about 5 years ago - /u/a_sites - Direct link

UPDATE @ 11:08PM (Pacific) - First, thank you all for showing up! At the risk of sounding like I'm making excuses, our PTS server hardware is NOT as beefy as Live servers. We have almost 1000 players on PTS at the moment and we haven't seen the pop that high in a long time. We might see network perf that you won't see on Live.


Just a reminder that we are scheduled to kick-off the EU playtest on the public test server at 11am (Pacific) / 7pm (GMT) - approximately 1.5 hours from now

Then again for North America at 4pm (Pacific) / 7pm (Eastern) to make up for the cancelled playtest yesterday due to our CDN provider issues preventing download.

In addition to the list of changes outlined below, our primary focus today is client/server stability; specifically a client crash that appears to be happening while players are in Sanctuary. Of course, if you run into any new, critical issues not listed in here, please reply to this thread. We will be monitoring reddit and twitter throughout the day.

Thank you again for your help as we head down the final stretch to the Escalation launch!

Below are the changes that went into the build we published last night:


  • Bastion attack waypoints no longer persist after the Bastion is destroyed.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple Bastions from the same faction could be present at the same time.
  • Added a transitional screen effect when launching from the Bastion into an Interceptor.
  • Added more descriptive names to Interceptor ESF variants.
  • Weakpoint explosions should now be easier to see on low graphical settings.
  • Bastion vehicle stats now have the expected information on the My Profile screen.

War Assets

  • Orbital Strikes now have updated visuals.
  • Adjusted sorting of Waypoint right-click menu.
  • ANVILs now use faction-specific colors.
  • New Outfit members now properly see the status of War Asset crafting that was in progress when they joined the Outfit.


  • Fixed a UI issue that could cause periodic framerate hitches for some players.
  • Test-server-only bundle for free outfit resources has been added back to the Sanctuary resource vendor.
  • Audio stingers no longer mute Sanctuary’s environment music when they’re done playing.
  • Fixed Sanctuary description on the World Map screen.
  • The Flail now uses the correct icon.
  • Fixed blue squares incorrectly appearing on the map and minimap for multiple Amp Stations across all continents.
  • Drop Pods now properly display visuals and audio for remote clients.
External link →
about 5 years ago - /u/a_sites - Direct link

Originally posted by Leviathuna

Test server is lagging so hard for mexD Maybe thats the reason bastions teleport small distances and rotations for me

Yeah, the PTS hardware, which is nowhere near as powerful as Live is getting taxed HARD right now. 1500 players on right now and its not setup to run efficiently with that high of pop.

about 5 years ago - /u/jgolenbo - Direct link

aaaaaaand we may have forgot to set the continent max and broke our own World Record on Test, nbd

about 5 years ago - /u/jgolenbo - Direct link

Originally posted by TandBinc

"record breaker" title for participants when? :)

Lol, it’s not “official” per Guinness til its independently verified, but we’ve wanted to officially break our record for a long time...what better timing to organize!