over 7 years
ago -
PlanetSide 2
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Transcript (by Youtube)
5s | hello and welcome to the planet side |
8s | meltdown update livestream where we're |
11s | gonna reveal a little bit about what |
12s | we've been working on and yeah we're |
15s | excited to show you guys what's been |
18s | going on so here with me today is game |
22s | designer extraordinaire rel get me a |
26s | trouble right from the start oh yeah |
28s | okay and I am your planet side producer |
31s | Nick Silva we're gonna be showing you |
34s | guys a couple new pieces of class |
36s | equipment today there's probably some |
38s | more classic equipment coming after that |
42s | yeah yeah except for TR yeah I mean |
49s | we're gonna be showing off some toys but |
52s | that's not why you're here |
54s | so what we are gonna be showing off and |
57s | what the what this new critical mass |
59s | update is really all about is new |
61s | content locking mechanics so there's a |
64s | lot to explain there and we're excited |
67s | to show it off and start getting your |
72s | guys feedback yeah so the the first toy |
74s | that we're gonna be showing off today |
76s | before we get to that though oh and |
78s | before I get onto that we're gonna be |
80s | given away daybreak cash in the chat |
82s | there is a moderator |
85s | meps I believe that's going to be |
87s | running some raffles there and yeah just |
93s | pay attention to him and I think we'll |
96s | start I'll give you guys a heads up and |
98s | we're gonna start doing those but yeah |
100s | yeah just pay attention to chat for that |
102s | stuff do it to it so the first thing |
104s | we're gonna be showing off is the new |
107s | okay all right okay all right so on how |
111s | you guys doing |
112s | not too bad I hope not too salty now |
115s | yeah so like Nick said we are we're |
118s | trying to come up with some equipment or |
121s | rather we have some new class equipment |
124s | on the way one of which is a new Jump |
127s | Jet type what they think |
132s | okay yeah so I haven't got it on right |
135s | now but on this these are the ambusher |
138s | jump routes and if you notice on the |
139s | left hand side of the screen the energy |
143s | it goes away immediately after using it |
146s | so instead of being on a sort of a |
148s | tapered you know more versatile I guess |
153s | than the other jump Jets it's it's very |
155s | deliberate and that you can I you can |
160s | look across large distances probably |
163s | gotta make it yeah I can right there |
164s | yeah very quickly so it allows you to |
166s | cover ground fast and this is something |
168s | that the communities actually asked for |
170s | for a while actually ever since Star |
173s | Wars Battlefront came out figure but |
176s | yeah so it it does offer some some new |
180s | opportunities and it's kind of a high |
181s | skill piece of equipment that I think |
185s | will appeal more toward more than via |
187s | the veteran players then the lower |
190s | levels because it definitely again it's |
192s | very specific in its use as you rank it |
195s | up the cooldown on it goes down and it's |
197s | gonna have some different interactions |
199s | with um with aerial combatant as soon as |
201s | I so if you have rank five your open |
203s | baton |
204s | if you kill one person then it's just |
205s | going to instantly restore the cooldown |
207s | and it'll make it a little little |
210s | chaotic nice and nice and quick quick |
214s | strikes yeah like whenever you have that |
218s | downward velocity and then you fire it |
220s | off then it sort of blasts you straight |
222s | ahead alright so yeah there's a there |
226s | are some tricks you can kind of do with |
227s | it but you're not gonna get a lot of |
229s | vertical height out of it and that's the |
230s | intent right is it's not to replace any |
232s | of the other jump shots but you'll |
233s | definitely get you'll get a lot of |
235s | mileage from it and I think people will |
237s | just like like going fast go fast jets |
242s | are cost I guess there was a question |
245s | about cost that's it so I kind of like |
251s | so normally the the other jump shells |
253s | are all they're very inexpensive to |
255s | level up skirmisher jump Jets are |
257s | obviously the cheapest because you get |
258s | them by default the ambusher jump Jets I |
259s | think we should probably push it toward |
261s | the more expensive side just not like |
263s | super expensive but more like adrenaline |
266s | shield style expensiveness just so that |
269s | it kind of deters newer players because |
270s | this is something that newer players are |
272s | just honestly going to get killed with |
274s | and so I you know we're kind of kicking |
277s | around the idea of doing battle rank |
279s | unlocks on these sorts of things and |
282s | just like new equipment in general but |
284s | that it's kind of not in the cards for |
286s | this so yeah maybe someday I'll have |
289s | some fun with that but yeah so if you |
292s | have any more questions the stuff is |
293s | actually gonna hit pts sometime in the |
295s | near future just all the stuff that |
297s | we're actually showing off today so |
299s | hopefully you'll get to a player sure so |
307s | as we're moving on to the next thing |
309s | that was the signal to go ahead and give |
312s | out one of those daybreak cache codes so |
314s | hopefully Ted has it under control |
317s | cool so the next thing that we're gonna |
319s | be showing off is the nano repair |
321s | attorney for the engineer the new toy |
322s | for the engineering yeah were you go |
326s | home yet flip it over to my feed there |
329s | we go so under grenade here how much is |
333s | it these are gonna be 200 certs yeah |
335s | most likely 200 yes yeah so we got a |
339s | nice little model here for it already |
341s | another thing that's notable for it is |
343s | that it has a slightly higher nanite |
346s | cost and for resupplying I've already |
350s | have my grenade bandolier already |
355s | equipped so I can throw a bunch of them |
356s | so the main thing that we're getting |
358s | here is a new sticky grenade that sticks |
362s | on vehicles or whatever else you can |
364s | throw them at and after a three second |
367s | delay well start repair it creates a |
369s | repair field around around where the |
372s | grenade goes off it doesn't last for |
374s | especially long but it allows for you to |
377s | do some pretty neat little tricks okay |
386s | okay so yeah one of the fun little |
389s | things to do is to jump into the other |
391s | seat on the flash let's throw a quick |
393s | turn aid and now you have yeah you can |
400s | see the first person yeah so so probably |
403s | don't throw it at your dashboard but |
404s | yeah so the Jesus hey can you uh yet you |
410s | don't have to type raffle to enter its |
412s | so everyone who's been with in chat for |
414s | ten minutes at least |
