almost 7 years
ago -
PlanetSide 2
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Transcript (by Youtube)
3s | hello everyone welcome to the planetside |
6s | 2 stream yeah oh I'm supposed to say |
9s | something now yeah Nick doesn't need a |
13s | mic is actually just gonna project his |
14s | thoughts into yours |
15s | right through the internet yeah no let's |
18s | see our stuff is poorly engineered like |
21s | the mics built-in we just don't have it |
23s | set up with this okay so yeah welcome |
27s | everybody to our advanced specialization |
30s | program stream specialization stream |
34s | advanced specialization stream yeah |
36s | we're gonna talk about a bunch of stuff |
38s | today but before we start I just wanted |
41s | to thank the community for for that |
44s | amazing community smash |
46s | I just everybody involved the casters |
49s | that were casting The Force commanders |
50s | that were there just leading those |
52s | forces in the game the people who |
54s | organized it it's incredible that to see |
56s | that many people all part of the same |
58s | event together and just all the |
59s | participants it was it was amazing match |
61s | to watch it just shows playing it cited |
64s | its absolute best I can't I can't I've |
67s | just been gushing about it ever ever |
69s | since it happened so well 400 and 400 is |
72s | pretty impressive yeah it's no other |
76s | game can do it and so and you guys |
78s | really showed it off at its best so |
80s | thank you so much for that event and |
82s | we're looking forward to seeing more and |
84s | thank you fara for coming back to the |
86s | stream because that's you're the best |
88s | commentator anyway so yeah what are we |
94s | talking about today we're gonna be |
96s | showing off a little bit of the new Doku |
98s | rifles that that are gonna be going to |
101s | the game soon yeah they're working |
102s | they're working progress right now so |
104s | but we'll be showing you guys what we |
106s | got so far |
107s | also we're gonna be introducing you guys |
110s | to a new team member you've already |
113s | talked to him a little bit on reddit but |
115s | we're gonna be bringing them on so you |
116s | guys can see them also we're going to |
119s | talk about the construction changes that |
120s | the Drew's been working on show off show |
123s | off a little bit also we're going to |
126s | tell you guys what the advanced |
127s | specialization program is all about yeah |
128s | we haven't even told you that ASBA |
131s | stands for advanced specialization |
132s | program so |
134s | so yes B stands for advanced |
136s | specialization the program and a task |
139s | let's see oh and also on this stream |
142s | we're going to be doing giveaways as |
143s | usual it's gonna be the same system as |
146s | we usually have for raffles if you type |
149s | anything especially nice things about |
151s | rel in the the chat that it'll enter you |
155s | into the into the raffle and and roxy is |
159s | going to be handling the the chat and |
161s | let you guys know who won so with with |
165s | without much ado like i kick it over to |
168s | terrell here to talk about battle rifles |
170s | yeah yeah okay so battle rifles are an |
173s | extreme work in progress right now uh |
175s | don't don't take any of the stats that |
177s | you see as uh as law or fact or whatever |
180s | but you can see the models hurt in the |
184s | game the audio is it's pretty close for |
186s | the the TR and the NC actually i think |
189s | the audio is done the animations are |
190s | pretty close they need some polish but |
192s | the s1 is not not set up yet but we'll |
195s | see that in the nearest future so the |
199s | point of the battle rifles B's and |
201s | battle rifles are going to be more like |
203s | heavy battle rifles so instead of the |
205s | youth the more spammable i etalon mr at |
209s | 66 and the other one the the warden |
214s | which are all the same stats we decided |
216s | to make a new set of battle rifles and |
218s | add some empire specific flavor and i'm |
222s | just gonna click a few few times here |
225s | but we'll talk about the mechanics that |
226s | we kind of intend on doing a little bit |
228s | so this is an c1 i you can tell it's got |
231s | like the sauce chunky sound |
234s | I think it's like yeah and let's go to |
237s | our yeah so the TR one is is fully |
243s | automatic and you can tell these the |
245s | magazine sizes are going to be pretty |
247s | long this may or may not be the final |
249s | numbers but yes the TR one has a |
253s | rotating barrel but still slow firing |
255s | like all the battle rifles yeah and |
272s | there's some magic happening with the |
274s | animation so again work and progress the |
278s | ps1 doesn't actually have sounds right |
280s | now I can show you the model if you'd |
281s | like yeah that's all and I've heard some |
286s | of the sounds for this and I was really |
289s | disappointed we couldn't quite couldn't |
291s | we just got a sound drop today so so |
295s | we're cutting it really close but you |
297s | should see these things on pts at some |
300s | point like probably not this week maybe |
302s | next week |
302s | potentially yeah so speaking of pts drew |
306s | is gonna be on pts later so if you want |
308s | to get your clients downloading now |
309s | you'll be able to mess around in there |
312s | see if you can find them mess or like |
314s | mess them up and mess them up yeah see |
319s | some of the new construction stuff we'll |
320s | be talking about doing that alright so |
324s | those the the battle rifles so some of |
327s | the mechanics that we we've been wanting |
329s | to do fun mechanics here for all the |
331s | Doku weapons and we've kind of been like |
332s | missing it every because we've been |
335s | trying to push off these weapons but for |
337s | the battle rifles we're kind of content |
338s | to just just take our time yeah make |
340s | sure that we get those unique game |
342s | mechanics in there that just really had |
343s | something new to the game with with |
345s | these rifles and we're thinking piercing |
348s | as a mechanic for NC and I know Paul is |
351s | working on that right now yeah so you |
