over 6 years
ago -
PlanetSide 2
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | smaller I was fighting with that all day |
1s | anyway so now we have what we're working |
4s | on one of the things that we're working |
6s | on one of the many things that were |
7s | working on is a new content for for |
11s | planetside 2 and this is the continent |
13s | of oh sure it's actually more like if |
15s | you look at planetside one it's more |
16s | similar to to size or but oh sure is a |
18s | continent that is going to be mainly |
22s | driven by multiple islands and you will |
26s | not have warp kids on this continent you |
28s | are instead going to have access to |
30s | passion fleet carriers and they will act |
32s | as your your studio orchids there will |
34s | be multiple investment fleet carriers |
35s | you side will have them potentially |
36s | they'll rotate or on the map potentially |
39s | but what that does is it gives us the |
41s | opportunity to to kind of spread the the |
44s | forces out and you will be able to |
46s | attack attack each base there's very |
50s | limited lattice less bases overall more |
54s | logistical play it comes in here so this |
58s | is this is a very very very like rough |
63s | like work in progress this is I think |
66s | what I'm gonna be showing you is |
67s | basically the result of maybe maybe four |
70s | days of work maybe but there was a lot |
73s | more work just to actually allow you to |
75s | put that four days of work right yeah |
77s | yeah so but now we can actually like do |
80s | work and start fleshing out the |
81s | continent any blue that you see is just |
83s | marking work or water can potentially go |
85s | and yeah those content is going to be |
87s | it's going to be very I have varied by |
90s | owns one then I'll show you earlier is |
92s | or later as the the crystal forest I |
95s | would we would be running around in this |
97s | in person but our our environments |
101s | aren't applying nice so well we'll get |
104s | it to you in the future next time next |
105s | time for sure but yeah so oh sure |
108s | the some of the lore behind the |
110s | continent is that or actually you'll see |
112s | this represented in the terrain in |
115s | certain places is that the there is at |
118s | the heart of this continent some sort of |
121s | vaanu tech is that is okay fine yeah |
125s | finest say it like yeah but that's |
127s | that's what's attracting the three |
129s | factions to this place you know there's |
130s | no warp gates yeah |
132s | and actually the well okay so it's it's |
136s | an it's in the water okay I want to I |
139s | want to talk a little bit more but it's |
140s | yeah yeah it has to have because I want |
143s | to explain so I so there's there's a |
146s | submersed neva new artifact or whatever |
149s | it is right and it's emitting some sort |
151s | of some energy or radiation or leaking |
154s | it out into into the the the water that |
157s | surrounds oh sure and actually as the as |
161s | the maybe the I don't know the water |
163s | gets it rains out over the continent |
166s | you'll see that some of the the floor is |
168s | kind of it's tainted in some way and |
171s | maybe not in a bad way I just like just |
172s | change a little bit so there's a heavy |
174s | emphasis on honor axiom and you can see |
176s | that the trees are very this reminds me |
178s | of ashenvale like the trees are you know |
182s | changed and some of the roots that you'd |
185s | normally see sticking up out of the |
186s | ground have these spires of arak stone |
189s | and everything kind of you know there's |
193s | a glowy elements actually this is all |
194s | these are these props are placeholder |
196s | for now and I totally need to rebalance |
200s | on the glows and the lighting can get |
202s | the colors and yeah in tune but don't |
206s | look at this close you didn't get a |
209s | second take on that one it wasn't kind |
211s | of strong yeah yeah it's I just leave |
213s | out of frustration but yeah you can see |
217s | this this particular area is |
220s | realistically it might be to prompt |
222s | dense but it's it's most or it's meant |
226s | to be somewhat infantry centric and that |
229s | you you have a kind of a close range |
231s | fighting it's a little bit more |
232s | difficult for vehicles to move around in |
233s | but most of the majority of the map is |
236s | very vehicle centric yeah |
239s | but yeah so the the terrain is going to |
241s | change a lot different biomes we're |
242s | looking at lush jungles and like hot |
247s | springs and maybe some environmental |
250s | hazards I know but you get your good |
255s | with environmental hazards I'm very good |
257s | with environmental hazard I would love |
259s | to see more environmental hazards that |
261s | are again actually Nick recommended and |
263s | I was waiting for a reaction bottom |
264s | it's fine just like that because that's |
266s | obviously a good idea but community it's |
270s | obviously a good idea but yeah this this |
274s | island is or this chain of violence is |
278s | like the entire continent is the size of |
281s | Endor |
281s | so the biggest continent I see the |
284s | fashions in the air air the visibility |
287s | right now is kind of it's freaking out |
288s | so you'll see things and blipping in and |
290s | out but and it's also kind of causing |
292s | that hitching to so you know these |
294s | conditions are very um very similar to |
297s | it alive at the moment sorry sorry sorry |
301s | I am alaria cyou are right so uh but |
305s | yeah that's that's oh sure |
306s | in a nutshell is we're gonna have an |
308s | island continent and you're not gonna be |
310s | able to to traverse err on the map for |
313s | easily like very air centric you know it |
315s | would be nice |