogue boost that's a year's |
2321s | worth of double experience well 50% 50% |
2324s | bonus experience yep and we've never |
2326s | done this before |
2327s | no so it's a pretty good deal when you |
2330s | when you try to figure out how much it |
2332s | would cost to buy that much boost yeah |
2336s | so people should dig on that yeah |
2338s | and that being said shall we go ahead |
2342s | and do a raffle to give away a |
2344s | commander's anniversary bundle the big |
2347s | one same rules apply if you type in |
2350s | twitch chat right now it makes you |
2352s | eligible for the raffle and really good |
2355s | luck to everyone this time |
2356s | I know that they want this one so yeah |
2360s | let's see what else while there while |
2362s | they're running the raffle so what's |
2364s | gonna be happening in the next year |
2365s | planetside 2 |
2367s | we definitely have some plans let's I'm |
2372s | just gonna wing it |
2372s | we good so you want to talk about the |
2379s | stable work yes that's okay so the |
2382s | meltdown system critical mass is |
2383s | certainly not perfect but actually it's |
2386s | been creating some situations that are |
2388s | super tense and engaging and we like |
2390s | those and then other engagements that |
2392s | there are other situations where like |
2395s | you'll have just one faction running |
2397s | away with all the territory and then |
2398s | it's impossible to deal with it at all |
2400s | so there's some things we're gonna be |
2402s | doing to change that both how the system |
2404s | works |
2406s | congratulations I'm gonna go on for a |
2408s | while so let's just get this out of the |
2409s | way fashion zero on congratulations |
2414s | person of the internet yes yeah so yeah |
2420s | we want to definitely address some of |
2422s | the meltdown issues that are cropping up |
2425s | and we are definitely just hammering on |
2427s | the system as a whole but also we're |
2429s | gonna implement a system one that we're |
2430s | cause i calling unstable warp gates and |
2433s | what it does is it makes the off |
2434s | continent so the continent that is has |
2437s | the lowest population it loosens up on |
2440s | the the population restrictions in that |
2443s | are the population balance restrictions |
2445s | so it can help get people out of your |
2446s | training and onto a continent to do |
2448s | something but it also makes it so you |
2450s | cannot you cannot trigger a critical |
2454s | mass alert basically this is I it's it's |
2456s | a continent that is not it's not in play |
2460s | basically so you can go there the the |
2463s | turret the amount of regions kind of |
2465s | restricts and you will get some very |
2468s | specific lanes to operate within and |
2470s | what's the population creeps up past |
2471s | like a hundred or so like ninety some |
2474s | odd players then it'll unlock again and |
2477s | then it'll become a real continent I but |
2480s | that is it's our way to solve having a |
2483s | continent that opens up what you just |
2485s | don't have enough players to to go there |
2486s | and do anything right now online you'll |
2489s | have people who are just |
2490s | all their hives and then they'll you |
2492s | know wait or they'll take all the |
2493s | territory and then Lotus wait for that |
2494s | the hives to to tick up and then they'll |
2496s | just get a free alert one and we don't |
2497s | want that now we won't keep booking |
2500s | fighting non-stop and also to help get |
2503s | you out of your training and yeah what |
2506s | else okay so that's probably the the |
2508s | most the thing that we're doing |
2510s | immediately yes that's the thing we're |
2512s | gonna be focusing on immediately yeah |
2513s | the rest of the year yeah so for the |
2516s | next four 2018 we want to hammer very we |
2521s | want to focus a lot on how to play on |
2524s | squad play leadership and just a better |
2529s | sense of strategic importance so like |
2532s | territory control of matters progression |
2534s | for outfits is something that's gonna be |
2536s | a big thing and I know that certain |
2538s | outfits will be super excited about that |
2539s | and really their experience as well yeah |
2543s | we really want to encourage that |
2544s | leadership role yeah like a lot of |
2546s | people right now feel that it's a little |
2548s | bit of a drag no it definitely is a drag |
2550s | because I mean we we haven't really |
2552s | rewarded players for doing this and also |
2554s | we haven't made it super easy for them |
2555s | to to actually do it's like I mean have |
2558s | you ever heard it cats I mean well not |
2560s | maybe not literally but yeah herding |
2563s | cats is kind of a difficult but as an |
2565s | open platoon lead that s'what you're |
2566s | doing don't stop so we're gonna try to |
2569s | flush that experience out a little bit |
2571s | more make it easier on everybody at all |
2573s | levels so not just blood to him but also |
2574s | squad and even below that fire teams and |
2576s | such that's fit so more permanent for |
2583s | outfits more showing the names where |
2584s | they matter and like you want to be an |
2588s | outfit that kind of like present |
2590s | yourself to the world and say that you |
2592s | know we are this thing and no weird you |
2594s | know come stop us and that sort of thing |
2597s | where was it going with this last thing |
2600s | I wanted to mention okay so new player |