353s | know being able to shoot through someone |
355s | to hit someone else there's a lot of it |
359s | is that's what NC do anyway I shoot |
361s | three so we just need it to be through |
365s | the enemy twice |
367s | but yeah so the physics of the bullets |
370s | are pretty deep in the engine and we're |
373s | essentially just trying to find exactly |
375s | where we detect that collision as we |
378s | move it forward in space notice that |
381s | we've hit something find out how to |
384s | continue it going and ignore the thing |
387s | that we're currently inside of so we |
389s | don't just get like a million collisions |
390s | on that same target there was a we were |
394s | talking earlier like in the week about a |
396s | bug where there was like a head shot in |
399s | a different game that like it hit him |
400s | twice in the head so it did not only |
402s | extra damage but twice as much extra |
405s | damage huh and just one shot people |
412s | seeing if we can give designers tools |
414s | you know whether it's SKUs or whether it |
417s | does less damage or something like that |
420s | on the second head there's all sorts of |
422s | stuff yeah so fun mechanics when we find |
425s | time we're trying to work on those |
426s | actually we've we've knocked out a |
428s | number of interesting design tools that |
431s | are gonna go into we're doing more |
434s | implants later that's to be to be |
437s | announced when they drop but probably I |
441s | can probably like scroll through the |
442s | icons right now screencap guessing as to |
459s | what all they are and actually the the |
462s | class specific so we're a whole new |
464s | batch of class specific implants are |
466s | coming out but and also the icons were |
467s | redone for the old ones as well to make |
469s | them a little bit more clear so yeah but |
472s | all sorts all sorts of fun stuff let's |
473s | do a giveaway yes do it so why don't we |
476s | do that typing in chat if you've typed |
479s | in the last like minute or two or |
481s | whatever that you're already all set say |
485s | something nice about Ralph yeah you know |
488s | maybe the way that he's clean shaven |
491s | today and my my razor is like it was |
495s | dull and then it broke this morning so I |
498s | yeah see I just skip it I just use the |
500s | the beard trimmer |
502s | if anyone's asking about that I ran out |
505s | of Mohawk it's like I just yeah oh yeah |
507s | they've never seen it before yeah it's |
509s | been a while I think I teased him with a |
511s | hat laughs this is to represent the the |
514s | unstable warp gate system with the |
515s | lactose it's actually a clear mohawk |
521s | phases in and out it just so happens |
523s | that it's not it's a little more |
525s | unstable right now we're gonna say Nick |
527s | possibly so we have a winner |
540s | diseases has 100 I'm sorry yeah okay |
547s | oh sorry I'm not a disease there was |
550s | this type in the chat to Cecil |
552s | which is either a diesel weasel or or |
554s | also diseases a different type of |
557s | disease but thank you and |
560s | congratulations okay so let's go ahead |
563s | and bring drew onto the street okay |
564s | we'll have Paul back get out of here |
566s | fourth faction sure we have a new member |
582s | of the team so some of you may have run |
584s | into drew before already on write it and |
586s | you've been doing a lot of a lot of |
589s | interaction with the community yep so |
591s | far about the community's favorite part |
593s | of the game |
593s | that's so so that's always a lot of fun |
596s | could you tell us a little bit about |
598s | where you are from what your background |
601s | is from the gaming industry so I've been |
604s | at this studio for about of five months |
605s | before that I was at wargaming Seattle |
609s | working on an unannounced project and |
611s | then before that I was at destiny |
612s | all right Bungie working on destiny so |
615s | I've been both a tester and a designer I |
617s | also come from a background of some very |
619s | high level competitive gaming in both |
622s | Team Fortress and overwatch so yeah |
625s | yes we played a robot yeah yeah so far |
630s | Drew's been blowing Orion's about how |
632s | quickly is able to learn all these tools |
633s | and yes construction is one of the just |
636s | like I don't know just maybe this or |
640s | more disorganized parts yeah yeah yeah |
642s | so I construction has been it's been a |
645s | good learning and like a training |
648s | grounds for for drew because it |
649s | incorporates a lot of different elements |
652s | of the design pipeline and the the NPC |
656s | behaviors which a lot of construction |
658s | allowance raw elements run is it's |
661s | probably one of the more convoluted kind |
663s | of life and it's very difficult to it to |
666s | navigate so being able to deconstruct |
667s | that and and kind of poke around to see |
670s | what what works what doesn't and and |
672s | sometimes what should work there's a lot |
678s | to do in the system but it also pertains |
680s | not just a construction but to |
681s | everything that we do in our game so |
684s | there's a lot of things that I've |
685s | learned recently that there's been times |
687s | where are you |
691s | I know dare you I know there's systems |
697s | that we don't really understand and we |
700s | need you know know it's funny because |
702s | we're we're like coming across new like |
704s | I'm the waters like every everyday well |
707s | does like learn something something I |
708s | know yeah |
709s | so it's it's yeah across the entire game |
713s | it seems like we're constantly cleaning |
715s | things up yeah re-engineering yeah |
717s | making it more reusable and allowing for |
719s | ourselves actually Paul is really thing |
722s | on that he makes it he makes a focus to |
725s | to continue to to clean things up |
728s | they'll just make an extendable yeah for |
730s | the future doing things the right way |
731s | instead of the fast news so drew you're |
735s | gonna show off some some fun |
737s | construction yeah so over the past few |
740s | weeks I guess past month or so over the |
747s | past month or so we've come out with |
