almost 7 years ago - PlanetSide 2 - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s you
4s oh yeah all right and welcome to another
11s planetside 2 stream yes we're gonna call
14s this one the bending stream can we tell
17s tell John Smedley there's no we're not
19s announcing planetside 3 yeah that's
21s that's not thanks for that though
29s alright welcome to the planetside 2 live
33s stream yes and we're gonna be talking
35s about some stuff today well with with us
38s today is rel and Paul Joe Joe did I say
42s that right yes honestly I don't know do
45s you do more Z like I I say Joe Joe but
48s like the right letters I know right he
50s really excited polish no my mom used to
53s work with kindergartners and so she told
54s them to call her mrs. GI Joe that's
57s perfect that'd work pretty well she she
59s dressed up for Halloween as in army
60s fatigues on tanks pretty good in myself
63s Nick Silva mm-hmm
65s today we're gonna be talking about the
66s new marksman rifles that we're adding to
68s the game they're pretty much in a final
70s state now yeah once a final they're
73s hitting points yes for the first time
74s actually they're already there feel free
79s to join us where I am on armor ish I am
83s at the Ravens Landing so a raven landing
87s and if you guys join me there there's a
89s little demonstration of the piercing
91s mechanic i'm sure you guys can all just
92s be shooting each other but if you want
94s to see yourself shot on stream like a
97s double triple headshot or so you want to
99s shoot please join me at raven landing
101s we're also going to talk about our alert
104s flow that the how the alerts are
106s changing in the game soon and also the
109s items that we'll be adding or some of
110s the items at least for the planetside 1
113s anniversary it'll be the 15th
114s anniversary of planetside as a franchise
116s yeah and we're pretty excited about that
118s of course we're gonna be doing giveaways
120s and if you guys just participate in chat
124s it makes you eligible for the raffles
126s that we'll be doing and I'll let you
128s guys know when each of those raffles is
129s gonna happen
130s happen you can say something nice about
131s rel or about Paul that's usually a good
134s way to make yourself eligible for the
136s ragged I can neither can
137s ferm nor deny that positive things about
139s us give you a better chance but well
143s yeah and last but not least we'll talk
148s about what's going to be happening after
149s this update for planetside of the future
154s game correct so well you want to kick us
157s off with some of the marksman rifle
159s stuff sure cool yeah so the margin
161s rifles they they just had pts as we
164s mentioned before and these marksman
166s rifles are they're heavy have you rifles
169s I keep calling of marksman rifles you
171s know we they might be so battle rifles
175s with I'm on the fence about this bar
177s slim battle rifles and the
179s semi-automatic scout rifles might get
180s rolled into a marksman rifle category
182s and then the automatic scout rifles
184s might just be called scout rifles and be
187s a separate category of their own but
188s that's still still up for debate but I
190s anyway have you battle rifles we got the
193s the PSN CTR they're all here on public
196s test server and they all have little
198s quirks associated with them like the vs
200s one has a heat mechanic that he uses by
204s default it has like six shots or maybe
208s six shots but you can let it cool down
210s and a sort of thing and you get also
212s reloaded by hand actually I think it's
213s eight shots anyway and there's also
216s different mechanics within the
219s attachment options that you have access
221s to and I could you know I really just
224s who is even on main yeah well okay I'm
236s gonna spoil the rest of the thing if I
238s go into it via the equipment terminal oh
239s well well if you want to switch it back
243s over to the other side yeah what are you
244s switching back over the neck so vs has a
245s heat mechanic TR is automatic and NC has
250s piercing piercing and I actually have
253s the sub-array round st. Lawrence yeah
255s that allow for you to the normally it
258s just is able to pierce only one target
260s but with the attachment the ammo
263s attachment to have the Sabo by Sebata
266s got tiger you can pierce a bunch of
270s targets but it reduces your rate of fire
272s we play Street Fighter here okay I've
275s got a bunch of people here I'm gonna
277s line up a shot like I don't care do it
280s hold still hold still
282s stop stop moving oh no no here we go I'm
290s gonna go body shot I'm not good Hale
293s hopefully it's working I'll line it up
296s I'll do it just fine he's fine you a
299s target
300s I don't think I have the guy behind it
302s okay I don't think it's working
304s no no it's not working we probably
312s didn't integrate the changeless tab oh