415s | yeah so as long as you've posted a |
418s | comment at some point you know not a |
421s | salty one right I mean because you guys |
424s | just love your life and yeah just any |
427s | sort of comment on all the chat will |
428s | know that you're hanging out and will be |
430s | given away stuff without the need to |
432s | type rapidly as we try to reveal them on |
437s | stream we know you guys how much you |
438s | love that particular all right so I |
441s | engineer repair grenade is something |
444s | that we can it's gonna be for all |
447s | engineers obviously I it was the intent |
450s | was to give engineers something that can |
454s | sports team and do so in such a way that |
457s | isn't I found in the utility slot just |
459s | like everything else because right now |
462s | they only have access to sticky grenades |
463s | and frag grenades so moving a net repair |
466s | to a grenade is something that's been |
468s | asked for a lot within the community and |
471s | it's something that just kind of makes |
473s | sense it it does stick to max unit |
475s | sadistic two flashes and other vehicles |
477s | like like Nick was showing off and the |
480s | repair Nate it lasts for ten seconds the |
483s | field you do okay they're holding up |
492s | whiteboards in the back so that we can |
494s | read your questions yes if we gaze off |
498s | into nothingness it has an area and so |
502s | you can place it on your own vehicle |
504s | even if your vehicle is already sort of |
506s | fully repaired and drive it into the |
507s | middle of a bunch of other vehicles |
508s | you're going to be able to sort of do a |
511s | mass repair of all those vehicles you |
514s | can sort of at least temporarily act is |
516s | like a repair Sunday so we don't want to |
518s | stack though |
520s | so you just have one on the field |
522s | actually the engineer can only throw one |
523s | at a time if you throw another one |
525s | get out here any sites get out and sites |
532s | sites all right yeah so I we don't want |
539s | you to select all bunch of them but you |
541s | can throw one out |
542s | if you throw another one the first one |
543s | just disappears but and multiple |
545s | grenades from multiple engineers do not |
547s | stack either but it will be something |
548s | that's kind of cool for it especially |
549s | like max crashing and that sort of thing |
551s | gives engineer a little bit more a |
553s | little bit more team play potential you |
558s | can't stick one of these things to a max |
563s | super sticky all right |
566s | any more questions yeah let's drop a |
568s | question let's drop a couple questions |
569s | and while we're doing that you can do |
572s | another raffle of a daybreak cash code |
580s | okay let's see we can see chat here but |
583s | it goes by really fast |
588s | so which grenade has a priority if |
591s | there's more than one um it's so there's |
594s | no stacking priority right so it will |
596s | just but I think it works on the the |
599s | first grenade the ends up in the area |
601s | because it starts repairing I don't |
602s | think it the overlaps I mean it's worth |
606s | testing that's something that we haven't |
608s | tested because that's kind of it would |
610s | be an education thing right yeah I want |
613s | to say it's the first grenade yeah |
617s | yeah we'll see we'll see on test like I |
620s | said all the stuff is gonna be on us |
621s | soon |
622s | how long did last for 10 seconds 10 |
625s | seconds 10 seconds it takes three |
627s | seconds to act now and then it stays |
628s | active for three for 10 seconds and guys |
630s | do let us know that I you know if it |
632s | seems too long or it seems too powerful |
634s | if I if the cost is is just too much |
638s | we're tight I don't think that'll be a |
640s | real issue but just say any sort of |
642s | feedback you know we're always been |
643s | touching that so feel free to to throw |
645s | in our way cool |
648s | let's see what else we got here I love |
652s | the flash vehicle in the game hide |
655s | Zachary's second especially like the |
657s | launch using it as a launch to get |
659s | height for doing drifter jets yeah I |
664s | can't do it but all right should we move |
669s | on to the big reveal of what we're doing |
673s | with with the new color blocking |
675s | mechanics or wait no there was something |
678s | wanted to do before that introduced we |
685s | always forgot about you this is a random |
688s | person in the back so we'd like to |
691s | introduce a new Tammy to now it's not a |
692s | new teammate sorry he's been around for |
694s | a while well we'll get through that once |
696s | it gets here get over here |
698s | hopefully okay so so here's what I read |
702s | yesterday we went through and we like |
705s | rehearse this like practice to and |
707s | everything goes moving swimmingly and |
709s | now we're here and we're just forgetting |
710s | about Paul Paul Jojo okay so Paul if you |
724s | want to introduce yourself to be the |
725s | wonderful planet-sized of community and |
727s | tell us who you are how long you been on |
731s | the team where you've worked prior yeah |
734s | hey guys I'm Paul Jojo I've been in the |
736s | industry for six or seven years now as a |
739s | programmer I started off at reactor zero |
743s | they did a lot of simulation stuff for |
747s | the government so came adjacent but they |
750s | definitely had you know a lot of game |
754s | industry vets found that place a lot of |
757s | the the outrage game guys if you if you |
759s | are interested interested to look that |
761s | up later from there I went to s2 games |
765s | and worked on here's a new earth for |
766s | like five years there |
768s | I wrote the bots for that and that was |
770s | before it became frostburn yes so I made |
773s | heroes a new earth originally was at s2 |
777s | games and then after a couple years of |
779s | transition to be its own studio |
781s | earng studios and still doing great work |
784s | over there I still got a lot of friends |
785s | out there and then about a little bit |
788s | more than a year ago I came out to sunny |
791s | California to work at daybreak on |
793s | planetside 2 yeah and I played a fair |
796s | amount of planetside 2 prior to joining |
798s | the team and see lots of light us all |
805s | lots of interesting vectors to attack |
806s | from for which faction do you play I |
809s | play and see what no no I I'm envious |
822s | yes just like you Nick if it helps most |
826s | of the testing I do is on TR yeah well |
831s | TR are the lab rats this is why you're |
833s | underpowered yeah so I you worked at s2 |
840s | games here's a new earth by the way I |
841s | I played that a lot a lot a lot so |
844s | actually when I got here I was I didn't |
847s | know about Paul |
848s | he was it here in California for me yeah |
852s | and so when I got here and learned about |
854s | his story I was kind of excited because |
855s | yeah here was the North was there was a |
