3 months ago - Mithril - Direct link
PC servers will come down for the following update on Wednesday, January 15, at 6:00am PST (3:00pm CET). The downtime for this update is expected to last up to 4 hours. -- Sales Lunar New Year Returning Bundles! (24th January 2025 - 10th February 2025) Players will be able to purchase previous Lunar New Year bundles for a limited time! Lunar New Year Bundle! (24th January 2025 - 10th February 2025) Players can find a New Lunar Year Bundle in the Depot that contains the following:
  • Lunar Serpent Helmet
  • Lunar Serpent Decal
  • Lunar Serpent Banner
  • Lunar Serpent Banner Frame
  • Lunar Serpent Camo
  • Rattle Horn
Members Only Bundles Daybreak All Access Members will find in the Members Only section of the Depot the following bundles: January Members Only Bundle I (Available throughout February)
  • Trench Shovel (Melee weapon)
  • Camo-Net Exterior Kit (Sunderer and Harasser)
  • Camo Net Hubcaps (Sunderer and Harasser)
  • Camo-Net Bumper Kit (Sunderer)
  • Camo-Net Windshield Kit (Harasser)
Lunar New Year Members Only Bundle (24th January 2025 - 10th February 2025) This year we thought we would throw in a load of titles fitting for the Lunar New Year. Some of these titles are available in our Lunar New Years bundles, some aren't! Players who purchase this bundle will obtain:
  • Title: Lunar Dragon
  • Title: Lunar Rabbit
  • Title: Lunar Tiger
  • Title: Lunar Ox
  • Title: Lunar Rat
  • Title: Lunar Boar
  • Title: Lunar Hound
  • Title: Lunar Rooster
  • Title: Lunar Monkey
  • Title: Lunar Ram
  • Title: Lunar Horse
  • Title: Lunar Snake
Weapon Cosmetics In the Ammo slot on the NS-D Helios and its skin variants you will now be able to purchase different colored flames. So far we are testing the waters with the following:
  • NS-DB Blue Ammo
  • NS-DB Green Ammo
  • NS-DB Purple Ammo
Features We are happy to introduce our NSO players to the "NS-T Skeleton Key", an NSO only power knife! Removal of Auraximas Decorations from Sanctuary and other continents Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where the grayed out areas on Esamir do not show the out of bounds messaging and effect
  • Fixed a hole in the terrain on Amerish
  • Fixed the mysterious missing sidearm directive
  • Fixed a door at Mani Site on Esamir that had single sided polygons
  • Fixed an Armored Canopy model that had inconsistency with it's collision
Crash Updates Improved game stability, including fixing several memory leak crashes and common crashes Known Issues Some rare crash cases may still be present in the game but will be addressed in the next series patches
2 months ago - Mithril - Direct link
Mithril, do you have any news about the assault base?"
We are working on responding to some player feedback from our previous PTS Assault Mode build. Should have the dev letter with these responses arriving in the next two weeks or so.
Please release a mass update to fix map tearing. I'm sure many players need this. Almost all maps have tearing in some areas and it is visible. Due to these, there are excessive freezing and fps drops in that area. This seriously affects the gameplay. I have a suggestion for this; for example, as a developer, create a topic called "Report Map Tearing" and pin it to the top. In this way, players can report the tears they encounter to this topic with a screenshot after using the /loc command"
Good idea, thanks for sharing!
I still experienced a crash after this update ."
As stated in the patch notes, some crashes may still exist and will be addressed in the next series of patches.
2 months ago - Mithril - Direct link
I'm sorry for asking this question. Will we receive a letter from the developers with an official explanation of the situation regarding the studio's disbandment? Many people are worried and don't want to renew their subscription."
We will touch base on our development plans in the upcoming dev letter.