over 4 years
ago -
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PTS has been updated with the following changes.
Test Server installation can be found here: http://launch.daybreakgames.com/installer/PS2_Test_setup.exe
Firestorm (Implant)
- While the effect is active, your recoil and cone of fire bloom suffer significantly.
- This implant will be available as an Implant Pack option at some point after the Summer event has ended.
- Firewall implant works once again.
- Hardlight Reserve Barrier no longer consumes both charges during placement.
- MLG decal on the Babylon Magrider cosmetic no longer turns the vehicle blue.
- Made performance improvements related to map and minimap indicators.
- Made additional improvements to voice communications to better associate players with the correct voice channels and sessions.
- We've implemented individual channel reset buttons in the voice tab of the settings page.
- Known issue: We're aware of an exploit related to the Colossus Shield and are taking steps to resolve it.