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The new update has brought many new and veteran player back to the game, which is great. But i am also concerned that for outfits to participate in OW they have to become as toxic and egotistical as possible to other outfits on the same faction. The scoring system works in the most crudest way, only the outfit that puts its name on a base capture gains from it. This enocurages outfits on the same faction not to work together but instead sabotage each other to get xp ticks while a base capture is in progress, or abandon pointholds and gain xp in some ways even tho its a dumb move for the cap, hoping other outfits will do the work. Defending bases that do not belong to your outfit actually only helps your competing outfit to enter OW and lessens your own.

This cant be what ps2 is about. It would be far more enjoyable for factions to work together, help each other and progress together.

The other issue is that the current system favours the huge outfits simply because of their numbers and them capping without leadership or strategy behind it, but thats an entirely different topic.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Wrel - Direct link

This has been addressed a few times over (and please give these links a look,) but this initial release is intended to give us a baseline for how we want to tune this in a future update (which at this point is looking like an April release post-Outfit Wars Alpha 1.)

All of the concerns are valid, they've all been accounted for and discussed well before this update was released, and we already have a list of changes we're looking to introduce.

I understand we're all a bit impatient here because we're excited to see the system improve (or are disappointed that your "competitive outfit" isn't going to be able to compete this go around,) but I'd like you all to continue to trust the process.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Wrel - Direct link

Originally posted by ErnestCarvingway

Ever had your fun ruined by a stray outfit?

Not with this update! No 12 man outfit who actually took the time to learn the game and enjoy being good at it will ruin the day for cat herders ever again. Thank you wrel and welcome everyone to the popdump championships of 2020!

Like I said about 14 minutes ago, changes are coming in the next update, and it's important that we're able to gather data now so that we aren't kneejerking that leaves us reeling for multiple month periods trying to line it all up. This has been the case in the past, and with the increased team resources, getting it done right is way more important than getting it done fast.

An example of what will be coming in the next update are limitations on how many outfit members can contribute to scoring on a base capture. So your "actually took the time to learn the game" outfit coordination will pay off more easily.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Wrel - Direct link

Originally posted by HAXTIME

This is interesting.

However, if only the top X players (score-wise) were accounted for in a battle, when deciding who gets the ownership, wouldn't that be an even better approach? (per side)

That way, if your single-squad outfit does an exceptionally good performance, it doesn't matter if a random zergfit has 2000 people sitting on the point padding ammo, because most (if not all) of them won't matter.

Although I guess it ends up being pretty much the same thing in the end, I just had this thought for a few days now. It would pretty much put an end to this behavior.

if only the top X players (score-wise) were accounted for in a battle, when deciding who gets the ownership, wouldn't that be an even better approach?

That's how this will work.

EDIT: It occurs to me that you may have meant a single player from a participating outfit is all you'd score. How we'd like scoring to work is that we take x of the highest scoring players within an outfit, and their combined score is what's used to determine who takes the base. We want outfit-based goals to require multiple outfit members, but not so many that only excessively large outfits are the ones reaping all the benefits.

if a random zergfit has 2000 people sitting on the point padding ammo, because most (if not all) of them won't matter.

We're looking to address this as well by rewarding specific actions, instead of all methods of raw experience gain as it does currently. We'll release more details when it's time.