325s okay well we can try that in in a second
328s did you want to talk about some of the
329s other ones no no I mean we're good so
331s like on pts right now you can yeah if
334s you want to I don't even know what
339s people want so untouched devs or what is
343s it you can't see
351s that is the problem okay anyway so well
354s well it's a work in progress but it's
357s the way it's supposed to work is there
360s alright so on my screen you have the
363s other TR marksman rifle and this thing
365s is it's automatic it's very controllable
367s I and you can also you can equip an
372s attachment and it's a barrel attachment
373s to make it semi-auto if you want and
375s then I'll actually reduce the the recoil
376s on it and let's see oh and there's
381s explosive round on the thing so that's
383s that's fun yeah Michael deal a little
385s bit of damage in a small area and yeah
388s yes has an attachment that when fired
390s from the hip they can make it just it
393s takes up half as heat deal as half as
395s much damage but you can fire it
395s automatic so yeah it's just like so
398s instead of a laser sight that's what it
399s gets sorry yeah some fun gameplay
401s options like the NC has you know the
403s sable rounds which increases the
405s piercing capabilities when it works and
407s then also I it has like a tungsten
410s lighter which actually makes the most
412s powerful battle rifle alright yeah bumps
416s up the damage model from 334 to 350 and
419s then within it within a certain range so
422s yeah there's it's also it's fun just let
425s us know how you feel about it on the on
426s the pts and also I think that this is
429s probably just a federal better direction
431s for battle rifles to go in general so we
435s may be retouching some of the the old
438s battle rifles and giving them a little
440s little facelift as well well I'm super
442s bummed out the piercing didn't work yeah
444s but it does work it works on main you
448s know so they'll probably be another pts
451s update later today to get our sing out
453s to honestly we were we were scrambling
455s trying to get this pts update yeah and
457s so it's likely that we've missed
458s something well go ahead and do a
460s giveaway now though so ok just type
463s something to chat to make yourself
464s eligible for the raffle and just in a
469s moment or two roxio be running the
471s raffle and we'll know who won then
473s so and while that's running did you want
476s to talk a little bit about though the
478s alert changes like a late alert changes
481s way yeah yeah we even changed the word
483s so the the upcoming so on PTS right now
488s there is I change to the way that
491s continents are are locked it can you can
495s you dump go straight your audio oh yeah
497s just like yeah so we are just not those
504s pts update the update before we
505s implemented some changes to how a
507s continents flow or how continents lock
510s and so before on live currently you have
512s hives you have to wait till they're
513s picked up with a gordium and then you
516s you tip the tip the scales with the 41%
518s territory control and then triggers a
520s meltdown alert and tada and you get to
522s fight over the continent
523s unfortunately Condon's well I don't lock
525s as often as we would like them to so we
527s we ended up making some changes while
529s also ripping out hives in general those
532s are all gone I wanted to do an ounce the
533s winner but I'm gonna totally butcher the
535s name annul Kuras is the winner
538s annal Harris I think that's pretty clear
541s mine that's it maybe at the end Oh a new
547s Icarus that seems so but we've changed
556s the way that the sequence of locking the
558s continent works yeah so we still needed
560s a way to to ensure that continents
562s stayed open for at least like a minimum
564s amount of time so we implemented a
565s system that upon stabilizing the the
569s work gates your gate Center like a
571s charging phase so while it's charging we
574s get to do fun little events that appear
576s actually there's there's three that
579s appear currently or three windows for
582s fur alerts to trigger and then you get
584s to participate in those it'll give your
586s rewards the rewards are currently
588s placeholder on pts but and it gives you
592s they're like mini alerts so small
594s bite-sized goals that allow you to when
596s you log in just be able to work toward
599s something for that for that session yeah
601s and these are item rewards or are they
603s something else these are so I so is
606s everybody
606s so for participating and for winning
610s that sort of thing I still determining
613s what other rewards might be taking place
616s like benefits or something oh yeah
619s so benefits are totally gonna be a thing
621s at some point the intent was to to kind
624s of as you move through the continent and
