over 6 years ago - PlanetSide 2 - Direct link

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0s well what's up with that one guy the
2s secret agent man he doesn't have a
3s faction logo oh thanks Zack that's bug
7s we need to fix that right away on night
9s okay what is this what's this what's
14s this strain never seen anything like
16s this in planetside we saw just a little
22s while ago don't bully upside down yeah
29s yeah yeah so as you can see we've added
32s the Ennis Segway yeah yeah so the AI in
48s planetside 1 there was a faction called
50s call them the black ops fraction maybe
53s maybe yeah they want a faction oh no no
56s they were there were so I I conferred
58s with Burness and Kevin oh okay they knew
60s their way yeah actually burn burn ass
62s working on plants that one okay yeah
64s that's true so I so the Ennis black ops
66s faction planet said one was actually
68s driven specifically by the developers
70s like they they would take players and so
73s during times of I mean either
74s overpopulation or if they were just
76s bored I guess they would take players
77s from certain factions and then I put
79s them in this this fourth faction and the
81s intent was to make it so this fourth
83s faction all the other three factions
85s would team up and fight them
86s so the Ennis black ops characters had
88s they had more health they had I think
91s they could use all the weapons and then
93s they had these this fusion katana yes -
97s I won we're not doing that yeah we're
99s not doing that your fears now yes
103s however so the black ops so this is
108s essentially a new faction at least in
110s the code it is very much new faction we
112s have created a new faction this faction
115s is gonna work a little bit differently
116s than the other ones in the existing
118s three you create this robot character
121s and you go in and you login and it'll
123s put you and assigned you to one of the
126s existing three factions depending on
128s population so it will assign you to the
131s lowest population faction
133s so as he loads in here he'll notice that
136s oh look he got assigned to the vanu
138s sovereignty yeah so we've gone through
140s and completely reworked like every
143s faction interaction in the game be it
145s like how you know your med kits work or
149s how revives work or weapons and vehicle
153s spawns and like everything from the
155s ground up so Ennis characters are gonna
157s have access to basically anything that's
159s that's common pool so by default are
161s gonna start with the NSX lineup here for
164s the most part daimyo for the infiltrator
166s the the Tonto for the for the flying
170s man's and pilot rockland rifle all sorts
174s of fun stuff they use common pool
176s weapons completely faction agnostic they
180s are assigned to a specific team so as
183s you'll look here there's some wonderful
185s trim could you go back to that for a sec
187s yeah their character is tinted based on
190s the faction that they belong to so here
192s you see the nice purple and teal tint of
195s the vanu sovereignty and I said these
197s are glowy emissive bits or you're going
198s to need to use a little bit of cleanup
200s oh yeah yeah so wins over Salone
203s actually and for those of you who are
205s curious this was Dokus three-month
208s project I know he's been teasing and
212s honestly like he's done amazing work on
215s this I'm really looking forward to be
218s afar though I can't help but actually
226s you know what so a lot of the community
228s members and we're trying to give like
229s hints like to that direction it's like
231s it's yeah yeah so one of the screenshots
238s that was put out on Twitter was was the
240s old there was this old shed in the
242s middle of in dark and dusty old and dark
244s and there used to be a glass pane that
247s you look through and you'd see the old
248s VFR model the old TR Bureau at VFR model
251s alright so it was just that screenshot
253s at the shed and I think a couple people
255s picked up on it and so we're just like
258s like push it that direction but but no
260s no no BF r is I'm you summoned you
265s still talking I what I kind of am i
269s pressing just buttons I don't know I
272s have run one as you can see the the
276s blackout's fashion runs much faster than
277s normal
277s [Laughter]
281s yeah just to clarify exactly there is
285s there's no major health pools and
287s anything like like that I know that was
289s traditional to the plan aside one but
291s our game is like wheat there's another
294s character so they're going to be
295s assisting the lowest populated faction
297s and because of that because they're
299s assisting the lowest populated faction
301s fights should be more fair across the
303s continent and and actually the wait
306s times for members are going down which
307s is fortunate because this can I say it
310s is a this is a Members Only feature and
314s so you if you have a membership you can
316s purchase or I mean I'm sorry if you have
318s a membership you can create this
319s character and then also in order to to
