over 2 years
ago -
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All PC servers will come down for the following changes on Wednesday, June 15, at 6:00am PT (3:00pm CEST). Downtime for this update is expected to last up to 3 hours.
Splashdown in 3, 2, 1...
Summer events have landed on Auraxis. This year we'll be offering loads of double experience all through the summer, special items, and new directives!
Double Experience Schedule
Bask in the Auraxis sun and rack up that Double Experience all summer long!
- June 17, 18, 19 - Double Experience FOR ALL
- July 8, 9, 10 - Double Experience FOR ALL
- August 5, 6, 7 - Double Experience FOR ALL
- June 24, 25, 26 - Double Experience FOR MEMBERS
- July 29, 30, 31 - Double Experience FOR MEMBERS
- August 26, 27, 28 - Double Experience FOR MEMBERS
- June 15 -29: Summer Directive (Part 1)
- July 6 - 20: Summer Directive (Part 2)
- August 3 - 7: Summer Directive (Part 3)
- Equip the Soldier Soaker sidearm (available by default) as a secondary option and hose down your opponents.
- Water Balloons are available in the grenade slot for 1 Certification Point.
- The hard-hitting Mega Soldier Soaker will drench your enemies with rapid-fire splash damage, and is available for unlock for 1000 Certs. Additional faction-specific variants are available in the Depot for 499 DBC.
- Removed lattice link from Onatha North Gate to East Onatha Comm. Array.
- Removed lattice link from Onatha North Gate to Onatha Southwest Gate.
- Removed lattice link from Xelas North Gate to Xelas West Air Dock.
- Removed lattice link from Xelas North Gate to Xelas South Bridge.
- Removed lattice link from Xelas South Bridge to Xelas West Air Dock.
- Removed lattice link from Acan Southern Labs and East Acan Storage Depot.
- Removed lattice link from Bitol Northern Outpost and Bitol Stockpile.
- Removed lattice link from Zotz Agriculture Lab to Zotz Arboretum.
- Removed lattice link from Saurva Overflow Depot to Saurva South Fortress.
- Removed lattice link from Rashnu Watchtower to Rashnu Southern Pass.
- Removed lattice link from Allatum Broadcast Hub to Allatum Research Lab.
- Added lattice link from Tapp Waystation to The Traverse.
- Added lattice link from Frostfall Overlook to Terran BL-4 Crash Site.
- Added lattice link from Spral Oasis to Jord Amp Station.
- HUD indicators now allow ally/enemy toggles for certain categories, and various bugs have been cleaned up.
- Flak Attack and Skyfall on Auraxis missions now progress by dealing damage, instead of earning vehicle damage experience.
- Added Soft Point Ammunition to the GD-22S.
- Added Underbarrel Grenade and Smoke Launcher to the PSA-02 Diamondback.
- Added Underbarrel Shotgun, Grenade, and Smoke Launcher to the AR-101.
- The AE variant of the Artemis VX26 now has the attachments it was missing from the base weapon.
- ANT's Deliverer Module no longer conflicts with Rival Combat Chassis.
- ANT no longer displays two entries of the NS-A Horn.
- Sniper Rifle resist type no longer damages Hardlight Barriers.
- Fixed an issue where the Friendly Fire audio could spam suddenly on Oshur.
- The radar dishes on Exodus Fleet Carriers no longer has missing textures.
- Updated tooltip for Cortium Bombs.
- Fixed LOD issues with the Reaver Dragonfly cosmetics.