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about 8 years ago - /u/_Sherman - Direct link

I updated the sockets that check for valid terrain yesterday for the bunker, pill box, VP gen, infantry tower, silo and garage. You should no longer be able to get floating construction objects, like the bunker here, when this is patched out.

about 8 years ago - /u/_Sherman - Direct link

Originally posted by Quartz_Hertz

Were you able to address skyshield modules that are sunk below the ground about 10m?

Also, if it's not too much to ask, could we get a list of construction object dimensions? I really enjoy planning and building bases, but creating workable mockups is tough w/out accurate structure dimensions.

I did not address the skyshield module, thank you for bring that up. Assuming I can fix this with sockets (I think I can) it will be done today though!

about 8 years ago - /u/_Sherman - Direct link

Originally posted by VORTXS

but the bunker is only floating cause each point is above and below the actual ground like it requires.

unless you mean something else?

More points have been added that will force the bunker to be on the ground and not be a ravine bridge/ceiling.

about 8 years ago - /u/_Sherman - Direct link

Originally posted by SHINYREDBULLETS

@_Sherman Hey dude, any chance of doing a quick pass on the activation locations for repairing the construction items? Some of them are way off. I mean, way off....as a few quick examples -

Gate Shield wall thing; repair zone is not located at terminal up stairs, it is actually in the center of the gate area and generally easier to "catch" when you're jumping and on the 'out' side.

Vehicle Spawn Bay; repair zone is not located at terminal but in center of vehicle spawn block.

...i'm sure there's another couple but can't remember right now! :)

I'll get those two addressed today too. If I notice others I'll get them too.

about 8 years ago - /u/_Sherman - Direct link

Originally posted by Quartz_Hertz


Glad it's not more common then.

From the sound of this, additional sockets will likely only make it harder to place modules, and not fix the issue you want addressed here. I am going to leave the module sockets alone for now, as making bases harder to build bases is not the goal here. If we are given reproducible steps to get modules underground, then we/I can look at what can be done to stop it.

about 8 years ago - /u/_Sherman - Direct link

Originally posted by fingerback

Can we get pedestrian bridges added as construction deployables?

That is already on an internal construction objects idea list. We have been slowly making the objects that are on that list and releasing them. If/when it will be done, I don't know though.

about 8 years ago - /u/_Sherman - Direct link

Originally posted by SHINYREDBULLETS

Awesome! What a boss :D

If you're able to answer - is it possible / are there any plans to turn those "socket" looking marks on top of the Bunker into actual snap-to locations for other modules? There's a few that would look/feel really kinda correct, such as the turrets :D

That is the intention of those points. If/when that will be made available is another question.

about 8 years ago - /u/_Sherman - Direct link

Originally posted by SHINYREDBULLETS

Pillbox! Repair Zone is directly under the terminal :)

Thanks! I think I noticed and fixed that one :-)