21 days ago - Mithril - Direct link
PC servers are coming down at 6AM PT / 3PM CEST tomorrow for a PC Update that will address the following below. Estimated downtime may be up to 3 hours. Labor Day 2024 Sales Celebrate Labor Day weekend with Flare Guns, 40% off gear and more! The sale runs from September 1st - 10th.
  • 40% off Infantry and Vehicle Gear
  • Return of Patriot Camo and Flare Guns
  • Some older cosmetics are making a return for limited time (mostly hood ornaments):
Monthly Members Bundle September's Monthly Members Bundle is available from September 1st - 30th and contains:
  • Spitfire "Prime Directive" Turret
  • Meteorite Drop Pod
  • Implemented a feature where the Sunderer can now deploy underwater. Pressing the deploy button (default B) will make the Sunderer sink to the floor and deploy as usual
  • Improved Stealth Module. Allies that emerge from a Sunderers Stealth Module will now be cloaked for 5 seconds. Cloak effect will be cancelled upon usage of items, weapons, abilities and when swapping between weapons
  • Implemented a separate mesh for the Sunderers Reactive Armor which will replace the standard model from the moment it receives damage until it recharges
Bug Fixes
  • Updated the U-ARX Dirac's stat card, changing its iron sights zoom of 1.35x to 3.4x
  • Fixed a visual bug with the progress bar of capture points
  • Fixed Acan Bio Lab rendering issues on Hossin where meshes would pop in and out of view at close distance
  • More Weapon audio fixes and reworks
  • Fixed a bug with some of the Conquest Directives where progress of point capture would contribute to Oshur
  • Fixed a Point Defense sound effect issue where the sound would be slower in 3rd person
  • Enhanced the Reaver's Air Hammer sound effect as it is too quiet for an aircraft mounted shotgun
  • Lumine Edge's sound effect is now more prominent
  • Fixed a bug where the Wartime Emissary and Frontline would disappear and not shoot when equipped and resupplied
20 days ago - Mithril - Direct link
Minor edits to patch notes made:
  • Improved Stealth Module. Allies that emerge from a Sunderers Stealth Module will now be cloaked for 5 seconds. Cloak effect will be cancelled upon usage of items, weapons, abilities and when swapping between weapons