over 4 years
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PC servers will come down tomorrow, Wednesday July 1, 2020, at 6am PT (3pm CEST), for the game update below. Downtime is expected to last up to two hours.
Voice Communications
We've added a new panel to the Settings ? Voice menu that shows the current state of connectivity to the server and each voice chat room.
If you run into issues with voice comms not working, you can press the Reset button, which will safely reconnect you to all of the available voice chat rooms.

- While in Skylance (deployed) Mode, you will now only see the HUD indicators of Bastion weakpoints within 1000 meters.
- Skylance damage from 1500 all distances to 1500@500m - 1000@1000m
- !! Vehicle turrets and third person vehicle cameras should no longer get stuck or have broken sensitivities.
- !! Fixed a bug that allowed Cortium Bomb to be infinitely spammable.
- We've optimized areas in the vehicle and infantry HUD UI that we identified to cause performance issues.
- NSO ANT "Exterior" and "Other" cosmetic options are now categorized correctly.
- Known Issue: We're aware of the "infinite repair bug" currently taking place on Live and are taking steps to resolve it in a later update.