This is ignoring the huge glaring problems that you're killing in game communities that are based off of nso outfits.
- Membership is required to join an outfit as NSO
As said in the post, you need membership to assign a home faction. otherwise you'll be set as "freelance" which is unable to join outfits. This means that you won't be able to get merit rewards, outfit armory assets, or a community to play with unless you pay up.
- People who stop paying for membership have to get kicked from their outfits
There's no way around this. If you stop paying membership you need to be assigned as freelance. In which case you have to be kicked from the outfit, lest you have tr outfits suddenly capping bases for vs. You'll also lose your merit currency and rank if you don't keep paying. Also you just can't have nso outfit leaders since they can get kicked out at any time.
- There is no reason to play nso for community
We'll have our own weapons now but you removed one of the best aspects about nso. Being able to play on other empires with the same character. Now you'll be locked to one empire with no need to switch, and you'll be punished for leaving that empire by getting kicked from your outfit. why go through that trouble when you can just roll a tr or a vs??
Think hard on this RPG. This isn't even touching on possible bugs this causes that could be even more unfixable than the current ones.
Edit: 4. All NSO characters will lose their merit apon this update hitting. Since getting kicked from outfits causes merit to get wiped.
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