858s | lot of time spent in that game for me oh |
859s | yeah solved a lot of a lot of problems |
865s | that other game other games in that |
868s | genre either took later or still haven't |
871s | solved um doing a lot of good work there |
873s | yeah I played I think like 1300 hours of |
877s | it it at a certain point nice yeah a lot |
881s | of frustration I don't but you know I |
882s | find it to be pretty similar to |
884s | planetside 2 in the sense that it's got |
886s | a very passionate player base you know |
890s | they they are very particular about what |
892s | they like and you know definitely like |
896s | huge fans of the developers yeah reximus |
901s | actually just said that he's a huge fan |
903s | of oh yeah I you can probably find a |
908s | video of me on YouTube somewhere so good |
911s | luck with that but all right shall we |
914s | move on |
915s | reveal of what's going on yeah sure why |
918s | not |
918s | so content locking is traditionally and |
921s | by traditionally I mean it's just on |
923s | this way on life is done by gathering VP |
925s | and then you you get enough VP and then |
928s | the continent locks well that has |
930s | unfortunately been causing a lot of |
932s | surprised continent locking you'll be in |
934s | the middle of a fight and then just |
936s | it'll suddenly lock I mean you won't be |
939s | able to there's no I it's not like a |
942s | punctuated victory it kind of just feels |
944s | like it's interrupted and that happened |
947s | more often than not some of that is due |
949s | to construction as players have noted |
951s | out time and time again because the |
954s | hives will will take up accordion or |
956s | refine the Cordia mana took up VP and |
958s | same thing actually alerts where we're |
961s | giving a VP as well and it just it |
963s | wasn't a really wasn't kind of a I I |
967s | want to say like a cohesive experience |
969s | there wasn't there wasn't a nice arc to |
971s | but yeah each continent you should yeah |
974s | very well set yeah you should be able to |
977s | login I think and you kind of understand |
979s | where the the current state of the |
981s | continent is and just what your |
983s | objectives will be to to actually lock |
985s | that continent actually care about |
986s | walking a continent so some of that is |
989s | receiving some adjustments are you okay |
994s | where's Nick okay actually not okay so |
999s | I'm just going to go to map screen so |
1001s | some of the things that we changed is |
1003s | that now victory points are it's it's |
1006s | done very it's very straightforward in |
1010s | order to to lock a continent actually |
1012s | before I get in order to lock a |
1013s | continent you now need to hit ten VP |
1017s | they're not VP anymore but it's just |
1019s | they're just points you need to hit the |
1022s | maximum number of points with it's ten |
1023s | for all the continents and wants to do |
1024s | that in alert will trigger in which case |
1027s | the the triggering faction will need to |
1030s | defend territory and if they can defend |
1033s | enough of the territory it's like an |
1034s | adversarial alert in which case it hits |
1037s | the other two factions against you so if |
1039s | you are able to defend enough of the |
1041s | territory then the content locks in your |
1043s | favor if you fail then the continent |
1046s | does not lock so nice and |
1048s | straightforward and |
1049s | it's certainly easier to understand |
1051s | exactly what's going on as you jump in |
1053s | yeah the victory point system was I it |
1055s | was kind of a checklist of just things |
1058s | that you you could do and I it it also |
1063s | it looked too much to the past right so |
1066s | if you were like opening a continent and |
1069s | then you rush down the the warp gate and |
1071s | then you get points okay what does that |
1072s | mean because then you lose your your |
1074s | link and then it doesn't reflect the |
1075s | currency of the continent again so |
1077s | instead of having this checklist it's a |
1079s | very straightforward way to generate or |
1083s | to to use your points to to lock the |
1086s | content man I'm I'm I'm really off point |
1089s | today Jesus okay so support the work got |
1092s | it got it |
1093s | but it's more representative of the |
1095s | living state of the continent and trying |
1097s | to make it clear exactly where things |
1101s | are going and how far along that |
1103s | progress is yeah absolutely |
1105s | so the ways to do this right to to get |
1108s | the the ten VP has actually haven't |
1109s | changed as well so we are you can see up |
1113s | here at the the top of the map the the |
1115s | path to victory is defined by getting |
1118s | eight points up to eight points rather |
1121s | through territory control and then the |
1122s | other two points are generated through |
1124s | hives so using the construction system |
1127s | to generate the only the only permanent |
1130s | VP is kind of like the the second piece |
1134s | of that puzzle |
1135s | so territory matters a lot vendors a lot |
1137s | now and then once you start the alert |
1139s | that no matters even more because that's |
1140s | that's all that determines the winner |
1142s | the loss so we yeah but just to clarify |
1146s | that definitely hives are required to |
1150s | actually activate the alert and then |
1152s | they're also important because they're |
1154s | the only ones that are generated VP and |
1157s | if you manage to like some if the other |
1159s | two teams manage to stop you from |
1160s | capturing the continent via the alert by |
1163s | temp by taking territory away from this |
1165s | team that's in the lead that will cause |
1168s | those generated VP that they got from |
1170s | the hives to be wiped out right so they |
1171s | act I have to actually build up towards |
1173s | that again and it gives the other two |
1175s | factions a chance to they've already |
1177s | claimed some territory during the alert |
1179s | gives them a chance to sort of swing the |
1181s | tide back in their door |
1182s | and start the alert for themselves |
1184s | trying to capture the code so it's a |
1186s | combination of both territory control |
1188s | and construction if you get as much |
1191s | territory as the system allows you'll |
1194s | have eight and then you'll need to from |
1196s | two points from construction but if |
1198s | you're still only managed able to manage |
1201s | say six points like we have right now |
1203s | you can generate the rest of that |
1205s | through construction wait you know well |
1210s | that we cap it out at - oh we capita - |
1213s | yeah yeah there was an earlier version |
1215s | yeah we've debated no it has and so we |
1221s | right now construction is required in |
1226s | order to get the last two VP and the |
1236s | recess is only the ones generated by the |
1239s | hive so you you if you lost the alert |
1243s | then you probably don't have eight |
