about 2 years
ago -
Direct link
The Public Test Server has been updated with the following changes.
Download the Test Server client from this thread after reading the Test Server Policies: https://forums.daybreakgames.com/ps2/index.php?threads/read-first-test-server-policies-download-link.114038/
CTF Repository Hacking
- Hacking a repository now triggers a 30 second transition period before converting to the hacker's faction
- During this transition the repository will appear neutral and it will not be useable for capturing of any faction flags
- During this 30 second transition, the previous faction controller of the repository can attempt to "counter hack" it, immediately ending the hack and reverting repository to the original owner
- Jump pads have been given a review, and NSO agents should find them useable. Happy leaping into the fray, or out.
- Fixes and adjustments for the NS-11C Frostbite weapon, based on in field use
- Chimera's middle wheels now have their Avalanche Tire Trails visuals shown
- Made "deployable" no longer "out of bounds" for VR Training