626s you're you're winning alerts on your way
628s to to having access to the meltdown
630s alert which is kind of the final phase
631s you'd be if you're when the alert your
634s faction gets a benefit for for the rest
636s of that contents rotation and that would
639s be things like probably things similar
641s to the the current continent benefits
642s but there'd be kind of localized and
645s you'd be able to see just like what a
646s large seer faction it was one you know
648s over the course of the kind of being
651s open but anyway yeah so we want to do a
654s little fun fun events that shape the
656s gameplay right now there's only the
657s facility alerts available this is a
659s throwback to 2015 or something like that
663s when we used to have facility alerts so
666s capture all Biolabs capture all tech
668s plants capture all amp stations that
669s sort of thing so those triggered they
671s run for 45 minutes if somebody actually
672s gets all three then it locks the the it
677s onesie learned out right and to get
679s rewarded that's what I think yeah so
681s session based goals and kind of to shake
683s up gameplay so we have a lot of fun
684s things and gives us an opportunity to do
687s things like create more airspace combat
691s and that sort of thing yeah did you want
693s to show anything about that particular
696s alert yes
697s so one alert that's not it's not done
701s yet don't you kick it over to him okay
705s we're good
707s so one alert that we that we talked to
711s like teased on Austria a couple of times
712s already is having an aerial combat alert
714s and the intent behind it is to create
717s spaces which enemies fight over at
720s different locations throughout the
721s continent and this let's say if I don't
725s know to pop up maybe at some point
729s indicator so right above yeah
733s placeholder but it's so these little
736s these little anomalies you can see I'm
738s lit up right now but these aerial
741s anomalies are what players will be
743s fighting over and they do damage to you
746s actually if I were to take off god mode
747s I get taken a 100 damage or something
750s every tech a little bit more than that
751s but the the more time you spend near
758s these anomalies the more like a resource
762s will tick up and then you will if you
765s get enough you'll you'll win the alert
767s and so it is to encourage air-to-air
770s combat it's to create like options for
773s galaxies like having a galaxy up in the
775s air with a repair you know to help you
777s dominate the airspace would be very
779s valuable and part of the alert is that
782s it changes how much each of those
786s airplanes cost you know instead of
788s pulling it for a certain amount of nano
790s it's it's either free or it's reduced or
792s yeah completely free so yeah so Erik air
798s combat in this while this Lord is
799s happening
800s you just get to put one and then go you
802s know hopefully fly it to the to the
805s destination and Duke it out in the air
806s with uh no basically no consequences
809s right so this is a good thing for new
810s players where they you know if they're
811s learning air play they don't don't have
814s to be disliked just you know taken apart
816s by by the really skillful pilots you
820s know just dismantled by themselves and
822s even if you're not an aerial combatant
824s you know they need people on the ground
825s to provide anti-air you know to have
829s like stations set up where people can
831s land and get repaired and stuff yeah
833s yeah all sorts of fun stuff so and not
835s best intent in general is to just change
837s the night dynamic for you know that
838s short window of time and give you a goal
840s that you can just you know win you know
842s organize around and do so so like some
845s of our efforts for making we're
848s modifying HUD elements which is
849s difficult yeah yeah so there's there's a
852s fair amount of work that went into like
855s working on some of these things you know
857s we mentioned before that the piercing
859s mechanics are going in and that was that
861s was a lot
862s work yeah garrotted could work on that
864s yeah he did he really pull out a lot of
867s a lot of stops for that and we had
869s iterated it over it a couple different
870s times but yeah it's it's it's pretty
873s happy with it yeah for for the alert
876s stuff we created not only a new alert a
880s new meltdown type so that when the
884s meltdown event occurs it's guaranteed to
886s finish as opposed to just making the the
889s faction leader or the faction starter
891s win so that that should keep things a
894s little bit faster but we also created
896s this gather resources event that
899s required a bit more technology because a
902s lot of that information is stored on the
903s the continents the the servers that host
906s the continents and not on the world
907s which is the one that coordinates
