The patch notes are lack luster in explaining what actually counts as scoring points.
When the qualify phase begins, all enlisted Outfits will then scramble to capture and claim territory to earn points on the scoreboard.
Does this mean that only owning a base will give you points? Will owning a base continue to give you points or just the initial capture of it?
Where if you look at the graphic it says
Earn Resources to Rank
Does this mean that getting the outfit resources is what counts towards point? Does the extra starting an alert and ending on count towards the points too? Does the passive resource gain also give you more score?
How exactly is scoring done and how do outfits earn points. Do outfits not participating in OW still "score" points even if it doesn't count? If so, why have it be opt in?
If another outfit scores enough to join OW, can I leave my outfit and just join them instead? Or do I have to be a part of an outfit before they join or something?
Unrelated question, is any of the war asset usage available in the API? I'd like to know if one of my outfit members uses a war asset while I'm offline or such.
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