3 months ago - Mithril - Direct link
PC servers are coming down tomorrow at 6AM PST / 3PM CET tomorrow for a hotfix that will address the following below. Estimated downtime may be 3-6 hours.
  • Fixed a crash on CPUs without support of SSE4.2 (Streaming SIMD Extensions 4.2)
  • Improved performance on Windows 7
  • Wavestinger Harpoon and NSX Fusion Blade quick attack fixed
  • Removed cert currency from NS-D "Ice Dragon" Helios
  • Removed water body option for water on Hossin
Note: Although this hotfix will address some of the crashes, we will be reviewing any remaining crashes that may exist after this hotfix. Thank you for your patience while we focus on making your gaming experience much smoother.
3 months ago - Mithril - Direct link
Thanks for your feedback about faction balance. It is noted, however let's focus the discussion in this thread directly to what's been fixed / adjusted and leave space for those to report their expriences with the patch itself. Please use the gameplay discussion section of the forums to discuss about game balance topics. I've added some more things that are included with today's hotfix above. And as a reminder, please follow the forum guidelines and do not spread fud and insults in your posts. Thanks!
3 months ago - Mithril - Direct link
Mithril I Crashed after 30m this morning.:( https://steamusercontent-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/59207304716059859/768398E734C63B1A9C37679771F0FE7D049566B6/ Also, the Mosquito firing sound is bugged or something. https://steamusercontent-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/59207304716074015/1AAC93AFE153334A0E7F2CC3B64759427284AD4A/"
Please share the following details with us: CPU: RAM type and size: Video Card: Operating System:
3 months ago - Mithril - Direct link
Thank you for your responses folks, we are reviewing these cases further and will provide further info as soon as we can. For anyone else having these issues who has not posted here yet, please reply below with the following: CPU: RAM type and size: Video Card: Operating System: sIcGER PTS is used to test certain parts of updates in a unique environment. At times changes / fixes can be done in a timely manner while other adjustments and or suggestions may take longer to develop. The team reviews feedback during PTS events that we promote via social and makes adjustments to the following builds as needed. I understand there may be frustration but note the team is working with the current resources to make the gaming experience better for everyone. In the future we may opt for a big community survey to help focus some attention in certain areas according to internal plans. Stay tuned to our upcoming dev letter to learn what's coming up.
3 months ago - Mithril - Direct link
Good day everyone, thank you for your continued reports along with your computer specs. We will be reviewing this information in the coming weeks and will post another news update on the situation as soon as more info becomes available.