909s between them and that's what the events
911s actually run on so trying to figure out
913s how to get all that information and and
915s get everything working and up there and
917s the the HUD and mini-map stuff you know
920s we haven't really added anything to the
922s the heads-up display or the mini-map in
925s quite a while so diving into in doing
929s archaeology to figure out how that stuff
931s even works how to add new stuff right
933s you know that sort of thing it's it's
934s been interesting but you know a lot of
937s work yeah yeah oh and I don't think we
939s segue into that appropriately but but no
942s Apollo's was talking about basically
944s just all of the the work you know behind
946s the scenes yeah what we we the
949s challenges that we face in trying
950s yeah overcome and also we're setting
952s ourselves up for success look yeah
953s absolutely you know it's it's a lot of
956s the stuff that was set up before and you
958s know not all of it but but some of it
961s set up like just to work for the one
963s thing but you know if we are able to
965s build and invest the time to make those
969s systems more general we can make it
972s easier to create more stuff in the
973s future so that that's what some of the
975s stuff we were working on is you know
977s creating strengthing or scripting system
979s strengthening the the event system you
982s know making it so that we can integrate
984s with UI more easily that'll that'll let
987s us create things more quickly in the
989s future but it takes time investment to
991s set that up in the first place yeah
993s yes well how about we do another
997s giveaway seems like a perfect time cool
999s it's so same as before type something in
1003s chat make yourself eligible and we'll
1004s have a winner for you guys here in a few
1006s moments yeah there's always that one guy
1007s who just types something in chat words
1011s something in chat oh yeah you know yeah
1017s I mean you know if you guys have ideas
1020s for what could be some interesting
1022s events in the future
1023s feel free to post those on reddit and
1025s you know we'll take a look and we'll see
1027s if we can generate some cool stuff from
1029s it yeah so shall we start talking a
1037s little bit about the planetside 15
1040s anniversary right before that we already
1042s have a winner
1043s Oh tjk 1224 or possibly 1224 sounds like
1049s a stormtrooper yeah 300 is that the
1054s cosplay army bunch of good news I Bible
1059s first no the 500 oh yeah yeah
1063s so let's throw it up on my screen real
1066s quick here so let's take a look at the
1068s way that some of the armors in
1070s planetside 1 look that larger
1071s inspiration yes oh that we drew heavy
1074s inspiration heavy in spirit
1076s so we decided to sort of rebirth some of
1079s the reinforced EXO armors that existed
1082s in planetside 1 and we we've had fave
1088s and create these armors for us and
1089s steve-o created the helmets we're gonna
1091s be able to show off some of the armors
1093s today that the helmets we just didn't we
1095s were almost there with with getting it
1096s add to the game to show you guys that
1098s much yeah it was very close but so this
1101s is the NC one now they didn't have it
1103s they didn't have a class system that was
1105s exactly like planetside 2 it was more
1107s like uh tribes where you had specific
1109s armor sets that would kind of dictate
1111s how have your and how much carry on that
1114s sort of thing
1114s so that was the NC one this is the the
1118s TR one and it has this sort of
1121s distinctive leather sort of yeah
1127s from the dacha yeah the good being
1128s submit for requirement yeah
1130s and then finally was this vs armor that
1133s was very cool I think - it's very purple
1138s and it's got a very very unique design
1141s now so let's kick it over to Tyrell
1145s screen and he'll show what how these
1148s armors turned out do it alright so I so
1152s again the intent was to be very retro
1155s classic very very classic we also we had
1159s to to accommodate you know the
1161s silhouettes of the heavy nice I say we
1163s what is faith and faith and did a good
1164s work he did exactly what we had asked
1166s him to and he kind of reimagined on all
1169s these old armor sets I forgot to restart
1170s my game which is why the texture is a
1173s little bit blurry but it's fine yeah
1177s slightly better than this and yeah this
1180s is close to finished anyways but it's
1182s not quite there there's some touching up
1184s that needs to be done yet yeah yeah
1186s but as you can see it's got the big
1187s Warhammer 40k pauldron on the side to
1190s protect from all the daka and just on
1193s that one side though and let's see what
1196s else we got over there what are the
1197s factions exist in this game that's a
1199s good but I'm not gonna do the vs yes