1246s | territory points anymore you probably |
1248s | have seven it that the minimum are at |
1249s | the maximum but you now have zero from |
1252s | your hives so you need to either make |
1256s | hives again or they need to start |
1258s | generating again right so there was a |
1260s | question that came up on the whiteboard |
1261s | yeah it's all pause yeah read it yeah so |
1267s | okay let's let's go through this again |
1270s | okay um but it has received a number of |
1273s | iterations and there's also the |
1275s | opportunity to make further adjustments |
1276s | depending on the feedback from the |
1278s | community but I again so territory gets |
1282s | you a certain amount of VP and then |
1285s | that's it's always in flux because |
1287s | territory is always in flux the only |
1289s | permanent aspect of this is through hive |
1291s | generation once you get the points then |
1293s | you have them and provided you have |
1296s | enough territory than you triggered the |
1298s | alert on the continent if your faction |
1299s | fails the alert the continent doesn't |
1302s | lock and those chordee MVP gets stroked |
1304s | from you which the that setback allows |
1308s | the other two factions to kind of get |
1309s | there there's their turn to to shine |
1311s | there so I I do say that construction is |
1314s | required but honest |
1315s | enough players play construction to |
1317s | where you should this shouldn't be a you |
1322s | should never feel compelled I think to |
1324s | play construction I think there's |
1325s | another enough players who do that just |
1327s | naturally that it'll it'll always kind |
1330s | of work itself out but it does give you |
1332s | the opportunity to either if you want to |
1334s | take back territory to stop the the |
1337s | opposing factions from reaching their |
1339s | their maximum VP you can do that if you |
1341s | want to squash hives it now matters more |
1344s | than it used to because you can't just |
1348s | build a bunch of high generate all your |
1350s | VP that there it's just a two points |
1353s | that can be generated that way and so |
1355s | absolutely so nice and easy I know I |
1367s | probably should have pointed that out |
1368s | earlier but again this the system will |
1371s | be going to test it will be a little bit |
1373s | different on test I believe then we're |
1375s | showing up oh you mean yeah and then |
1377s | we'll be able to iterate on it after the |
1379s | fact of course but so for the purposes |
1387s | of showing off what happens when you do |
1390s | a locket con no I'm gonna just like a |
1395s | real real fast so if TR were to example |
1399s | have have locked a the continent |
1404s | actually okay let me start over if right |
1407s | now I'm locking the the continent just |
1409s | to have the maximum number of tart |
1410s | maximum amount of territory so that we |
1412s | can quickly finish this I this alert so |
1416s | the alert pops up if you were to hit the |
1419s | contents VP it says indoor superiority |
1422s | forty our indoor enlightenment four vs |
1425s | indoor liberation for NC and then you |
1428s | can see on the tab screen oh oh wait |
1430s | okay |
1430s | actually let me show this off oh look at |
1432s | that is no longer in your face when |
1434s | you're trying to shoot people like Nick |
1439s | okay yeah but the tap screen also shows |
1442s | it it's broken right now |
1445s | I like the content along actually I |
1447s | can't on the alert |
1448s | fun things happened okay so if you look |
1450s | at the very bottom the war effort is |
1452s | shown and the VP it's only saying zero |
1455s | because I have the continent locked she |
1457s | went through this a little bit |
1458s | differently |
1459s | yeah and also in our superiority it's |
1462s | shown there it says TR need at least 41% |
1464s | territory control and that's the wind |
1466s | state know the the continent so very |
1468s | self-explanatory easy to access with the |
1471s | tab screen which has been has been kind |
1474s | of a pain point for a long time just |
1475s | having to hit em and then go check on |
1477s | your VP okay you know what do I need to |
1478s | do you bring the list down and then you |
1480s | yeah then you go back to playing the |
1482s | game so yeah much easier now so if the |
1486s | the continent or if TR were to win the |
1489s | alert and again I just have the |
1490s | continent locked for the just to have |
1493s | all the territory and quickly like this |
1495s | out so we can all see let's see |
1497s | so the alert and and then everything |
1504s | dies TR doesn't write only NIC dies |
1510s | while you are super glowy alert and |
1520s | lasts for one hour so that's a full hour |
1523s | of having to fight over the control of |
1527s | yet over territory right so um previous |
1530s | alerts had lasted like two hours I can't |
1534s | think they may have gone down to an hour |
1536s | and a half at some point but an hour is |
1538s | i we can turn it up or down based on |
1541s | feedback again and I'm AB detracting for |
1545s | this moment go out there and I Nick go |
1548s | sit under one of the red beams of death |
1550s | and it's doing good okay well now we |
1551s | have to do something else fired yeah oh |
1555s | and you can show the the scoreboard |
1558s | there oh yeah there we go |
1560s | see we got numbers and kind of reset so |
1568s | if we were to we were to like it the NC |
1575s | just so that it was all blue |
1578s | it's a good color blue tang in |
1582s | deliberation again that's the the nc's |
1585s | alert any word for it just to be clear |
1588s | this is also happening a little out of |
1589s | order is the alert would happen I'm |
1593s | doing this because because we need to |
1596s | admin control just show it easy to show |
1600s | off yeah |
1602s | so the what we call internally is a the |
1606s | meltdown system yes go run go run go run |
1610s | at the red beam it's calling towards him |
1613s | okay actually I'm yes the other alerts |
1623s | are going for now this system replaces |
1628s | the existing alert system right we will |
1631s | be probably adding back some of those |
1634s | alerts but they'll they'll be coming |
1636s | back in a different form so yeah if you |
1639s | want I could talk about some of the |
1640s | technical stuff that needed to happen to |
1643s | make this possible rewards because |
1647s | that's before we get to that I kind of |
1652s | would just just mention because so this |
1655s | does replace alerts like Nick said and |
1656s | those are question that was brought up |
1658s | in chat and it's not to say that we |
1660s | don't want |
1661s | alert style gameplay to to happen but |
1665s | this system will we'll have to replace |
1667s | it for now if we yeah if we end up doing |
1672s | alerts in the future it'll more be stuff |
1674s | that like events that sort of they shape |
1678s | the gameplay and make you you play in a |
