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Hey there Auraxians!

As we get ready to wrap up 2017 and head into a brand new year, the team wanted to take some time to sit down and answer player questions today. With all of the recent game updates and changes, PlanetSide 2’s 5-year anniversary coming up, and some (spoiler alert!) exciting new additions to the team, we thought now would be a great time to have a conversation with you all about the game.

There are a few familiar faces that will be jumping into the thread to answer your questions:

/u/ps_nicto – Nick Silva, Producer

/u/Wrel – Wrel, Game Designer

/u/DBPaul – Paul Dziadzio, Programmer

/u/Roxxlyy – Roxanne Sabo, Community Coordinator (That’s me!)

In addition to the lot of us, /u/db_zant (the “UI Guy” everyone has been whispering about) and /u/BrushWild (a new associate programmer) have also joined the PlanetSide 2 team, though they’ll likely be taking some time to get more acquainted with things before they plunge into Reddit territory.

I’m opening the thread a little bit early so that questions can start showing up, but we’ll be online and actively answering questions from about 2 – 4 PM PT.

Fire away – ask us anything!

EDIT: Okay, it's safe to say we're all pretty blown away by the response that we got on this. We'll still be poking around in the thread a little bit throughout the rest of the evening, but expect the reply rate to slow down some.

I think we've about slowed down here. I'd like to thank everyone for taking the time to ask questions - we've gained some super valuable feedback and I hope we've also helped cleared some things up for all of you. Definitely expect more of these in the future!

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over 7 years ago - /u/db_zant - Direct link

Originally posted by TIVman5

Thanks for doing this devs.

Now that you have a "UI guy," is there a possibility that we will get a more scaleable UI for higher resolution monitors (so we can have a readable map and directive progress up at the same time)?

UI Guy here - this sounds like it would be quite the undertaking, but not an unfeasible one. Simply put, a lot of the UI elements in the game weren't made to scale to modern screen resolutions. But, we have been addressing issues with ultra-wide monintors as well as revamping some of the UI. It's definitely in the realm of possibility.

over 7 years ago - /u/db_zant - Direct link

Originally posted by -Baobo-

Will we ever be able to see who is speaking when in any menu screens?

There is no way currently to see the name of a speaker if you are dead, kind of a big problem.

I have to investigate the feasibility of the task further, but this is something we want to add and are working toward.

over 7 years ago - /u/db_zant - Direct link

Originally posted by TIVman5

Thanks for the reply, I'll remain hopeful!

No problem! It's still my first month working on the UI, so I still have a lot to learn and can't really estimate what it takes to do certain things - but my goal remains improving the experience for everyone.

over 7 years ago - /u/db_zant - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

Welcome Zant, players are hungry for any UI additions so your help is very appreciated.

Thanks for the warm welcome! The team has been telling me this since I joined, so feel free to let me know any specifics and I'll try to get them added to my ever-growing list of tasks.

over 7 years ago - /u/db_zant - Direct link

Originally posted by CrossXFire45

Hey from the console underworld

So I really just wanted to mention a couple small things that haven't been addressed for almost the entire time the PS4 version has been live.

1) For /u/db_zant , On the PS4 version, we still dont have any UI display for passenger names in our vehicles, something PC has had forever. Any chance this could be added? Consider this one on top of my christmas wish list.

2) There are a few bugs that I'd only like to make the devs aware of. Yes Yes the issue tracker still works I know, but things there just get buried on the pile of unfixed stuff and never get addressed. (at least for what I submit).

Just take a quick look ok? Even if you see them and never get to them that will be enough for me.(These are all for the PS4 Version)

-The loadout screens(for vehicle/infantry/air) will go back to the loadout of your last pulled vehicle/infantry loadout any time you change something from any other loadout

-You cant unequip a weapon that you put on the flash(so you essentially need to keep one flash loadout slot free of a weapon so that you still have the option.

-In the death screen, The shield bar of the enemy that killed you always shows as full. (If you partially damage their shields and they kill you, you can still see what percent of shield they lost but its painted over the other permanently full shield bar)

Just a few small non-game-breaking issues that I hope you at least now know of.

thanks for reading if you did.

I actually just started up PS4 development this week. There are a lot of changes and enhancements we want to make, so I'd say there's a good chance your Christmas wish gets granted sooner or later.