over 4 years
ago -
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ALERT: All #PS2 servers (PC & PS4) will come down tomorrow, Tues Nov 24, at the times below: PC: 6am PT (3pm CET) PS4: 8am PT (5pm CET) PC fixes for the Anniversary Mission + PS4 Anniversary! 2 hrs downtime (each patch). PC: https://t.co/b1ErzRF7EA PS4: https://t.co/4kAcjJdufn https://t.co/fIDlVFAxbU
Heads up - deploying some fixes to #planetside2 PC from feedback over the weekend and publishing the anniversary update to PS4 right after. Details can be found in the links below - and a reminder that 2xp for All is running on PC/PS4 through Thursday night! https://twitter.com/planetside2/status/1331054194221051904