748s | three new items for the defensive side |
752s | of construction as well as one new |
755s | activatable ability so I have a base |
757s | here |
758s | and we have a few new things so the |
761s | first thing like a thing in red is the |
763s | pain spire so it does about 50 damage |
765s | per second to everything in this 15 |
767s | meter radius it's very effective it both |
772s | kind of giving you a reason not to |
774s | approach this area but it's not too |
777s | strong so if you move into it for too |
779s | long or if you move into it for a short |
782s | amount of time you can you can kill it |
784s | pretty easily so we should I let's back |
786s | up a little bit and and talk about why |
788s | we want to destroy you can structure |
790s | stone so the construction system right |
792s | now is very set up a base real quick put |
796s | a hive inside of it and then just let it |
798s | go |
799s | it's very I guess as someone coined the |
803s | term meat grinder II right now yeah so |
806s | infantry turrets air turrets all of |
809s | these different things are very |
811s | aggressive and kind of make it not fun |
815s | for offense right general yeah we want |
817s | to move the the ideal behind |
820s | construction shouldn't be invincible |
822s | fortresses it should be more like |
823s | blockades so things or bases that you |
827s | construct to interdict with it with a |
830s | normal lattice flow or or to project |
833s | power you know two different lattices |
835s | instead of just building in the hole |
837s | somewhere yeah and actually we'll be |
839s | talking so we're gonna be removing hives |
841s | in the future but I'll be talking about |
842s | that later sure so for that we've also |
845s | removed the invincibility from walls so |
848s | you can hit the walls now and you can |
849s | kill them repair modules do heal them |
852s | very quickly but not as quickly as as it |
857s | could be so it's effective but you know |
861s | you can take it down with a group of |
862s | people fairly easily so some of the |
865s | things that I wanted to show off was the |
867s | structure shield module so we've taken |
868s | this and we've added a new feature to it |
870s | so we now have a hack for it basically |
873s | so it's an activatable over about 15 |
876s | seconds of holding this down you get 30 |
879s | seconds of invulnerability for all of |
881s | your walls alright so and it only |
882s | affects the the rampart wall and the |
884s | blast walls as well yeah lost walls is |
886s | it's a nice feature to have because so |
889s | just to back up just a moment |
891s | we removed the invincibility did we |
893s | mention that yeah from from also I and |
896s | blast walls have never actually never |
898s | had a place we're fixing okay this is a |
900s | graphical bug we're working on and we |
902s | call it hall of mirrors |
903s | yeah fixing it all mirror stuff is it's |
905s | gonna be going away yep yeah at some |
907s | point but we right now you can see that |
911s | the the wall is invincible so there |
913s | should be a visual indicator so for this |
920s | moment we should probably mention right |
923s | we've mentioned this in some patch notes |
927s | a while back but it's worth mentioning |
928s | again we have commands we can leave it |
931s | under ease sure it's great |
933s | we added commands to the game that are |
935s | the /ignore commands so if you type in |
937s | /ignore you'll get all the all of the |
939s | sort of usage help for for that command |
943s | but basically the the two good ones to |
945s | use when you're streaming our ignore |
947s | space requests space refuse and ignore |
951s | space tell space refuse and that'll just |
954s | sort of make it so people can't really |
956s | send you messages yeah actually honor |
958s | can you go to me if you select the items |
960s | tab make it so so we have a person who's |
967s | burning from the paint spectrum can you |
971s | go to the the settings menu interface so |
976s | you can see the bottom what five bottom |
979s | four I think |
980s | yeah yeah so they're also exposed there |
982s | via the right and those actually update |
985s | once you if you were to do the commands |
988s | by hand they'll also update this menu as |
990s | well so there's no disconnect yeah so if |
993s | you're a streamer it's nice to have for |
996s | sure it solves that one problem that we |
998s | saw where a streamer ended up getting a |
1001s | request yeah from a random person to and |
1004s | be the the leader of their squad that |
1007s | there's additional sort of functionality |
1009s | to the command that if you use the slash |
1011s | version of it where you can add people |
1013s | to like sort of a allowed list away yeah |
1017s | so just if you have any questions about |
1019s | it let us know on the forums but yep |
1022s | yeah so the flail uh you want to talk |
1025s | about that yeah sure I've gotten it so |
1028s | Drew's gonna go out the little targeting |
1030s | device out of the thing and then run |
1031s | around okay so the flail is actually |
1035s | it's an artillery piece right now the |
1037s | models temporary everything you see with |
1039s | the other paints fire the the flail and |
1041s | actually the router which we'll be |
1042s | talking about next is temporary artwork |
1044s | that'll be I done at some point in the |
1047s | future and this is an artillery piece |
1052s | much like the the glaive IPC but it |
1054s | fires an anti-vehicle shells yeah yeah |
1058s | let's do it yeah we're not gonna really |
1062s | see it coming but so much like the |
1067s | acclaim of IPC it fires shells up into |
1070s | the air and then they will rain down at |
1073s | desired location and perhaps right now |
1076s | is the is the dart spammable it is |
1079s | currently for tests though in the future |
1081s | we are looking to reduce that yeah |
1085s | creating limitations although it's not |
1087s | was it broken right now so excellent |
1089s | perfect |
1092s | I shouldn't it would it would tell you |
1094s | anyway if you were delete the dart so |
1097s | maybe we just Jack something it's |
1108s | possible oh that would be okay so what |
1112s | we're doing that another item that we |