1680s | different way actually the the prototype |
1682s | alert was on pts and that was kind of |
1684s | some experimental stuff that were we're |
1686s | toying around with but yeah so I would |
1689s | stay tuned for something like that but |
1690s | as far as random lurtz it's not |
1692s | happening anymore and this is a kind of |
1693s | the system that is in in place because |
1696s | we like the fact that alerts kind of |
1699s | drive you toward a very strategic look |
1701s | at the game and do so in a time frame |
1704s | which you can you can log in you can you |
1708s | know kind of play for your session if |
1709s | you want to trigger an alert you'll know |
1711s | that you know we need |
1712s | this amount of territory that we can you |
1713s | know trigger it and then you'll be able |
1715s | to to say okay this is gonna last for an |
1717s | hour |
1718s | we you'll know how to you know or what |
1722s | happens right they're like how long you |
1723s | need to play before I before getting |
1726s | something cool and I yeah so just that |
1729s | sort of structured gameplay it kind of |
1730s | harkens back to a match based play with |
1733s | it with other games like Battlefield and |
1735s | that sort of thing so yeah we do like |
1737s | the the structure that it creates and it |
1740s | makes people play super tactical which |
1742s | is what we want you to do now like as |
1744s | much as possible |
1745s | so that's we're kind of bringing back |
1747s | the territory meta in 2017 so I yeah |
1751s | Nick or Paul sorry yep has invested a |
1756s | lot of time developing the system and it |
1759s | seems on the surface like it's something |
1761s | that we could have just like like done |
1763s | because the changes were like they |
1766s | visually it doesn't seem maybe like a |
1769s | whole lot but there was a lot that I got |
1771s | wrong yeah so let's talk about that one |
1774s | thing that you did not mention that's |
1775s | really my favorite part of the critical |
1778s | mass meltdown stuff is that it's really |
1780s | going to drive combat to different areas |
1784s | than than you're used to seeing you know |
1786s | with it being on a particular zone I |
1789s | think that a lot more players are gonna |
1792s | get involved on those those side zones |
1793s | that they haven't maybe experienced like |
1796s | a huge battle on a particular area or |
1798s | anything like that so I'm excited to see |
1800s | big air big battles on areas that |
1802s | normally I don't yeah and actually the |
1805s | just by virtue of having content like |
1810s | here by virtue of the strategic gameplay |
1815s | that allows you to cut off you know |
1817s | allied territory that is something that |
1820s | kind of didn't have a whole lot of |
1822s | gussto to it like it was a mechanic when |
1824s | you cut off a territory it'll that that |
1827s | removes it from the VP scoreboard right |
1828s | now |
1829s | so if you want to just kind of take away |
1832s | someone's impending victory like that is |
1834s | easy for you to do so at a tactical |
1837s | level I think that the squads and the |
1840s | platoons and organized outfits are |
1842s | really gonna have a heyday with this |
1843s | so we're really hoping it's going to |
1845s | help players get organized a bit better |
1847s | and focus them because that's that's |
1850s | tends to be the most enjoyable stuff at |
1852s | least for me yeah yeah I think so to get |
1854s | away from that farm mentality a little |
1856s | bit the only way to really are the way |
1865s | to be competitive for capturing these |
1866s | continents is to take advantage of that |
1868s | team play Oh penis as much as possible |
1871s | and yeah just coordinate your efforts |
1875s | and if you are off farming somewhere |
1877s | then you're not helping your team so and |
1891s | you don't need to type you don't need to |
1895s | all right so the meltdown system the |
1898s | critical mass system was an overhaul of |
1902s | the alert system we already had this |
1904s | cool event-driven system on the world |
1908s | level that sits above all the continents |
1910s | to try and decide when things are going |
1912s | to happen and so we took advantage of |
1915s | that and kind of created a new a new |
1919s | type of alert for this that that were |
1921s | and we were using that one exclusively |
1923s | for the system to control what is |
1926s | locking the continent originally it was |
1929s | kind of an automatic thing going and |
1932s | making it in control the world in |
1934s | control of the alert system we also to |
1938s | get some of these nice flashy bits we |
1941s | expanded the scripting power our engine |
1946s | runs the Lua scripting engine on top of |
1949s | it and that's a more accessible easier |
1952s | to iterate with so that our designers |
1954s | can really get in and and try a bunch of |
1957s | stuff out and you know be able to like |
1962s | quickly iterate on a bunch of cool stuff |
1963s | that they want to do so we part of |
1965s | developing this was expanding that and |
1967s | we were always looking for opportunities |
1970s | to invest in you know things that all |
1975s | benefit us in the future you know |
1977s | the programming side that is right yes |
1979s | oh implement some code based features we |
1982s | always have to look to the future |
1983s | right and also I like we want to get |
1986s | kind of like Paul said with the Lua |
1990s | scripting system we want to give more |
1992s | power to the designers because I code |
1994s | time is very valuable in design time is |
1996s | valuable too but it's very valued right |
1999s | but we yeah we definitely have some |
2002s | limitations and when you increase the |
2004s | the power that design has it allows us |
2006s | to to just experiment with so much |
2009s | exactly frees up the programmers to |
2012s | focus on other aspects so that we can do |
2014s | other cool things while they're doing |
2015s | cool things and more cool things online |
2017s | lots of cool things all the cool things |
2018s | yeah so outside of that I made a bit of |
2022s | changes to the reward system so that we |
2025s | can have lovely rewards when you finish |
2028s | the event whether you win lose or kind |
2032s | of meet at a bit of a stalemate right |
2036s | you will get cool stuff and it's it's |
2039s | dependent on how much you have |
2042s | participated during the alert so by that |
2045s | we mean how much time you've spent in |
2048s | the zone fighting and contributing and |
2052s | so you can't just jump in at the last |
2055s | second to get your reward you have to |
2057s | have contributed a certain amount and so |
2060s | there's there's we could talk about the |
2062s | the types of rewards that you get yeah |
2065s | let's do that |
2065s | so on rewards now are they're kind of |
2069s | tiered in a few different ways based on |
2072s | who triggered the alert who or and |
2076s | whether that faction won or lost so |
