10 months
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April Fools!
The Puzzler Bundle
New for sale this year is the Puzzler Bundle. This Bundle includes:
- 4x Puzzler Hairmet, one in each faction color
- 4x Puzzler Camo in faction colors
- The Puzzler Decal
- The Puzzler Banner & Banner Frame
- Liberator Puzzler c*ckpit Glass
- The Puzzler Hood Ornament
- Vehicle Clown Horns! Honk, honk!
- Aprils Fools Cosmetics & Bundles are returning from April 1st until April 10th
- 40% off Infantry Weapons
- Originally part of the 11th Anniversary Bundle (and still is)
- This Commissioner sidearm has entered the Depot as an individual cosmetic to purchase!
- The Red Crystal Commissioner is available for purchase in the store
- This is a variant of the NS-44 "Primed Amethyst" Commissioner with a red crystal theme
- Infiltrator Class Banner
- Infiltrator Class Banner Frame
- Infiltrator Class Decal
- Light Assault Class Banner
- Light Assault Class Banner Frame
- Light Assault Class Decal
- Enjoy double xp from April 1st - 4th.
- Audio for the NS-11A equipped with a suppressor has been fixed
- An incorrect "Restricted Area" location on Amerish has been removed
- Several boxes that fell through the floor on Esamir have been re-solidified and relocated
- The directives screen will again clearly show when something has not been unlocked
- MGR-C1 Charger overcharged muzzle flash VFX should now play properly
- The Target Focus implant should now correctly work when the Hud Indicator size is set to large
- Fixed terminal interaction in command centers
- Characters should once again appear at their proper size during character creation
- Archer reload audio should now player properly in first person
- Slight optic adjustments for the NS-44: "Primed Amethyst" Commissioner