2601s | experience is also a big focus for 2018 |
2603s | as well we have to have to revise the |
2607s | new player tutorials like we need to |
2609s | make that the whole experience more |
2610s | sticky for new players while layering on |
2615s | more depth through the squad play on the |
2617s | Alpha play and that sort of thing we |
2619s | want the funnel fundamental experience |
2620s | to be super easy to to get used to and |
2623s | comfortable with as a new player and |
2624s | that's um something that we want ahead |
2627s | as soon as possible but yeah okay yeah |
2632s | yeah I'm really looking forward to |
2634s | creating some tutorials that are helpful |
2637s | to new players but still interesting for |
2639s | existing existing audience yeah to have |
2642s | sort of time trial type things to run in |
2646s | in vehicles that show you some of the |
2649s | unique abilities of some of these new |
2651s | vehicles and like some of the advanced |
2653s | ways of actually using them so it's |
2655s | ambitious we have ambitious ideals heard |
2657s | for the game in general but also this |
2661s | this year I mean we've been ramping up |
2662s | the team size and we have we have |
2664s | resources now to really hit things out |
2669s | of park hopefully yeah everybody's |
2672s | looking at the screen to like waiting |
2673s | for for James Floyd to finish typing so |
2679s | there's one of the questions is if are |
2681s | we planning to bring back competitive |
2682s | play competitive play is a thing right |
2685s | now well yeah it's um it's community |
2687s | driven yeah to bring back competition oh |
2690s | I see yeah so the planetside battles is |
2694s | they pretty much do their own thing and |
2696s | we try to support them as much as we can |
2698s | we're still a small team so we yeah we |
2702s | just do as much as we can but now I can |
2705s | understand if if we want it's a question |
2708s | asking for like a more formalized |
2709s | approach to competitive play because |
2711s | that's not outside the realm of |
2713s | possibility yeah but yeah we definitely |
2715s | have a compute competitive scene at the |
2718s | very least we want to help promote |
2719s | existing competitive play events and |
2723s | there are places where these players |
2724s | gather and we want to direct people to |
2727s | those places at the very least yeah yep |
2730s | and we're gonna try to do a better job |
2732s | about mentioning these things on Twitter |
2735s | like when new events are popping up and |
2736s | that sort of thing and also like if |
2738s | there's an event that you want me to |
2740s | promote and mention feel free to ask me |
2742s | at least ask me the question you know |
2744s | see hey we're all can you um can you |
2746s | push this out on Twitter help raise |
2748s | awareness and I'm more than willing to |
2750s | do that you know most the time here |
2755s | you would I mean we're gonna bounce out |
2760s | for these questions okay last one all |
2763s | right what about sanctuaries yeah so |
2766s | sanctuaries is its kind of a future |
2768s | that's been in limbo because it requires |
2770s | a bunch of surrounding elements to make |
2772s | it work as a social hub that's fine and |
2776s | this is the the problem that the team |
2779s | ran into prior did this when they were |
2781s | developing sanctuary like a year ago is |
2783s | that there's just a bunch that you need |
2786s | to kind of do before it becomes a valid |
2789s | play space I |
2791s | design-wise I mean I've been in there |
2794s | kind of tooling around with it with Tori |
2796s | and editor and kind of fleshing it out a |
2798s | little bit more it's not it's not |
2799s | finished like art wise but we do have |
2802s | some some things that are functional |
2804s | kind of it's still up in the air whether |
2807s | or not we want to to focus on doing |
2810s | something with it there's more important |
2813s | things that need to to be addressed |
2815s | first I feel yeah yeah but one of the |
2817s | things that I feel is important is not |
2819s | only is it acting as a social space |
2821s | where people where players can interact |
2823s | and in place where they're not shooting |
2824s | at each other and stuff is also to tell |
2827s | a little bit of additional lore yeah and |
2829s | that as I mentioned before we're |
2830s | flushing that stuff out right now and |
2832s | it's gonna take a while to transition |
2833s | some of that new law or existing law |
2835s | into assets and content for the first |
2837s | sanctuary so it's sort of the thing |
2839s | that's causing us to to continue pushing |
2842s | it down yeah I mean there's we would |
2845s | like to eventually you know if it's not |
2847s | sanctuary specifically then you know |
2849s | social hub is nice I think most games go |
2851s | through this loop where they you jump in |
2853s | then you you're in your like little |
2856s | personal area and then you go play and |
2859s | then you earn the credits and then you |
2860s | go back to the personal area they send |
2861s | it or you spend money in that sort of |
2863s | thing that was actually Global Agenda |
2864s | had a good loop destiny has a good loop |
2867s | for that sort of thing yeah oh yes so I |
2876s | put up you probably did oh so you did |
2878s | tweet about this I put out a video okay |
2880s | talking about five years of planets out |
2883s | there and I mentioned during tech trees |
