over 3 years
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All PC servers will come down for the following hotfix on Wednesday, July 28, at 6:00am PT (3:00pm CEST). Downtime for this update is expected to last up to 2 hours.
Misc. Changes, Fixes, and Additions
- Containment Sites have received a major update that polishes visuals in all rooms, fixes a large amount of bugs, and significantly reduces memory overhead and performance impacts in and around the facility.
- Fixed an animation issue related to NSO's shoulder clipping through rocket launchers.
- Fixed an issue with the CT2-8M Siren firing projectile visuals from the wrong location.
- Changed the Javelin's JVN-X3 Hydra's Phased Dispersion Amplifier icon to be more in line with other vehicle weapon attachments.
- Javelin's auraxium trim now changes colors based on team assignment.
- Javelin is no longer listed on the remote vehicle spawner list for non-NSO characters.
- New display screens have been added in the Sanctuary stairwells.
- Clouds across Auraxis are no longer blocky.
- Decals now appear on the Dervish.
- Dervish landing gear no longer has reversed face normals.
- Fixed a skinning issue on the Dervish Typhoon Exterior cosmetics.
- Adjusted NSO weapon attachment models to fit more snugly on the weapon rails.
- Fixed an issue with the NS Viscount G6 shotgun not hitting targets at very close range with hipfire.
- Players now receive 750 nanites when a continent locking alert ends.
- Added the Chimera, Dervish, and Javelin to VR training as NPCs.
- Chimera now correctly plays its turning animations while reversing.