about 4 years
ago -
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Auraximas is here!
The weather outside may be frightful, but that won't stop the Auraximas holiday from arriving.
Snowmen Return - Snowman (and Snowman made of... stone?) are appearing once again throughout the battlefields of Auraxis. Destroy these frosty fiends for bonus experience, and you may occasionally stumble across a rare Golden Snowman, which might offer up a special surprise.
Sanctuary - The social hub of Sanctuary reveals new lights, sounds, and hidden presents that you can claim a reward from once a day!
Holiday Missions - 'Tis the season for giving, and new daily missions will help you spread holiday cheer from Sanctuary to Auraxis. In addition, each of these completed missions contribute to a new holiday directive!
New Directive - New rewards and updated challenges await you for the duration of the Auraximas holiday.
Seasonal Equipment - Special equipment is available this holiday season, including gift-wrapped C4, cookie-box themed ammunition packs, and a deployable Tactical Snowman.
Holiday Depot Items - In the Depot you'll find new holiday items as well, like the Snowflake Lumifibers, Northwind Tire Trails, and a sleigh full of holiday horns, camos, weapons, and cosmetics.
Infantry Adjustments
NSX Masamune and NSX-A Muramasa
- Direct damage from 185 to 225.
- Adjusted rocket visuals so that smoke trails do not linger.
- NSX Masamune
- NSX-A Muramasa
- NS Decimator
- Hades VSH4
- AF-22 Crow
- M9 SKEP Launcher
- NC15 Phoenix
- Phoenix AE
- Shrike
- S1
- ML-7
- Players who were unable to achieve an Auraxium medal with a bugged NS-W Survivor are now able to do so.
- Nano-Repair Grenades and the Punisher's Enhancement Underbarrel no longer repair facility generators.
- Sawbones mission now includes Shield Recharging experience as an option alongside Healing experience.
- Being killed by The Flail now shows the correct weapon text and icon on the death screen.
- NC's Lightning AP projectile visuals appear once again in third person.
- Scythe Photon Pods now play the correct audio when firing.
- NSO Construction turrets are no longer missing their weapons.
- Restored the missing easteregg for Mentis2k6 from Indar.
- Fixed various animation issues related to the NS Firebug.
- Fixed an animation issue regarding weapon... stroking.
- Reduced the brightness of the VS Auraxium Mandibles.
- Updated Field Officer Knightly's transmit image.
- Fixed a typo in the Assassin implant's Tier 5 description.