over 2 years
ago -
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The Test Server has been brought into parity with the Nanite of the Living Dead event notes with the additional changes listed below.
Download the Test Server client from this thread after reading the Test Server Policies: https://forums.daybreakgames.com/ps...st-test-server-policies-download-link.114038/
- Lost Fleet Carrier's health pool has been increased significantly, and its missile batteries now track targets.
- Elysium Spawn Tube is now immune to Sniper Rifle damage.
- Extended magazine on the TX1 Repeater now adds 6 rounds, appropriate to the 3-round burst size, instead of 5.
- Extended Magazine on the Solstice Burst now adds 6 rounds, appropriate to the 3-round burst size, instead of 5.
- Fixed an issue with Kingsnake audio not sounding off correctly.
- Health and Shield bars now display when appropriate while Large HUD icons are set.
- SABR-13's Forward Grip now uses the correct icons.
- Decals appear on Sunderers once again.