almost 4 years ago - Mithril - Direct link
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almost 4 years ago - Mithril - Direct link
Nobody uses the forums, where else will you be present?"
Greetings! I'll be scouring Reddit and our social media pages. Still going through some bootcamp here so I may not be actively posting on Reddit just yet, but I have already started reporting trends from there. I'll pop in on Discord soon! :D
almost 4 years ago - Mithril - Direct link
Great news, its fantastic to have a passionate gamer in this role. Any games we may know that you CM'd for before? I know you are very experienced and have a comprehensive understanding of CM duties, so while you get acclimatised and up to speed with everything here is just my tuppence of what I think could bring immediate benefit as we either don't have these, had them before, or could use improvements:
  • Bugs feedback visibility - there is in-game /bug command. There are daily posts on reddit about the same issues. But there is no mechanism in place that could allow us to at least understand what's been acknowledged and is in the pipeline. Even a simple list of the 10 most reported items. People post the same on reddit every day because there is no info on the status. Sometimes Wrel confirms via twitter if fixes are coming for specific bug, but it's far from rule and more of a good will. We used to have a bug tracker based on JIRA, but it's no more.
  • Suggestions feedback channel - there are tons of good suggestions particularity on reddit - from quality of life to whole new mechanics or vehicles. It would be great if it could be distilled into a list of the most popular items periodically for the team to at least look at and give some feedback to us. For ease of gathering you may just setup a form with right parameters that people could submit. Anything that could help us to help the team to make changes for better.
  • Creative community - there are many talented people creating content for PS2. Some just stream they play sessions, others do cinematics, make PS2-themed music while some even do full 3d animations set in PS2 world. It would be great if such players could have a easier way interacting with the company - perhaps having a easier and more structured way to apply for observer camera and easier access to creative resources/creative team at the company. We also had n creative video contest last year. Just saying.
  • Active participation in conversations - our previous CM was addressing and interacting with the community rather sparsely. I would love more energy and enthusiasm that would lead to more involvement with various conversations across various platforms. From posting the big news here and there to casual response to some of the more popular topics. In my mind this is the "community" part in the community manager role.
  • 1st party Community events - we used to have those, now it is only players doing them.
Very impressive list sir! Thank you for this, I'll take these elements into consideration as I brush up on current matters. Thank you all for the warm welcome and I hope everyone is having a fantastic week! P.S. To answer your first question, you may know of my workings on APB: Reloaded, Warrock, and Vindictus to name a few.
almost 4 years ago - Mithril - Direct link
Hey Mithril, good luck as new CM ;) Is there already infos on how to better reach out to you about stuff? Is it gonna be just this forum or also other platforms?"
Official social channels including here on the forums :) Thank you all for your continued support, I highly appreciate you all!
over 3 years ago - Mithril - Direct link
Greetings again all! Thank you for the warmest welcome. I have joined the community discord, although I will try to be as active on there as I can, I do ask for a little patience as I incorporate it into my work schedule. Feel free to reach our to me via DM there for all inquiries. See you there, soldiers!