323s continue to play the character you have
325s to continue to have the membership like
326s that's that's that you have access to
328s play exactly so one of the sort of just
330s built-in advantages of playing one of
332s these characters is yes since you're
334s going to the lowest population faction
336s of each of the zones that you're going
338s into you'll never be in a membership
340s queue ever again but but yeah vibe but
343s also because of the any sort of queue
345s getting into his own and but because
348s you're playing as these characters it'll
349s make the other people that are waiting
351s in queues not have to wait as long
353s because you're bringing it that much
354s closer to the faction balance that we're
356s looking forward to allow for other
357s people to join their other factions so
359s exactly so this is a feature that
362s benefits like planetside 2 as a whole
364s and it's something that it's kind of
366s been it's it's it's an idea from from
370s older times but but now it's here it's
373s something we're pretty excited about not
374s only was it something that was like a
376s you know really large technical
378s undertaking to be able to like like I
380s said like rework all the faction
382s interactions but it gives you an
383s opportunity to like play on different
386s sides of the war easily and you know you
388s can create a a robot only
392s outfit and like you know see people
394s across multiple different oh yeah you
396s should switch out to a different yeah so
399s this is the heavy and I think the heavy
400s looks amazing I love how it's
402s silhouettes actually it makes it really
403s identifiable far away it assigns you to
406s a faction based on which zone you're in
407s the population that zone so if you
409s switch from one zone to another
411s it'll reassign you to whatever that zone
413s happens to need and there's work that
414s we'll need to do to make it so you is
416s the player I always keep in mind which
419s faction you're fighting for because I
420s can get confusing if you're if you're
421s zone or jumping zones yeah I've done a
423s lot of spy before it's it's it's
426s something that's keen on perception is
428s yeah and so you can currently uh Paul
433s briefly mentioned but it's worth
434s reiterating I you can have an outfit
436s full of of NS robots they are not on the
439s same faction per se they have different
441s assignments and depending on what zone
444s they're in and you know just whose
445s population is the lowest so there there
448s is some I I want to kind of rationalize
452s the the membership benefit because it's
454s important that we do it this way as so
458s making it a members-only feature is not
460s only like adds value to membership
461s that's that's obvious right camera would
463s you it not only adds value to membership
470s but also makes it so you don't have
473s these guys running around absolutely
475s everywhere and that means that you have
477s more like the faction flavors is still
479s present within the game so there's still
482s a reason that there's a bunch of NC
484s dudes and there's a bunch of the SDS and
485s that's everything and then also I buy I
489s think when lowering the I mean so the
492s downside of this system is that it is is
494s kind of solo player based it's it's like
498s a lone wolf system really I mean you can
499s have an outfit but that's no no
501s guarantee they're gonna be able to play
502s with your friends at any given time
504s right so there is drawbacks and we we're
507s well aware of that but the benefits far
509s outweigh the drawbacks and hopefully
512s this is something that's it's fun yeah
514s so not forcing people to play this is no
516s yeah yeah exactly
517s so and again like that with the queue
519s times and just balanced fights like that
521s gives us a really solid direction to
524s move
524s when it comes to I don't know just yeah
528s just crying trying to create more
530s balanced flights like throughout the
531s entire Kong yeah I mean that's a big
533s part of the spawn system revamp as well
536s try to get fights to be a lot more even
538s than we find to be much more engaging
541s encounters and much more fun for their
544s players yeah because even if you if you
546s even if you have you know if you have a
549s 50% TR population and throughout the the
553s entire continent like if you're over
555s popped you have to put that population
558s somewhere which contributes to the user
561s gang overpopulation regardless like
564s regardless of the spawn system like
565s moving players around to different
566s locations you you need to to have like a
569s somewhat balanced the faction globally
572s in order to decree balanced fights so
577s run space or whatever yeah
582s so there's we're also we have tons of
585s ideas for what to add to the system to
588s incentivize it to make it more
589s interesting for all the players that are
591s involved and so this is going to be that
594s the the crux behind what we want to do
596s with our play tests this is will this
599s will be coming to the test server later
601s today