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Edit: Kevmo has said the autoturret was an idea SOE were playing around with - allowing darklight turrets with a significant drawback like damage. The file shaql found was apparently not hooked up to anything. Thanks for the clarification, Kevmo.

Source: Shaql's patch notes

  • "AutoTurrets have a DarkLight (showing cloaked Infiltrators wherever it's looking, possibly engaging them)"

During the initial introduction of the darklight attachment, I saw darkenergy come up as a counterweight to darklight. Edit: The DarkEnergy would either be a property of bullets at short range, or would render HA shield useless when illuminated just like the darklight makes the cloak useless.

It seems to me that Infiltrator and LA are already not useful enough when situations are serious i.e. during organised play against organised opponents. The farmers league also supports this observation, with matches being a Heavy ball.

I remembered that I had this link in my bookmarks which gives class usage by outfit, trying it out for some top outfits gives: DA, AC, OO, FCRW.

  • HA is about 25%. Infiltrator is around 10%. Given about half of that graph is playing engineer while being in vehicles, and max usage is limited because of resources, the dominance of HA is worse than the results suggest. A lot of the Infiltrator usage is probably KDR padding at farms by sniping while being useless for achieving objectives.
  • The point I'm trying to make is that Infiltrator and Light Assault are around the last classes which should be further nerfed or countered.
  • The reasons as to why Heavy is comparatively used so often is beyond this thread, it's sufficient to observe that it is.

I don't see why the main ability of the infiltrator should be neutralised unfairly, while executing the main role of the infiltrator - flanking, without there at least being balance for other classes like Heavies which are far more overused as it is (It's a concern that Autoturrets on Live are good against Light Assaults flanking).

Paging /u/las0m/ . (If this is Phase 1 of a system that includes hacking turrets details would be nice).

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about 10 years ago - /u/kevmoSOE - Direct link

Auto-turrets do not have a DarkLight.

The file shaql found isn't hooked up to anything.

It's just an idea we were kicking around that there could be a variant turret with a darklight on it, that would probably do less damage or have some other drawback.