2079s | there's there's about like three tiers |
2082s | so if your faction triggers the alert |
2084s | and locks the continent you get well |
2087s | actually everybody gets eyes before the |
2095s | implant currency that was you upgrade |
2097s | your your implant sampson i think you |
2100s | can buy implants with it now yeah yeah |
2103s | so i players have been asking for like |
2108s | an easier time getting |
2110s | in plants in general and I so for |
2112s | actually the ISO for recycler that we |
2114s | have in the depot is it has a higher |
2116s | chance of getting better |
2117s | implants or rather the more other yeah |
2122s | we can tell so that's uh yeah again it |
2127s | just gives you another path to getting |
2129s | there that doesn't require you spending |
2130s | certifications specifically and it's |
2133s | important to note that the the implant |
2135s | system is a monetization system so we |
2137s | wanted to |
2138s | conservatively to the point where we |
2140s | don't just break it and then get back to |
2141s | square one so the the rewards that you |
2144s | get the amount of ISO that you get from |
2147s | these alerts is it's it's tuned very |
2150s | conservatively let's put it like that I |
2152s | mean it's significant benefit for the |
2155s | people who you start the alert and win |
2157s | the content like you win it's a lot it's |
2159s | a lot that's good but we also don't want |
2162s | players to gain the system and find ways |
2165s | to kind of just undermine the the spirit |
2167s | last second like right we're sure that |
2170s | like there's no ways people find ways to |
2173s | to clears are very creative but you know |
2178s | yeah the whole system is to try to make |
2180s | a better experience for everyone so to |
2182s | that end we're trying to found ways to |
2184s | avoid exploits and that sort of thing |
2187s | and the the first way first as I |
2190s | mentioned before the alert tracks |
2193s | progress it tracks participation for |
2197s | each player you know how long you were |
2199s | in the zone what you were contributing |
2200s | that sort of thing |
2202s | during the alert so if you're there for |
2204s | the full hour you you get the full |
2207s | amount of I so if you're there for half |
2209s | of it you get roughly half of the ISO |
2211s | and so that that part is scaled but for |
2216s | the other rewards you get it's it's |
2218s | there's a certain threshold you have to |
2220s | reach in terms of like the percentage of |
2222s | time use yeah and I hadn't mentioned the |
2225s | the other rewards just yet but if you |
2228s | start an alert and then you actually |
2230s | finish you lock the continent you get a |
2232s | loop box as well loop box with I |
2236s | wouldn't call it selling it from from a |
2241s | collection of the particular |
2244s | set of we call it a loot basket a little |
2247s | basket and you just get the things out |
2249s | of it |
2250s | no the sorry I'm sorry |
2253s | it's just yes Luke bollocks that's |
2256s | having some negative connotations but |
2257s | we're not selling this this is |
2258s | specifically actually this is the |
2260s | opposite of that what we want to do is |
2261s | make it so you as a even a free player |
2265s | we're gonna get cosmetics we're gonna |
2267s | get decals and like composite armor and |
2270s | like posit armor so like free free |
2287s | players like this is your first |
2288s | opportunity to get something that would |
2291s | otherwise only be sold in the Depot yeah |
2294s | that's a cool thing in a collection that |
2297s | we have picked out it will randomly |
2299s | select one of those as long as you have |
2301s | participated enough and it's it's it's a |
2305s | different set depending on whether you |
2309s | were the faction that is locking or you |
2311s | stopped a faction from locking and you |
2314s | were the the higher between the so if if |
2317s | say one faction starts the alert and |
2321s | they get stopped by not having enough |
2324s | territory between the two remaining |
2327s | factions whoever has the largest |
2329s | territory control is considered the |
2331s | winner right yeah so he's talking about |
2333s | the material so only the people who like |
2335s | the continent actually get the big |
2338s | basket the nicest nicest selection right |
2342s | and but everybody gets a consolation |
2345s | regardless when lose doesn't matter |
2347s | you're gonna get something and that's |
2348s | gonna be in the form of I so so if you |
2351s | if you didn't start the alert and you |
2354s | had the least amount of territory yeah |
2356s | then you only you get the lowest reward |
2359s | but it so there are actually so there |
2364s | was a question in chat talking about the |
2366s | loads possibly being too difficult to |
2368s | win and actually this is something that |
2370s | we have seen in the past with there were |
2372s | adversary alerts at one point and I'll |
2374s | address that actually make sure make |
2376s | sure they come |
2377s | make sure to make me address it because |
2379s | right now what you see is that the weak |
2381s | faction is actually a one that gets |
2383s | targeted by the other two more powerful |
2385s | factions and that's the way the game |
2387s | sort of plays out usually and the live |
2389s | servers right now yeah it also it |
2392s | depends on the map to like sometimes you |
2394s | just get you just get stuck fighting a |
2396s | faction because there's like on a Zamir |
2397s | like a southeastern corner like there's |
2400s | it's not enough ways to move around the |
2402s | map so that kind of gets that's just is |
2403s | what it is so III will address that |
2409s | we're talking about but what were we |
2411s | talking about |
2412s | I can't distract my wife or fun rewards |
2414s | okay also fun rewards these little boxes |
2416s | the baskets I can't do it I can't do it |
2421s | I can stay away from free crap so it's |
2427s | cool free composite crap so you can also |
2431s | get that there are rewards tailored to |
2435s | specific contents so if you lock say it |
2438s | has a mirror maybe you get something |
2440s | that's as a mere specific and actually |
2442s | there's yeah there's some stuff in the |
2445s | in the loot table that you aren't gonna |
2448s | find in the depot and that this is |
2450s | actually a really cool opportunity to |
2451s | like give you the things that that we |
2454s | just we don't sell so it's kind of a |
2456s | cool thing kind of you know something to |
2458s | chase and motivate certain players |
2460s | alright do want to talk about the TV |
2463s | warning yeah so um one of the things |
2468s | that we can do I ever cellular alerts in |
2471s | the past |
2472s | I should probably crack open that water |
2473s | adversarial alerts in the past have kind |
2476s | of focused thank you Paul |
2480s | I'm very helpful thank you fault yeah |
2482s | they have kind of focuses the attention |