1116s | put together is a routing spire and drew |
1120s | will show it off in just a bit but the |
1122s | routing spire is why isn't black oh it's |
1129s | green on his screen okay oh the green |
1132s | screen effect is working oh okay |
1138s | so the so the routing spire what you do |
1141s | is you place this spire and spires are |
1143s | similar to modules except that spires |
1145s | have a different exclusion areas so the |
1147s | intent is to be basically stronger |
1149s | modules that are placed further away |
1151s | from one another |
1152s | now at the routing spire you can pull a |
1154s | route around which is similar to the the |
1157s | old Ford's one concept that we have had |
1159s | on test for a long time is like keep it |
1162s | held out the whole time all right you'll |
1164s | know inventory you'll run into a base |
1167s | where you so these these routers can be |
1171s | placed anywhere so they're just like a |
1173s | standard deployable you can place them |
1174s | within bases themselves and not jump has |
1176s | this unfortunate sorry sorry I |
1179s | but yeah so you can the intent is to |
1181s | take them into lattice spaces and help |
1183s | fortify your your offensive push so |
1185s | instead of solely relying on sunderers |
1187s | you have another like I'm a more |
1190s | logistical element that creates yeah it |
1193s | has some limitations and limitations are |
1194s | important but it allows for you to place |
1196s | get-get some spawn points that are |
1198s | deployable in two places at sunderers |
1199s | kit right exactly yeah they can go |
1202s | within no deployed zones that can go |
1203s | indoors which is a big thing as well the |
1206s | the router routers themselves once |
1209s | they're destroyed you have to go back to |
1210s | the router expire pick up a new one and |
1212s | then transport yourself back to the base |
1214s | right now I believe if you die they |
1217s | better stay I'm not sure okay so we want |
1221s | to be able to take them away from you if |
1224s | you die or if you redeploy and that's |
1226s | sort of thing if that guy speaking of |
1237s | speaking of crap but the rest of the |
1243s | April Fool's items will be coming back |
1245s | right yeah but not the toilet flush for |
1247s | no that has been now become a exclusive |
1250s | item that you if you purchased it before |
1252s | you you can know it's a rare things |
1255s | where ya feel special or it's becoming |
1257s | more rare yeah but it will not be |
1259s | available this year for they for full |
1260s | sale yeah some people really hate that |
1263s | horn it turns out yeah some people odd |
1265s | just yeah yeah okay so so here they come |
1271s | the sweet embrace of death don't oh nice |
1276s | okay Andrews in fits all right yeah yeah |
1280s | but well let's keep hammering the same |
1282s | location or is it just a one no it's |
1284s | just a one and done okay so it actually |
1286s | deletes the object the moment that it |
1289s | fires sorry which is really interesting |
1291s | yeah so you'll have to you'll have to |
1293s | recast it which means longer exposure |
1295s | time for you as a player to be sitting |
1297s | within the area and try to get this guy |
1308s | no no come back come back dude do I do a |
1311s | dance is gonna happen right here I sure |
1326s | hope that actually works so one of the |
1340s | other things that we wanted to bring to |
1341s | construction was an offensive site so we |
1344s | wanted to make it a lot more more than |
1347s | just using prowlers from a long range |
1348s | we're using MBT specifically this thing |
1351s | or max crashes so one of the things that |
1355s | we wanted to do in general was bring a |
1358s | new method of taking down the walls and |
1361s | taking down the modules in one block and |
1365s | drop another dart and part of the way |
1368s | that we wanted to do that was was making |
1370s | ants more than just a go get core diem |
1372s | and then come back or making ants more |
1375s | than just let's go RAM some people and |
1377s | that way but part of it for us was |
1384s | taking some of the objects that weren't |
1387s | ever used and making them more usable I |
1390s | suppose right and also I so did you |
1394s | mention that it's creating siege damage |
1395s | well that was that was how we got this |
1398s | to happen |
1398s | it was using siege damage okay so the |
1401s | answer right now the the howler |
1404s | specifically and a yellowjacket |
1406s | yeah will be able to to tear apart |
1407s | construction objects |
1409s | quickly yeah and and that creates a sort |
1412s | of risk reward because those those |
1414s | vehicles are in very short range and |
1417s | also if you're running the Yellow Jacket |
1418s | top laser you don't have the ability to |
1420s | defend yourself really outside of |
1421s | ramming people and throwing them around |
1423s | like John Cena if you show this up we |
1432s | need to tighten up yeah we do okay well |
1441s | that's good yeah so we added the |
1443s | offensive element that allows you to to |
1445s | go CG base and that's something that |
1448s | everybody has access to with the top |
1450s | mounted mind anyways our wish preview |
1451s | previously wasn't really used before and |
1454s | it just I mean it helped you get corps |
1456s | diem but who's gonna sit in the Gunners |
1457s | even help you do that so yeah not too |
1462s | bad we're still working on stuff they |
1464s | they're gonna gonna kill nice okay take |
1469s | it |
1469s | I construction we're still working yeah |
1476s | right now probably maybe next month |
1478s | maybe next month yeah we'll see I kind |
1481s | of want to make it around the same time |
1482s | that we do the other stuff that you're |
1484s | gonna talk about later yeah but going |
1490s | forward we kind of want to make it more |
1491s | of a soft base rather than these hard |
1495s | invincible fortresses yeah but we also |
1497s | want to make it more interesting for the |
1499s | players both making them and destroying |
1501s | them in Iraq so things like the overall |
1504s | shield and other things for sure yeah |
1509s | sure sure but before we do that let's do |
