over 2 years
ago -
Direct link
The following update is now available on the Public Test Server.
Download the Test Server client from this thread after reading the Test Server Policies: https://forums.daybreakgames.com/ps...st-test-server-policies-download-link.114038/
Connery Server Performance
A couple of weeks ago, we implemented hardware and network changes to the Connery server, and based on reports, those issues seem to no longer be present. Thanks for bearing with us on all of this. If you see any major slowdowns or hiccups moving forward, please report to CS using this link: https://help.daybreakgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Mentioned as one of our ambitions in the Roadmap for 2022, item gifting has made its way to PlanetSide 2!
You can gift to anyone on your friends list by using the "Gift" button found on most items and bundles in the Depot.
The recipient of your gift can find the item(s) in their notification screen, alongside an optional note.
This functionality will only be partially available on Test Server, as DBC purchases are restricted in that environment.
Summer Items
Add some splash to your arsenal with the throwable Water Balloon, the Soldier Soaker sidearm, and the Mega Soldier Soaker primary!
New to the Depot: Amphibious Vehicle Cosmetics are now available, alongside the Dive! vehicle horn. This horn plays different sounds above and below water!
Summer Directives
This year we'll be running three, separate Summer Directives for two weeks at a time. The Summer 2022 - Beach Head directive begins right when the update goes Live, and will be available through June 29.
The first weekend of each Summer Directive will yield Double Experience for ALL! Catch the wave this June 17, 18, and 19!
Aerial Anomalies Return
The Beach Head Summer Directive heralds the limited-time return of the Aerial Anomalies event.
Once per continent, an Aerial Anomaly event will kick off that spawns anomalies periodically around the map.
Aircraft are free for the duration of this event, and will be needed to travel into the Anomaly, gather Tempest, then return it to your faction's buoy.
Bastion Fleet Carriers also act as drop-off locations for this event, so be sure to use them to change the flow of battle.
Lattice Adjustments
The following changes were made in the last update, but missed from the patch notes:
- Removed lattice link from Onatha North Gate to East Onatha Comm. Array.
- Removed lattice link from Onatha North Gate to Onatha Southwest Gate.
- Removed lattice link from Xelas North Gate to Xelas West Air Dock.
- Removed lattice link from Xelas North Gate to Xelas South Bridge.
- Removed lattice link from Xelas South Bridge to Xelas West Air Dock.
- Removed lattice link from Acan Southern Labs and East Acan Storage Depot.
- Removed lattice link from Bitol Northern Outpost and Bitol Stockpile.
- Removed lattice link from Zotz Agriculture Lab to Zotz Arboretum.
- Removed lattice link from Saurva Overflow Depot to Saurva South Fortress.
- Removed lattice link from Rashnu Watchtower to Rashnu Southern Pass.
- Removed lattice link from Allatum Broadcast Hub to Allatum Research Lab.
- Added lattice link from Tapp Waystation to The Traverse.
- Added lattice link from Frostfall Overlook to Terran BL-4 Crash Site.
- Added lattice link from Spral Oasis to Jord Amp Station.
- Made adjustments to how construction object placement works to prevent certain exploitative behaviors.
- HUD indicators now allow ally/enemy toggles for certain categories, and various bugs have been cleaned up.
- Flak Attack and Skyfall on Auraxis missions now progress by dealing damage, instead of earning vehicle damage experience.
- Added Soft Point Ammunition to the GD-22S.
- Added Underbarrel Grenade and Smoke Launcher to the PSA-01 Diamondback.
- Added Underbarrel Shotgun, Grenade, and Smoke Launcher to the AR-101.
- The AE variant of the Artemis VX26 now has the attachments it was missing from the base weapon.
- ANT's Deliverer Module no longer conflicts with Rival Combat Chassis.
- ANT no longer displays two entries of the NS-A Horn.
- Sniper Rifle resist type no longer damages Hardlight Barriers.
- Fixed an issue where the Friendly Fire audio could spam suddenly on Oshur.
- The radar dishes on Exodus Fleet Carriers no long has missing textures.
- Updated tooltip for Cortium Bombs.
- Fixed LOD issues with the Reaver Dragonfly cosmetics.