2484s | I'll get to those of the other two |
2487s | factions to kind of like beat you know |
2489s | the other faction into a corner and |
2490s | that's still gonna be kind of a |
2492s | possibility but if if it proves too |
2495s | difficult and we'll pay attention we'll |
2496s | monitor this if it proves too difficult |
2498s | to actually win and alert if the Contin |
2500s | rotations are too slow we can always |
2502s | real in the amount of territory control |
2504s | that you need to actually have so that |
2507s | it makes it much more feasible to like |
2509s | just being the first one there is |
2510s | actually |
2511s | a really good thing because it would |
2512s | still give you a great opportunity to |
2513s | like the continent there that the |
2515s | faction that is locking is already in a |
2518s | position of power |
2519s | right no there they've already managed |
2522s | to control enough territory and and have |
2524s | enough stable basis to lock it so |
2526s | they're already in a good position right |
2527s | all they have to do is hold that |
2529s | position right exactly yeah so we we |
2531s | already make it so the amount of |
2533s | territory that you need to get to get |
2534s | 8vp is done in such a way that it is |
2536s | pretty high |
2537s | so all the factions are going to be |
2539s | playing the plan kind of try hard just |
2541s | to get that to trigger the alert in the |
2543s | first place and again you are starting |
2545s | from a position of power so yeah you're |
2547s | not setting yourself up for failure and |
2549s | that should be should be a good way I |
2553s | think we have some tuning knob stick on |
2555s | it I think it's gonna make for some |
2557s | really interesting fights and yeah you |
2559s | know we're obviously paying a lot of |
2560s | attention to what's gonna be going on |
2562s | and the the public test as a when it |
2565s | comes out which should be pretty soon |
2567s | analyst helmet question one okay so |
2570s | really quickly but but we're gonna be |
2573s | able to adjust those values and tune it |
2575s | to something that's going to work best |
2576s | for everyone yeah it's not a question |
2578s | about population control yep ways to |
2582s | change population control is handled and |
2585s | especially with the with the release of |
2587s | this system so yeah so again to the |
2591s | difficulties fighting multiple factions |
2593s | the population is going to weigh very |
2595s | heavily into that so we do have short |
2597s | term solutions lined up as well as |
2599s | long-term solutions lined up I'm not |
2601s | gonna talk too much about that at the |
2603s | moment because we we have a couple |
2606s | options that were exploring right now |
2608s | they were we're not really decided on |
2611s | like 100% so but that is gonna be |
2615s | something that I think is necessary to |
2617s | release with the moing update so yeah |
2620s | yeah so yeah we're definitely paying |
2623s | attention cool well they were asking |
2631s | about you know how does a 2v1 match work |
2634s | so the real question is between the |
2636s | three of us who would win at 2 b1 |
2638s | really you saw that coming up in chat by |
2642s | you know |
2644s | wait are you just intimidated because |
2646s | you know it's no yeah I'm intimidated |
2651s | you don't think I could take you guys so |
2659s | let's do another raffle and then we can |
2662s | take some questions but questions yeah |
2671s | sounds good yeah we're not gonna do this |
2672s | awkward thing where we sit here and wait |
2674s | for your question so what we might do |
2677s | that we might do that might do that |
2678s | there was a question about the analyst |
2680s | helmet I was gonna save this for the |
2685s | we're gonna pause saying we're gonna be |
2688s | taking this to our pts our test server |
2692s | we were hoping to do that very soon we |
2695s | should be able to do it by the end of |
2698s | the week hopefully maybe definitely by |
2700s | next week and we're really hoping that |
2703s | you guys can get on there to test out |
2705s | the new systems definitely start finding |
2708s | like the weird stuff that we're not |
2710s | seeing because it is a pretty major |
2712s | change to the to our alert system it's a |
2714s | major change to just how continents are |
2716s | locked there's all this reward stuff |
2717s | that we definitely want to start getting |
2720s | some like finding some bugs around so |
2724s | yeah get on there and work it the way |
2727s | you guys do all the time we it's amazing |
2729s | some of the stuff you guys come up with |
2730s | and we're gonna but was ok but people |
2735s | will be able to reel back there just |
2738s | continue yeah okay so the the main thing |
2742s | is to get on there and we're gonna be |
2744s | planning a public test around that and |
2746s | so yes people will be getting another |
2747s | opportunity to get to get the analyst |
2749s | helmet just I stay tuned to the |
2751s | planetside read it well and not read it |
2753s | but the Twitter |
2754s | it'll get announced on the reddit as |
2755s | well news travels fast yes and just |
2760s | we'll do our best to make sure there's |
2762s | multiple sessions so depending on what |
2765s | region you're in you'll be able to |
2766s | participate and get your chance to get |
2767s | on get this helmet thanks to everybody |
2770s | who's been part of the tests in the past |
2772s | they've been incredibly helpful there's |
2775s | gonna be some other changes coming too |
2777s | as well we're starting to wrap up on the |
2780s | combined arm system so we'll be |
2781s | interested in your guys's feedback on |
2783s | that as well yeah I wouldn't die yeah do |
2789s | you have any specific questions ah yes |
2793s | sure performance PS for construction and |
2795s | implants okay so as far as construction |
2799s | on ps4 we're that is related to |
2801s | performance we're trying to improve |
2802s | performance on ps4 one of the reasons |
2804s | that the ps4 update came out so much |
2807s | late we were trying to get them to come |
2808s | out much more in lockstep with the PC we |
2811s | had some performance improvements that |
2812s | we're coming to ps4 it turned out that |
2814s | those made the ps4 a little bit more |
2817s | unstable than we wanted to be so we had |
2818s | the roll those back and took us a little |
2820s | additional time so what why would tell |
2821s | this story because we are trying to get |
2823s | performance to be improved to the point |
2825s | where we can bring constructions to ps4 |
2827s | as far as the implants on ps4 that we're |
2830s | actively working on that right now I |
2832s | would expect to see it in if not the |
2835s | next ps4 patch but the definitely the |
2838s | one after that and they're both things |
2842s | that we're very interested in bringing |
2843s | to PlayStation 4 and you know we're |
2845s | actively working on it we're working |
2847s | hard on it right parody is the goal and |