2884s | for outfits okay so that's where they |
2886s | got that fruit yeah oh maybe |
2888s | no the guys even watched the channel I |
2891s | think they do so yeah some of that Zach |
2897s | you've been strangely silent no that's |
2899s | not strange at all okay let's just get |
2904s | stuff done that's what I've noticed I'm |
2905s | thinking about what I have to do when I |
2907s | get back to my desk |
2908s | yeah see okay there's a lot there's a |
2913s | lot there's a lot how about we give away |
2916s | one more commanders bundle yeah so if |
2920s | you guys type something in chat that |
2923s | should make you eligible for the for |
2926s | this raffle and let's go ahead and give |
2928s | away one more commanders bundle do we |
2931s | want to go over some of the stuff that |
2933s | came out today |
2933s | we went over some of the UI but I mean |
2937s | it's kind of kind of late in the stream |
2938s | there so yeah it's pretty late in the |
2939s | stream game but we had mentioned prior |
2941s | that we wanted to to go over revise the |
2943s | patch because a lot of like some |
2944s | important bugs yeah yeah so there's some |
2947s | bugs that were excited that got fixed so |
2949s | excited about bugs like that's a rare |
2951s | thing yeah so we showed off this bug in |
2954s | the last stream was the the floppy |
2956s | phantom turret bug yeah so the second |
2964s | turret the spawn so the physics one and |
2966s | occasionally like flip your vehicle and |
2968s | that sort of thing and yeah we we showed |
2970s | it off during the livestream and that's |
2972s | called first |
2973s | oh it's fixed okay it's fixed yeah it's |
2975s | fixed yeah you can blame Nick if it's |
2977s | not yeah another bug that got fixed |
2982s | that's sort of big sort of was the |
2986s | remote spawn where your vehicle would |
2988s | spawn on top of another vehicle and be |
2990s | upside down and all kinds of wacky |
2991s | States so hopefully that that one we've |
2995s | fixed some cases of it I feel like |
2997s | there's still some cases that might |
2999s | exist but there should be a lot less of |
3001s | it if not none of it if we didn't get |
3004s | any more reports yeah if anything pops |
3006s | I've just let us know and we can |
3007s | continue to investigate it just typing |
3016s | the name non-stop okay okay so the |
3019s | winner congratulations to |
3021s | for winning that commanders bundle |
3023s | Congrats yes other really neat things |
3028s | that we we fixed with this one there was |
3030s | so much it was a pretty big oh you want |
3032s | to talk about some of the the |
3033s | rebalancing we've done to like the |
3035s | Liberator |
3036s | yeah so I mean well community has I had |
3040s | some pretty steadfast opinions on the |
3042s | Liberator lately and we kind of moved |
3045s | the the Dalton like back that direction |
3047s | buffed the Zephyr buffed the the duster |
3050s | and the tank buster as well and made |
3052s | some adjustments to yes have to give |
3055s | them a little bit less of tankiness |
3058s | against the UM actually well against |
3060s | like shredder type vehicles and that |
3062s | sort of thing so with combined numbers |
3064s | in general we're definitely moving we're |
3066s | trying to find a proper balance point |
3068s | that meets our design goals and also |
3070s | kind of respects what the the community |
3073s | wants to see so yep more more on the way |
3078s | of course alright so I'm looking over at |
3090s | Paula Garrett anything else so I just |
3096s | wanted to bring up real quickly that we |
3097s | got this double xp event that's running |
3100s | through telex Friday and also a members |
3105s | double xp event starts on that Friday we |
3108s | have overlap there so this might happen |
3112s | again in the future but this will be the |
3114s | first time we ever allow for the overlap |
3116s | to create a quadruple experience day so |
3121s | Ivy had a firework gun you'd be like |
3123s | setting off right now what Drupal |
3125s | experience yes iko iko iko so but when |
3129s | we tested this what happened was a |
3132s | hundred XP turned into 600 XP it was |
3136s | with no boosts so basically that the the |
3140s | 400 XP was been adjusted by the 50 |
3142s | experience the 50% bonus that the |
3145s | members got so that turned into six |
3147s | hundred so it's wacky math wacky math |
3150s | exactly because a population differences |
3152s | are going to factor in and |
3153s | beuse are going to factor in and then |
3155s | the membership bonus is going absurd |
3157s | crazy we're giving away starts like |
3160s | you'd never believe like that so you |
3162s | should definitely if you have a |
3163s | membership you would be crazy not to |
3165s | play on Friday so yeah and yeah that's |
3170s | basically it |
3171s | yeah so thank you all thank you for five |
3175s | years five years of playing sense |
3177s | yeah yeah yeah most games don't really I |
3182s | don't want to say they don't stick |
3183s | around because they're kind of you know |
3185s | they're in the background but I think |
3187s | we've we've been pretty solid in this |
3189s | this year is certainly better off for |
3191s | all of us but we are planning for four |
3194s | big and bright yes things in the future |
3196s | so join us happy Anniversary everybody |
3200s | happy Anniversary or dare you just |
3203s | called it happy birthday yeah that's a |
3205s | beer stream this board yeah yeah |
3222s | you |