1513s | another giveaway now that giveaway so |
1515s | same rules as before type something nice |
1517s | and chat and while we're waiting for |
1522s | that well let's bring Paul back yeah |
1532s | haha of our stream |
1536s | the schnoz yes the snows yeah excellent |
1542s | let's go ahead and have rel walk us |
1545s | through what the ASP system is yes let's |
1548s | do that let's get all up in that ass is |
1554s | this a PG stream that's fine okay it's |
1557s | fine I think it's peachy enough okay so |
1561s | the advanced specialization program okay |
1564s | so apparently someone named fact Kim CAC |
1570s | won the raffle congratulations to fact |
1573s | Mike axe just cracking up in the back |
1576s | we're making me worse we're still we're |
1578s | still a PG stream thank you |
1587s | so yeah whatever the point of our stream |
1593s | advanced specialization program is what |
1595s | is the advanced specialization |
1597s | specialization program as some of you |
1600s | may have guessed is a new progression |
1602s | system aligned with prestige prestige |
1607s | better yeah better because we don't |
1609s | steal all your stuff you prestige you |
1613s | reset your battle rank and you keep all |
1616s | of everything but you go back to battle |
1619s | rank one prestige level one or ASP level |
1623s | one as it is for sure |
1626s | so I have multiple thoughts in my mind |
1632s | right now I'm sorry I'm sorry I wanted I |
1634s | wanted to mention that we were asked to |
1637s | to do a level increase so instead of |
1639s | just pushing out the battle rank which |
1642s | is it I feel is it's not only lame that |
1645s | means lame we decided do something |
1649s | that's not exciting oh sure |
1651s | not exciting we decided to to make |
1656s | something that's a little bit more |
1657s | interactive a little bit more engaging |
1659s | so we ended up with the advanced |
1662s | specialization program and also it helps |
1664s | us do some |
1665s | in the future but before we get to that |
1668s | to be a part of the advanced |
1670s | specialization program you need to be |
1671s | about a ranked 100 and you can be above |
1673s | bottleneck 100 I know it goes to - 120 |
1675s | which is kind of like part of the thing |
1677s | we're trying to get rid of because once |
1679s | you hit batter rank 100 there's this |
1681s | linear curve after that and it just it |
1683s | doesn't feel it is pretty grindy so now |
1688s | you get to to relive your your youthful |
1690s | days of battle rank 1 to 30 before you |
1693s | stall out again but the quick quick |
1695s | succession but ok so advanced |
1705s | specialization program once you are |
1707s | about on 100 you could be a member and |
1709s | get access to this for free or you can |
1711s | pay ten thousand certification points |
1713s | which as a free players is your your |
1716s | maximum so you'll you hit that the |
1718s | unlock and you will become a part of he |
1724s | will gain access to that specialization |
1726s | program and also I should have showed it |
1728s | before but you could preview the skills |
1730s | and see what you'll have access to now |
1732s | our advanced specialization points are |
1734s | something that you'll be earning once |
1736s | every twenty five bottl ranks and you |
1738s | also get one it about a rank one so as a |
1740s | total you'll get five battle rank points |
1742s | or five procedure |
1745s | ASP tokens a maximum of five you cannot |
1750s | circle back around once you hit battle |
1752s | rank 100 we have control of that right |
1755s | now it's not an infinite grind loop here |
1759s | although we may eventually well I mean |
1762s | we we certainly want to extend it but I |
1763s | think part of the the the exciting part |
1768s | yes very that was so hard to say yes so |
1775s | the exciting part of having a new battle |
1776s | rank is our battle rank cap is that a |
1779s | bunch of people are going to is that a |
1785s | bunch of people are going to be moving |
1787s | alongside you and going through the same |
1790s | process is you I think that that kind of |
1792s | it feels you know like a like something |
1795s | significant when when the the archive |
1796s | gets raised but and having an infinite |
1799s | kind of falls away from that anyway so |
1801s | some of the skills that you'll have |
1802s | access to and again |
1803s | you're only gonna get five points and |
1804s | there's this list of like what eight |
1808s | twenty-something skills at the moment |
1810s | and potentially we will add more in the |
1811s | future we tried to play it really safe |
1814s | this time around and so well I'll get |
1819s | into it but yeah infiltrator can get |
1821s | things like a carbine access which is |
1823s | kind of fancy or sticky grenade access |
1826s | which is kind of fun |
1827s | flash grenade access there's a lot of |
1828s | grenades sharing between classes but we |
1830s | also tried to retain the some of the |
1834s | style and flavor yeah yeah and so |
1838s | expanding it too we wanted to give you |
1840s | some sort of multi class style element |
1843s | but without detracting too much from the |
1845s | the purpose of the class so the |
1846s | abilities aren't touched tools aren't |
1848s | touched it's a lot of access to two |
1852s | different primaries or to put some of |
1854s | those primaries in your secondary slot |
1857s | considerations like the anti-material |
1858s | right yeah so originally so one of the |
1861s | things on the list was to give the |
1862s | engineer the ability to use antimaterial |
1864s | rifle in the secondary slot but if that |
1866s | was the case I could potentially throw |
1868s | through him balance out of whack if I |
1870s | just like making it too accessible means |
1872s | that there is essentially no trade off |
1875s | which means that Max is Tony who stood a |
1877s | chance anymore so it just things like |
1879s | that are taken into consideration like I |
1881s | said really safe and potentially we can |
1882s | expand upon this in the future I see |
1884s | there's no max ones there no max ones |
1886s | yeah yeah I don't know about that but it |
1890s | is truly a specialization you know one |