2849s | parity makes our lives so much easier |
2851s | because yeah we're maintaining two |
2854s | different sets of just data for the game |
2857s | is insane there's there's too many |
2861s | chances to you know for it's more |
2864s | error-prone and the two games function |
2866s | differently as well in little respects |
2869s | so I |
2870s | yeah parity is definitely something that |
2871s | we want is something that we're pursuing |
2873s | we are confident that we can complete |
2875s | the implant system making good progress |
2877s | on it so far and yeah that's something |
2880s | that we we don't want to give them an |
2882s | ETA for just yet yeah and every date for |
2890s | it I know that's surprising me here for |
2895s | for viewers sometimes but like |
2898s | development is like it's a very complex |
2901s | machine its target yeah just trying to |
2903s | make sure that everything works and we |
2905s | don't break existing things and you know |
2907s | oh but surprise there was a thing that |
2909s | was written several years ago that |
2911s | is totally messing this up now |
2913s | unfortunately we've never done that so |
2914s | far |
2915s | no we've never broken anything never |
2917s | never broken anything ever not allowed |
2920s | to so with the so the question came up |
2925s | in chat duplicates in the new loop boxes |
2927s | I know No except for actually you know |
2930s | what consumables you will get |
2932s | consumables so boosts are the big one |
2935s | we haven't thrown in implants but maybe |
2938s | later on down the line those may be a |
2940s | possibility so yeah |
2942s | mostly boosts you will always get a |
2945s | unique item if you don't if you don't |
2946s | get a boost so yeah they'll give you |
2949s | something you can use if you already |
2950s | have a particular item it won't be part |
2953s | of what it selects from right and if |
2955s | it's a consumable consumable it will be |
2957s | in there so you're always gonna be able |
2959s | to get something interesting always |
2960s | unique all right so I yeah I guess |
2966s | feeling let's pick up some more |
2975s | questions in chat any leadership changes |
2977s | so okay so leadership is something that |
2984s | we of course feel is very valuable to |
2987s | the the planetside 2 experience actually |
2989s | outfits in general and squad play again |
2991s | team play is we're not nerfing it |
2994s | because it is super important leadership |
2996s | is something that is the benefits that |
3000s | need to come from leadership or somewhat |
3001s | UI intensive and while we are getting a |
3003s | small portion of UI time you know here |
3007s | and there it's we we do want to focus on |
3011s | it at some point but now is it's not |
3013s | it's not quite that time but yeah we're |
3016s | very cognizant of the fact that |
3018s | leadership is a very important part of |
3019s | the game and will continue to kind of |
3022s | move that direction be it in incremental |
3024s | improvements or as larger updates and |
3027s | then the second question was about |
3028s | getting the camo that matches my way |
3032s | yeah I've advocated for it many times |
3035s | maybe someday I guess the exact pattern |
3040s | that's on my shirt is one that we're not |
3042s | comfortable using in the game but |
3045s | there's definitely a possibility of |
3047s | having something that is very similar to |
3049s | not even it's not even casual Friday its |
3054s | cause for celebration |
3055s | yeah you feel like you're celebrating |
3058s | yes yes I know my role is improve yeah |
3061s | let's blow something up again I'm just |
3069s | gonna do this for my own good enjoy it |
3072s | enjoy it so if you look up in the air |
3075s | you'll see something somewhat familiar I |
3077s | guess from shackles videos mostly but |
3081s | Bastion fleet carrier is up there kind |
3084s | of cruising in the sky and we do have |
3086s | these scattered throughout so and this |
3090s | is over every continent and they'll |
3091s | appear they're more there just for |
3092s | Atmospheric kind of just to give you the |
3095s | feeling that okay when those faction |
3097s | wins it's just it's your time to kind of |
3099s | like you know yeah yeah punctuate that |
3103s | victory Destruction tanks and just like |
3105s | kind of yeah just hopefully get a strike |
3109s | right on somebody's face and it also |
3112s | allows us to kind of move people on to |
3114s | the next continent which is it's kind of |
3117s | just helps kickstart fighter as well |
3119s | yeah so just function that it's a pretty |
3123s | loud punctuation loud punctuation |
3125s | multiple punctuation marks you want to |
3133s | show the daimyo Nick yeah |
3134s | now and I had actually that'll probably |
3137s | go to test two to be completely honest |
3138s | yeah we had some concepts like batting |
3141s | around so we it it would normally have |
3144s | been up on test sooner but it's it's not |
3146s | just yet because we had like we |
3149s | revisited it and the community is |
3152s | actually as excited about the old leaked |
3155s | data mind string like forever ago and so |
3159s | just yeah but I just just so you guys |
3165s | know when something is is leaked like |
3168s | data mined it for like strings and stuff |
3171s | it doesn't mean anything it really |
3173s | doesn't mean anything like that can |
3174s | change from from there to when it |
3177s | actually gets released is |
3178s | quickly name features like stats that |
3182s | sort of thing all of it is in influx |
3184s | until you know we're happy with it and |
3187s | we're done iterating on it and then we |
3188s | put it out yeah so if something falls in |
3191s | there then it could be it could be |
3193s | something we've intentionally planted in |
3195s | there to mislead you Herring's and such |
3198s | or maybe we just missed a letter or |
3201s | something somewhere yeah it's some |
3206s | pretty cool stuff there should we get |
3207s | one more raffle and then sure okay yeah |
3213s | thanks everybody for coming to the |
3216s | livestream today where we hope you you |
3219s | liked what we what we're showing you and |
3221s | looking forward to playing with you guys |
3223s | on the test server and especially |
3225s | whatever we do like our of it where we |
3227s | where we give out the analyst helmet |
3229s | yeah oh thanks for bringing me on again |
3234s | hello wonderful planetside we do have a |
3237s | coder yeah doesn't talk on reddit yeah |
3243s | no I'm I sleep way too much to be and me |
3250s | I'm just like they're living in that's |
3252s | my life you guys don't have to type |
3253s | raffle yeah also they know okay thanks |
3259s | very much folks for joining us on the |
3261s | live stream like Nick said it's gonna |
3263s | become to be yes sometime in the nourish |
3265s | a very nearest future very nourish TM |
3268s | and yeah well I'll catch you see you |
3272s | guys |
3285s | you |