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So many people making "how I think valkyrie should be improve" or "valk sucks and here's why" posts yet the vehicle doesn't even seem finished and may be bugged.

1) Is the valkyrie's flight model / speed bugged on test right now?

2) Is the valkyrie really that flimsy, or are some of the resistances on the valkyrie bugged as well?

No point in making suggestions if the damn thing is bugged and we just don't know it.

INB4 absurdly OP ideas of how to "balance" the valkyrie.

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over 10 years ago - /u/kevmoSOE - Direct link

The flight model is working as intended. Yes it is different, yes it is slow, yes there is no leaving hover mode. But this doesn't mean it is the final flight model or speed, so please give feedback. It is intended to feel more helicopter like and make more use of the vertical thruster compared to other aircraft.

Resistance to small arms was set incorrectly. That is fixed internally. I think that was the only egregiously incorrect resist. So if the feeling is it is too weak in against other weapons, then provide feedback about those weapon types specifically.

Edit: Clarification.