almost 5 years ago - /u/a_sites - Direct link

Hello everyone,

The team is publishing a new build to PTS and expect to unlock at around 3pm (Pacific) today - a little less an hour from now.

If you have time, please patch up and report any critical issues that you may encounter. We will be monitoring feedback over the weekend and publishing any necessary fixes to PTS Monday or early Tuesday. If the build is looking solid by early next week, we plan to conduct two larger-scale public playtests (one geared toward EU primetime and one for NA primetime) by mid-week to confirm whether or not its ready to go Live.

Below are the changes:


  • Deployables (such as Turrets) can no longer be placed on Bastion weakpoints
  • Flak Cannon rounds now damage Bastions
  • Increased amount of damage Orbital Strike does to Bastions
  • Fixed a rare client crash that could occur when a Bastion that a player is controlling is turning


  • Optimized spotlights in Sanctuary for performance
  • Adjusted how sections of Sanctuary were built for performance
  • Sanctuary resource vendors no longer incorrectly preview a gun model if the user has nothing to trade


  • Fixed an issue that caused the last Orbital Strike in your Armory to occasionally be a dud
  • Increased the maximum flight height on Indar by 10%
  • Fixed Desolation world map using the wrong icon and description
  • Outfit War time and date is now displayed correctly
  • Added feedback to Black Market vendor purchases, which should prevent accidental repeat purchases
  • Empire Strength scoring is no longer shown when a Meltdown Alert is active
  • Fixed numerous minor UI issues
  • Fixed a physics crash that was occurring for some players
External link →
almost 5 years ago - /u/jgolenbo - Direct link

Originally posted by MuffinkingPM

probably so the bastions have enough room around scarred mesa and the like.

^this. Clearance, and space for flyers to turn/maneuver/ascend etc.

almost 5 years ago - /u/jgolenbo - Direct link

Originally posted by ItsJustDelta

The problem is landing the hit. During one test VS carpet bombed the carrier I was defending with six orbitals, and only one connected.

^This too. We want to be careful with Test values because the lower acquisition cost for OS makes them spammable in a way that you obviously can't do on live (or, is really really hard to do). But OS on live is pretty spectacular and should feel robust when it lands full-on.

almost 5 years ago - /u/jgolenbo - Direct link

Originally posted by ReedRoy

Not to nit pick and thankyou all for the work on this, but by any chance on reversing the decision to give a warning to enemies that an OS is landing? Originally it only gave the warning to allies. Now? if theirs an enemy vehicle ball, both the audio voicelines and minimap indicator just lets them drive away too easily without a scratch

The timing is a good question. I’m not necessarily against the warning in general - it’s not my decision , but I like it being broadcasted - but I agree it shouldn’t be easy enough to just bail and avoid.