1200s safe save that for last because that's
1203s your favorite that's my turned out it's
1208s the one that I would I would just wear
1209s non-stop okay so the and again these are
1213s all for heavy assault so the N sees
1215s wreck so very very bulky block II didn't
1224s see I'm about to transform and roll out
1228s yes about the NC 1 and then the yeah so
1237s it looks I think you got the the Super
1239s Saiyan shoulder and the ps1 I think yeah
1244s that's pretty sweet
1245s the vs one I think is probably the most
1248s act most in line with with just the
1252s theme nowadays so you could the styles
1256s have evolved a lot between the two games
1258s and over time but
1259s this one definitely seems more most
1262s similar to what's in plans yes yeah yes
1265s for where this they were ahead of their
1267s time yeah yeah did you want to show
1272s anything else from there so do you well
1275s he's
1276s yeah it's setting up the next little
1277s thing just we haven't come up with
1280s exactly how we're gonna bundle or sell
1282s the items for for the event what I can
1285s tell you is that we're gonna have a
1287s double xp event that's gonna sort of
1290s wrap around the entire anniversary that
1293s anniversary is on May 20th but we're
1295s starting a double xp event on the 18th
1297s it's for this is double xp for all and
1299s it runs through the 22 to the 25th whole
1302s week for yeah yeah yeah a full week of
1304s double xp for all and that crosses over
1306s so the 25th starts a members double xp
1312s weekend which that's only happened once
1315s before for the for the Friday on the
1323s 25th so enjoy that members yeah it's a
1326s lot more than quadruple XP yeah no it's
1330s yeah anyway so we have some some other
1335s fun toys a couple to play with so this
1339s is a little little thingamajig
1348s okay so this is a little beacon which
1352s you can place okay and then it creates I
1358s love it so much I was so proud of this
1361s anyway so you just drop the beacon and
1363s it does it gives you soft cover it
1369s highlights exactly where you are but so
1372s in flat aside one the bending was an
1375s event that took the the planet over axis
1377s and it it was this catastrophic event
1379s that just like nuked nuke the entire
1382s planet and it turned all the continents
1384s into different okay doors it turned all
1392s the continents into
1393s separate planets of their own and during
1396s that time at least so I was told there
1398s was meteors that rain down from the sky
1399s and it was kind of a big ordeal so
1402s that's what we're kind of you know
1403s paying homage back to supplying a second
1406s one and that sort of thing a lot of
1407s people might remember that seeing the
1409s meteors tied to the when they sunset in
1412s planetside right and there's actually an
1414s interesting story behind that word that
1415s that wasn't something that they could
1417s just turn on it was they had to actually
1419s actively continually reactivate it that
1422s alert and it was on slowly triggered one
1424s of the people there was that was doing
1426s that was Brian Burnett yeah
1429s planetside 2 streamers yep yeah yeah oh
1434s wait that's one okay all right so you
1437s want me to set up the other one or oh
1438s yeah yeah I have it
1440s okay pop it over here knock yourself out
1444s okay so this is something else from
1448s planetside one yes so we decided to
1451s revive yet again one of the planetside 1
1454s weapons this time that doesn't have an
1458s analogue really in in planetside 2 or it
1460s does but to really maintain the sort of
1463s that cosmetic look of the weapon from
1466s from planetside 1 yeah okay so let's
1477s let's equip so this is not only a very
1482s work in progress but it's all supposed
1483s to be a kind of a classic classic yeah
1488s so this is actually it's a cosmetic
1489s option for your for your NS or for your
1492s MK V suppressed and it's something that
1494s Argus animations right now and pressor
1501s so and it's totally working progress
1504s actually you should have seen it before
1505s it before this yeah so this will be one
1517s of the options that's this coming and
1519s it's still yeah still has work to be
1521s done but it so MQB suppressed is a it's
1525s an SMG but this is
1527s looks a little bit more like a carbine
1528s carbine and that's gonna kind of fun fun
1533s little feature a lot of fun with the
1536s planetside one-stop oh yeah exactly the
1539s perfect game as long as you can't see
1545s your target you're probably hitting up
1548s and let's go ahead and do another raffle
1550s sounds great so make yourself eligible
1552s by typing something in chat and we'll
1554s have a winner for you guys momentarily
1557s so with that let's go ahead and well
1561s will now extend our conversation beyond
1564s what the next patch is going to be and