1892s | of the fantastic things about class game |
1896s | play is is people tend to gravitate |
1897s | towards what style they enjoy playing |
1900s | the most and this gives them an |
1901s | opportunity to double down or specialize |
1904s | or fill in some of the weaknesses of |
1907s | that particular play style now we're |
1910s | focusing more on expansion of a play |
1913s | style instead of power increase I mean |
1917s | you have maybe some exceptions you can |
1919s | make the argument for like well some of |
1921s | the weapons going to the secondary slot |
1922s | but this update is also being coupled |
1925s | with we're buffing pistols across the |
1928s | board at the same time except for the |
1929s | commissioner yeah yeah that's going the |
1931s | other direction a little |
1932s | but and nothing nothing crazy sorry I |
1935s | don't make ya check them out |
1941s | don't make judgement before you can get |
1944s | your hands on we always want you to have |
1946s | to allow the pistol to be a viable |
1948s | secondary because it has some traits |
1951s | like it's the fastest to pull out and |
1954s | once you run a name on your main weapon |
1956s | like remains the quickest draw ya |
1958s | quickest draw it's crud got a great |
1961s | hipfire for most these things so spend |
1962s | on your points okay fine fine |
1965s | so since engineer is my most played |
1968s | class and coincidentally house the most |
1970s | sorry gotta harp on that bias okay so my |
1975s | engineer now has access to a shotgun |
1976s | secondary this is probably gonna be the |
1978s | most controversial and so does let's get |
1980s | all the way right now just put it out |
1981s | there right out of ya so let's do a |
1985s | battle rifle on my my main hand and then |
1987s | the shocking magic magic tricks okay so |
1993s | now I have the battle rifle for my |
1995s | long-range combat here I switch my yeah |
2000s | it does it does so you situations show |
2006s | but yeah so that's kind of part of the |
2009s | trade-off yeah so it's one of the things |
2014s | you have access to kind of fun there's |
2017s | there's a bunch of other abilities and |
2019s | that's lots of lots of grenade sharing I |
2021s | think that's um so that's super fun so |
2024s | this ASP program it sounds like we had |
2026s | the mess with some pretty fundamental |
2028s | things with the game it sounds like a |
2029s | pretty major technical problem there |
2031s | yeah yeah so it was it was pretty |
2035s | involved so the experience system is |
2038s | pretty core in the engine it's it's a |
2040s | fundamental part of our gameplay it's |
2041s | something that's been around since the |
2043s | beginning since this engine was used for |
2045s | other games so picking up the whole |
2048s | thing and putting on another layer of it |
2050s | of having an entirely new set of ranks |
2054s | that you can rank up into and making |
2055s | sure they go to the next one properly |
2058s | and making sure they display in all the |
2059s | you know 30 50 areas in the UI that they |
2063s | show was kind of |
2066s | whole ordeal the metaphor I've been |
2069s | using is like popping open the plate of |
2071s | the electronics we have and just like |
2073s | slowly pulling the board up while making |
2076s | sure that none of the wiring has been |
2078s | severed and like trying to fit like the |
2081s | prestige system underneath so that it |
2083s | just rests on it and does exactly what |
2086s | everyone would expect it to everything |
2088s | like that but you know it's yeah we we |
2092s | don't want to mess it up for you so |
2093s | we're trying to make sure that we we do |
2095s | as as fantastic of a job as we can |
2097s | sorry I just revealed the the fake fake |
2100s | rent system this is not a thing there's |
2104s | no rent yeah no I mean you you guys have |
2112s | put tons of times into these these |
2114s | characters and just like you know |
2116s | thousands of hours or whatever it's we |
2120s | want to make sure that we do it right we |
2121s | want to make sure you have fun doing it |
2123s | and experiencing this new thing yeah it |
2125s | would have been I it would have been a |
2127s | lot easier probably to just dumpster |
2129s | like all of your experience yeah so we |
2135s | made we made considerations for things |
2137s | like like Dawson fall it's a site that |
2140s | tracks your experience and it kind of |
2141s | projects well battle rank you should be |
2143s | in that sort of thing and we didn't want |
2144s | to disrupt any of that for the community |
2146s | and yeah because that's the |
2149s | considerations that we make because we |
2150s | care about that sort of thing yeah when |
2151s | you when you prestige over it doesn't |
2153s | instantly level you off like 30 times or |
2155s | whatever yeah you know just lots of |
2157s | little things that go into it but you |
2159s | know we do it for you because it's a we |
2163s | want you to be happy |
2165s | we are adding or how already have added |
2169s | the API endpoint to look up your ASP |
2172s | ranks yeah for those stat sites they're |
2173s | gonna be have access to that on the |
2175s | player records immediately and we'll be |
2179s | updating our own site as well so that |
2180s | information will be on there as well for |
2182s | show a lot of the places where it shows |
2185s | the within the UI like you can show up |
2188s | where it shows your battle rank instead |
2190s | it'll show like a dot or a star yeah |
2192s | next to your battle rank to indicate |
2194s | your your ASP rank I love the name I'm |
2197s | sorry |
2199s | makes me smile so so you can tell star |
2208s | and this is your prestige icon actually |
2211s | you should be getting a title as well |
2213s | but the data is for that isn't isn't set |
2216s | up polishing it up make sure it's |
2220s | already before we flag it to go I've |
2222s | yeah cool exciting exciting so that that |
2229s | was the ESP system and we hope you guys |
2232s | are getting excited about it and let's |
2236s | see let's do another giveaway yeah |
2240s | we'll do our last giveaway of of the |
2242s | stream the exciting thing is so |
2244s | difficult yeah if you guys haven't |
