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comparing TEST between 2014-10-10 and 2014-10-14 not including Reddit

this patch included the latest Live hotfix. yes, including the weird Canister things D:

EDIT: before you say the nerfs are too much, please actually test them on PTS. and to test it properly, how about organising a major playtest?

TL;DR: Things To Test/Check On PTS

  • well, PPA nerfs, I guess? :P

balance stuff:

  • Magrider PPA: removed all direct damage (was: max dmg 235, max dmg range 10, min dmg 167, min dmg range 150); max indirect (AOE) damage reduced 1.0->0.1m (max AOE dmg still 300, min dmg still 1, radius 4m);

    refire time decreased 400->200ms; reload time decreased 4->2.5s; clip size reduced 20->12 (and changed mag size certs accordingly)

  • Harasser PPA: removed all direct damage (was: max dmg 235, max dmg range 10, min dmg 167, min dmg range 65); max indirect (AOE) damage reduced 1.0->0.1m, max AOE reduced 300->250 (min dmg still 1, radius 4m);

Patch size: about 249KB. total time spent: about 30min

EDIT: remember these do not include server-side changes, like velocity and whatnot. also, from VR, it seems like the resist type changed for PPA, so it now damages ESFs and Valks. a lot.

further experimentation shows the resist type for PPA AOE changed from 6 (explosive splash) to 36 (vehicle grenades) (for details on what that means, see the resist sheet)

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over 10 years ago - /u/kevmoSOE - Direct link

Originally posted by Shiladie

Can we get full notes on it then? Right now it feels like the ZOE nerf hammer again, which is a terrible feeling. Just because something needs to be nerfed, doesn't mean you should take it to the point of being unusable, as you've done frequently before.

Magriders rely on their secondary weapon a lot more than the other MBTs, especially when in close range for situational awareness. With the lethality of being near infantry, the only way to not get gibbed by C4 is to stay at that longer range with room to maneuver.

Personally I believe the result of these nerfs will be a large decrease in magriders, with the growing trend of repair sundy balls continuing. So expect repair sunderers to be nerfed a few months from now...

Full notes posted here. https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/ppa-changes-on-test.204621/

The direct damage removal was an intended change, but it looks like some of the fields on the Harasser version were missed.