1565s into what what's in the near future for
1567s planetside and planetside 2 yeah wait
1572s for a winner first so don't get in a row
1573s interrupted yeah yeah let's wait gonna
1576s win so yeah lots of lots of fun
1583s planetside once yeah do any um any
1585s questions and chat just a winner and the
1589s winner this time is killer Andy one two
1592s three you know that's probably anti
1594s sites you're not able to win killer Andy
1604s one two three but it could be you never
1605s know yeah he could have rigged the whole
1610s so on this instant action podcast this
1615s week and I listened to that derringer he
1619s mentioned the possibility of there being
1621s dozens of alerts that are going to be
1623s coming to the game how accurate do you
1626s think that is dozens is far too easy
1631s we're gonna go with like hundreds it
1637s really depends because we can like it
1640s now that we have text set up in such a
1641s way that we can kind of we can we can do
1648s all sorts of fun stuff actually so we we
1651s went through a mock livestream for an
1654s hour before the real livestream for an
1656s hour and I started getting running away
1658s with my crazy ideas so so what's yours I
1660s think
1660s oh I'm putting you on the spot right now
1662s oh yeah no prob
1663s well you know you mentioned some one of
1667s them ones that it was pretty interested
1668s in so I'll leave that one to you but you
1670s know something where maybe we double or
1673s triple the health of all inventory or
1675s something like that so that people just
1676s they're able to like punch out tanks or
1678s something goofy like that can we get
1680s like power fists in there and just it'll
1688s be great for infantry make one where
1695s tanks can just like you know get jet
1697s packs I would be like that yeah where
1700s the tanks have c4 let's go so I see so
1716s we have the aerial anomaly that's that's
1718s gonna be taking place it's it's not done
1721s it may not ship with the the next update
1723s which is gonna have all the alert
1724s changes in it but then there's another
1727s one like potentially we can have em you
1732s do that comes down from the sky and then
1733s everybody has to fight over just like
1734s taking accordion from it or maybe maybe
1737s a harvester comes down from the sky and
1739s then everybody has to return gordium to
1740s to that maybe it's an NS like a drop and
1744s they're trying to maybe refuel one of
1745s their Bastion flea carriers or something
1746s like that so everybody's trying to take
1748s him in and and deliver core diem but
1750s maybe they're like getting blocked by
1752s you know people like defending it so
1754s there would be some strategy there
1755s that's not the one we came up with so
1760s the the hassan rally but yeah it was a
1763s it would be nice to have some sort of
1766s destruction derby in the game whereas
1768s just like like a flash or harasser like
1770s they're just free and they you have to
1771s go from from point to point around the
1773s map and just like like death race it out
1777s just uh you know through other people's
1779s fights and and whatever else and and
1781s just yet make it to the end I don't know
1783s maybe there's a everyone completes the
1786s full like Luke scores a point for their
1788s further fact that's good yeah I was
1791s trying to think of like
1793s but yeah like a one-and-done or yeah or
1796s like a keep away sort of like you pick
1798s up an object no chasing you like a
1800s rabbit I was cool because like even if
1802s you're not interested in driving a
1803s harasser around or whatever you could
1805s set up like him you could be like Tusken
1807s Raiders are setting up to like try and
1808s take them out the main thing we're
1812s trying to get across here though is that
1813s we are scripting on the server side has
1815s become much more robust much very very
1818s recently it's gonna allow for us to do
1821s stuff like this it's sort of exciting to
1822s us so if you guys have ideas for stuff
1825s like we mentioned before throw it up up
1826s with Loretta we're gonna be very sort of
1828s entertained I think see how many of
1834s those we can make it reality
1835s yeah for sure and so with that out of
1838s the way one of our biggest goals this
1840s year was to improve the new player
1842s experience and we've allowed things to
1844s slip a little bit we got distracted by
1846s some some other side goals that have
1848s appeared we're refocusing sometimes
1850s thing other things take priority you
1852s know we've been firefighting for a
1854s couple weeks now you know the the way
1857s that the experience system with asp went
1860s out it's like you know it's a really
1862s fundamental system so they were bound to
1864s be stuff that came up and so we've been
1866s tracking that down fixing those issues
1868s making sure anyone who's affected by it