2248s | noticed we're saying exciting a lot yeah |
2250s | it's really exciting to say exciting |
2252s | said I just love that word so much and |
2254s | we and I'm it's very exciting to me that |
2256s | someone might be playing a drinking game |
2258s | where they take a shot every time we say |
2259s | exciting we they we don't want to kill |
2262s | our player rays so yeah that was the SP |
2271s | system |
2272s | why don't we oh let's see and stake in a |
2275s | yes yes steak and cheese vs won the |
2277s | raffle congratulations steak and cheese |
2279s | congrats are you now I want a steak and |
2281s | cheese sounds good we've revealed this |
2286s | do we want to talk a little bit about |
2286s | what we're gonna be working on beyond |
2288s | the SP update absolutely okay so in the |
2292s | the near future some of the stuff is I |
2294s | mean we've had a lot of things in |
2295s | progress and they're just not ready to |
2298s | be revealed yet on stream but we'll get |
2300s | there so uh things like the mentor |
2303s | squads coming up soon the squads in |
2306s | general getting some of the UI has been |
2310s | done there's plenty more to do that's |
2313s | coming in this upcoming update let's see |
2319s | what else what are we even doing I wrote |
2323s | this down for a reason okay I freaked |
2324s | melt on continent events are coming up |
2327s | we talked about this last stream but we |
2329s | want to add |
2330s | small engaging events that kind of |
2335s | diversified gameplay before a continent |
2337s | is able to be captured through the |
2339s | mountain words well done with the |
2340s | removal of hives we need a different way |
2343s | to to prolong that experience and to |
2345s | give them something to do and yeah you |
2348s | know all sorts of fun little mini games |
2350s | almost ya know like gameplay variants |
2354s | right right yeah mixing up that |
2356s | experiences should be good and we can |
2358s | use it for like learning experiences so |
2360s | if if there was an alert I think I use |
2362s | this last time but if there's an alert |
2363s | that gives you access to two air |
2365s | vehicles you know non-stop and then |
2367s | house you go capture like air capture |
2369s | points that would allow like new players |
2371s | who don't typically get an experience or |
2373s | a fun flying experience because they're |
2375s | shot out of the air by aces but if you |
2378s | expand that and like make that the goal |
2380s | you know for a lot of people on the |
2381s | server you can create this massive air |
2382s | battles and that sort of thing and and |
2384s | get some flight time in for the newer |
2385s | players so there's lots of ways that we |
2387s | can tailor these experiences it's a lot |
2390s | that'll be coming up melt down is also |
2392s | getting changed back to the to a |
2394s | winner-take-all sort of alert on the |
2398s | docket as well and oh yeah so we're also |
2403s | ahead of it I forgot about it last time |
2404s | - yeah we are redesigning spawn system |
2407s | that's that's on our to-do list |
2409s | hopefully for ya just do it from scratch |
2411s | yeah start all over I might need to that |
2414s | do it again there's like when you spawn |
2416s | something in this game there's like ten |
2418s | different things that it may go through |
2420s | it could be cleaner yeah and hopefully |
2422s | it will be yeah so things if there was |
2428s | any if there was any silver bullet for |
2431s | alleviating circuiting or just helping |
2435s | disperse the the population and get |
2437s | players to the the fights that they want |
2439s | to be and the fights that are engaging |
2440s | for both sides that would be through |
2443s | making the the spawn system more easier |
2446s | to understand easier to read and also |
2448s | divert you to places that that the game |
2452s | should should probably be diverting you |
2454s | to in the first place so yeah that's |
2456s | gonna be a big focus of ours we're at |
2459s | the very least going to be starting work |
2460s | on that this coming month rather getting |
2464s | into work |
2464s | on this month and yeah those are the the |
2469s | biggest media terms yeah so something |
2471s | that I wanted to bring up is that one |
2473s | the ASP stuff that was going on a lot of |
2474s | people were mentioning that oh I hope |
2476s | it's alpha progression and we do too but |
2479s | that best outfit progression stuff is |
2482s | now fit stuff in general |
2483s | toward the end of the year so I kind of |
2485s | put that out of your mind for the time |
2487s | being keep it in your mind they didn't |
2491s | keep it in your hearts yeah and keep |
2493s | talking to us about it yeah it's it's |
2495s | something we're very interested in and |
2497s | there's just stuff to get to first right |
2499s | it's a very large system it's good much |
2501s | larger than what ASP yes so multiple |
2505s | systems it's gonna be affecting a lot of |
2507s | things yeah and I'm very glad we did ASP |
2509s | now and not later be great and we'd have |
2511s | even more stuff to overhaul yeah yeah |
2515s | and and just going through the motions |
2518s | is kind of giving us some it's given us |
2520s | tech that we're going to be using in the |
2521s | future anyway so yeah a lot of these |
2523s | these pieces that we're knocking out I |
2524s | mean you may not see it on the surface |
2526s | but everything that we do kind of leads |
2528s | into the next thing so cool yeah I think |
2532s | we're ready to take some questions from |
2534s | the community but before we start taking |
2538s | questions just wanted to mention that we |
2540s | did notice that recursion is getting |
2542s | flagged by battle I this morning show me |
2545s | fix now it should be fixed now so we |
2548s | alerted the battle I guys that recursion |
2552s | was all of a sudden being flagged they |
2554s | they noticed it as well and it should be |
2555s | fixed now they had to restart a couple |
2557s | services and get the whitelist to load |
2559s | correctly yeah so don't need to ask that |
2563s | question when is the ARP coming that |
2566s | question oh it will be coming to pts |
2570s | hopefully by the end of the day we are |
