over 4 years
ago -
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PTS has been updated with the following changes.
Test Server installation can be found here: http://launch.daybreakgames.com/installer/PS2_Test_setup.exe
The Shattered Warpgate (PTS Update 3)
We're getting closer. As mentioned in our previous PTS updates, we're preparing The Shattered Warpgate to come Live once we've got it into a good state. Until then, we're continuing to patch PTS to focus test different aspects of this update.
- While on PTS, you'll find an interactable object next to the new campaign vendor on Sanctuary handing out FREE STUFF. Interacting with this holographic Flash will provide you with currency and certain campaign items for testing purposes.
- Campaigns will be disabled in this initial update, and a limited pool of missions will be available to test.
- Esamir (and all continents) will be unlocked 100% of the time for this testing.
- Shattered Warpgate Shallows - Fixed the northern shallows area so that it doesn't dip beneath the water plane.
- Jord Amp Station - More cover has been added to the C point.
- The Traverse - The capture point for this base is now placed on the bridge, and the bridge itself is shattered, creating a sort of jumping puzzle that players will use to reach the point.
- Nott Communications - This base is now almost entirely underground, built into a faster than normal 3-point capture with a unique gameplay loop.
- Echo Valley Substation - There is now a sunderer garage east of the base. Vehicle shield is no longer opaque. Adjusted cover.
- Mattherson's Triumph - Sunderer no-deploy zone has been moved to allow attackers to deploy a Sunderer in the west-most tower.
- Eastwake Harborage - Significant updates to capture point area. Additional cleanup.
- Andvari Ruins - Is now a three-point vehicle capture base.
- Eisa Tech Plant - Extended capture timer on this base.
- Grey Heron Shipping - Broken door to the underground can now be easily crouched beneath, and defenders from the spawn room can now reach this area more easily. Various cover additions and fixes.
- Excavion DS-01E - Changed the A capture point building location. Using the tunnels now brings you to a covered, indoor location. Sunderer no-deploy is now visible. Various cleanup.
- Vidar Observation - Now has a vehicle terminal.
- BL-4 Recovery Point - Now has working spawns/terminals/shields, and has also been given a vehicle terminal.
- Jaegar's Fist - Fixed the trench's size to allow for easier passing beneath. Outer spawnroom shields are now one-way, allowing defenders to shoot out.
- Genudine Gardens - Vehicles should no longer be able to enter from the gap in the southeastern wall. Fixed various height issues throughout the base.
- Electrical Storm - We're currently working on getting more accurate UI indicators of the storm's size integrated into the map. Some additional fixes are needed, but its work-in-progress state is now available.
- Various cleanup of floating grass, trees, textures, and very likely a bunch of base changes that weren't listed here.
- Kill planes beneath the water are currently inoperable in most places, and will be fixed in a later update.
- The Crown's D point has been removed (intentionally,) but still appears on the map and HUD.
- Ceres Hydroponics continues to have missing assets in the capture point room.
- Jord Amp Station has a floating shield on the second story.
- Snowshear Fort remains unfinished.
- Mani Lake Processing will receive changes in the future.
- Tapp Waystation and Untapped Reservoir will receive hardspawns and vehicle pads in a later update.
- Deployment Shield damage has been reduced by 50% across the board.
- Maximum health from 5000 to 4500.
- Resistance to aircraft noseguns (type 8) from 85 to 80.
- Harasser nanite cost from 150 to 300
- Lightning nanite cost from 350 to 300
- Projectile lifespan from 1.2 seconds to 2 seconds.
- Added hover-over tooltip for Campaign Standing currency.
- Made adjustments to Join Combat to target better locations.
- Cleaned up text in various Missions.
- All three holo-globes in the Expeditions vendor on Sanctuary can now be interacted with.
- Representative Foster in Sanctuary now has custom idle animations.
- Fixed an issue where water would be rendered over the environmental fog at long distance.
- Esamir water now renders for clients on low graphical settings.
- Revisited loading screen tips to ensure accuracy, and added new ones related to Bastion, Colossus, Missions, and Campaigns.
- Reduced the rate at which the animated Mission indicator pulses on the HUD.
- Improved the hitbox on the Depot button, so it doesn't interfere with clicking on Accept Mission.
- Fixed a misspelled word on the Sanctuary news prompters.
- Skyshield Modules now prevent Lightning Bolts from spawning nearby.
- Explosions from Lightning Bolts and Lightning Grenades are now blocked by Construction objects.
- Reclaimed vehicles no longer despawn while at Eisa Tech Plant or an allied Warpgate unless you are on a Mission asking you to return them.
- Reclaimed vehicles no longer float away on death.
- Reclaimed Sunderers' equipment terminal can now be interacted with.
- Fixed an issue related to reclaimed vehicle HUDs.
- Adjusted objectives dialogue for completed Missions on the Mission screen.
- Sunderer textures should no longer appear as all black when spawning the vehicle.
- Camos should now appear properly on characters, instead of sometimes showing missing.