2573s | trying to get it done by the end of the |
2576s | week yeah it'll be it'll be next week |
2579s | okay fine this week everything will be - |
2580s | we can yeah it's sort of a system that |
2583s | is a little bit higher risk than a lot |
2584s | of the other things that we do so we |
2586s | need to test it thoroughly it's so far |
2589s | so good |
2590s | most of the bugs we've seen are pretty |
2592s | surface level things but we're making |
2595s | sure to test a lot of different |
2597s | use cases and characters were gathering |
2600s | characters of all difference because it |
2603s | turns out it matters whether or not |
2605s | you're testing with the character that |
2606s | was created before the ASP update or |
2609s | after it and so we're paying very close |
2611s | attention to that because of course the |
2613s | character is created before the ASP |
2615s | update are incredibly important to us |
2617s | and we've we've taken we put a focus on |
2622s | actually giving customer service some |
2624s | tools to that's right yeah so one of the |
2626s | other things with the prestige stuff is |
2629s | like making sure we surface it and the |
2631s | logs everywhere so when someone comes to |
2633s | them and says oh hey I need you to |
2635s | refund me this and give me this many |
2637s | certs and stuff they can actually go in |
2638s | and look and see what's been going on |
2640s | when they when they leveled up when they |
2644s | what things they with skills they |
2646s | purchased and that sort of thing so |
2648s | making sure everything all our eyes are |
2651s | dotted and our T's are crossed and that |
2653s | sort of thing yeah so there's a question |
2659s | anything new in combating targeting so |
2661s | redesigning the small system is gonna be |
2663s | the one of the biggest efforts that will |
2665s | help I create more more balanced fights |
2668s | so and that's again that's a focus of |
2671s | something we'd like to do is anything |
2673s | new coming to ps4 or any of these |
2675s | systems yes yes so these systems are all |
2680s | going to ps4 right so the only thing |
2683s | that that concern not Construction right |
2685s | the only thing that's probably on the |
2686s | lock step with with PC is construction |
2688s | and you have pretty much everything else |
2690s | and we we continue to we want to keep it |
2695s | that way |
2695s | rather not we want you guys in step as |
2699s | possible right right yes now we want to |
2701s | keep it so you just you never have |
2702s | construction well no we are interested |
2704s | in bringing construction over there's |
2705s | there's a lot of work that needs to be |
2707s | done before it gets to that point yeah |
2709s | lots of concerns we don't yeah we don't |
2710s | want to dumpster the game while trying |
2712s | to give you you know we know you want it |
2716s | but we we know you want a work in game - |
2718s | yeah I did see optimization pop up there |
2722s | and it is it's one of our goals this |
2725s | year but but the main the main thing is |
2728s | we |
2729s | as a team are focused more on delivering |
2733s | some systems that we feel are gonna |
2734s | build engagement the optimization is a |
2737s | secondary effort that we're trying to |
2738s | spin up on the side that's not directly |
2740s | the dev team right so yeah those those |
2743s | efforts for the most part lay outside no |
2748s | promises yet but yeah it's it's |
2750s | something we're constantly pushing for |
2752s | yep |
2753s | we wanted it as much as you do yes |
2757s | probably yeah most likely any changes to |
2760s | the alert rewards so with the |
2763s | winner-take-all alerts and that'll be |
2765s | he'll be more likely to actually win |
2768s | those rewards and we'll start there and |
2771s | then be able to iterate on it after the |
2774s | fact and also when the when the smaller |
2777s | alerts there the many alerts events or |
2778s | whatever come out that's those will also |
2782s | have alerts tied to them as well there |
2783s | are rewards attack to them as well and |
2786s | yeah so the the reward structure may |
2789s | need to to get an overhaul but we're |
2790s | still in the process of yeah just laying |
2795s | laying all that out Bastion fleet |
2798s | carriers my screen real quick you |
2805s | probably need to fly there you go okay |
2815s | it's done you can't actually enter the |
2816s | vehicle I'm sorry that's a tease but so |
2820s | Mitchell was working on the the |
2822s | collision and Everman rudimentary pass |
2825s | has been checked in so you can actually |
2827s | like run along and the sort of thing and |
2828s | yeah it's looking like a pretty legit so |
2832s | it's starting to be usable in game and |
2835s | trying to you guys can start imagining a |
2838s | time when this becomes below the flight |
2840s | ceiling and you can actually start |
2843s | interacting with it now you're gonna |
2846s | direct goes here it goes here that's one |
2849s | of the ways you'll interact it's going |
2853s | here - yeah straight in the last |
2856s | question is on the Asia server we're |
2859s | still trying to get a Asia server spun |
2861s | up pretty much almost all the technical |
2862s | details of making |
2863s | happened or have been worked out and now |
2866s | it's just a question of actually making |
2869s | it happen but the details of how the |
2872s | accounts will make their way on to the |
2873s | Asia server we still haven't figured |
2876s | that out either |
2876s | so yes it's it's it our plans to do that |
2880s | have not gone away or progress is being |
2883s | made |
2883s | yes it's just slow plotting forward |
2886s | progress that'll be the last question so |
2890s | just wanted to thank everybody for |
2893s | coming to the stream today we're super |
2895s | excited to show you I'm glad we got to |
2897s | tease a little bit of the bash and so |
2899s | excited too but there's so much other |
2903s | stuff that we're working on that kit |
2905s | we're not quite ready to start telling |
2906s | you guys about so post asp we are going |
2911s | to be doing some really exciting stuff |
2912s | exciting but thanks everybody for coming |
2915s | to the stream today bye bye |