1870s is you know their stuff is fixed and
1872s compensated and all that sort of thing
1874s all right
1874s and sometimes this I mean quite often
1877s these situations will appear and it's
1879s not necessarily the same wall every time
1880s it's just like things happen and yeah
1882s there's a lot of work that goes on
1884s behind the scenes to correct it and the
1886s community is not going to see that
1888s because we tried you know very hard to
1889s to just correct it and and keep the game
1892s running smoothly but that that does take
1895s up a fair amount of our time so we are
1897s you know not not kicking out updates I
1900s feel as fast as we we don't either or
1903s any of us would like but I yeah I can't
1909s sacrifice it interested on improving new
1912s player experience and creating new tools
1915s for the the server players to learn how
1918s to play the game to get engaged with it
1920s you know we the the online community
1923s with Reddit and local players and
1926s YouTube and everything it's it's great
1928s for giving people information but we
1930s want to want to put something in game
1932s and like make that transition even
1934s smooth it for players right I think one
1936s of the intents was to create I so
1938s modules really so to do tutorials that
1941s are kind of you know bite-sized chunks
1943s that players can you know dig into and
1946s just learn a very specific facet of the
1948s game
1948s and then one larger more general
1951s tutorial would really be ideal now that
1953s kind of hits on all the points that does
1954s so in in such a way that our current
1956s tutorial does not so that would be
1959s that'd be nice I I think we're at the
1960s point though where we need to kind of
1962s investigate some AI tech a little bit so
1965s that we can have you know NPCs that
1966s didn't move a little bit or like you
1969s know point to other things and that's
1970s what I thought she just created this
1973s would be this would be purely for new
1974s player tutorials where you're occupying
1976s these spaces by your something to sort
1979s of hone their skills from 0 to a little
1982s bit further before they dive in and yeah
1986s but that's not all were we're planning
1989s to do as far as new player experience
1991s goes the mentor squads is something
1993s that's gonna be coming up next
1995s very likely next and then we're
1999s revisiting squads as a whole and kind of
2002s reshaping how that that organizational
2004s structure works taking a second look at
2005s it enter a ting on you know ways to
2008s enable players to play with their
2010s friends play together more as a
2011s community if you want to detail some of
2014s the mentor stuff a little bit more yeah
2016s so the the mentor so platoons in this
2021s game and squads in this game have a they
2023s have a lot of markers and a lot of you
2026s know orders from for people who are
2027s yelling or having side conversations or
2029s going to different maps and just there's
2031s a lot of chaos going on so the mentor
2033s squads is a way to kind of condense
2039s maybe these are bad words the experience
2043s yeah so that simple thank you simplify
2047s stream streamline that experience for
2050s for new players so it's more of like an
2051s introductory squad for them and also I
2054s so you'd have mentors of players who are
2057s opening a mentor squad they can't turn
2058s it to a platoon they can't
2059s they don't have access to all of the
2061s fancy markers and they also like you
2065s aren't rewarded a lot of like anything
2068s too tangible either because we want the
2069s players who are interested in mentoring
2072s other players to have sort of altruistic
2074s goals because the community our
2076s community is great they every time a new
2079s player goes into reddit or whatever and
2080s says you know how do I get better at the
2081s game or I just got in this game I don't
2083s understand some things yeah yeah our
2086s players will jump in and they'll say
2087s okay this is you know kind of the
2088s breakdown of what you can do and what
2090s you should be doing and that sort of
2091s thing and yeah so in order to to create
2094s a good I you know especially like a
2097s first session you know for players like
2099s we need to jump in and kind of push them
2101s toward the mentor squads and have
2102s somebody who actually has their back and
2103s it has their best interests in mind so
2105s that's our intent with that the mentors
2106s constant get them playing with a group
2108s get their mentors like giving them more
2111s information answering questions and you
2114s know getting them to the right fights
2115s and that sort of thing
2116s yeah for sure mm-hmm so that's mentor
2119s squads but there's just improvements to
2121s squads in general yeah we're gonna be
2123s working on about the same time yeah
2124s absolutely yeah a lot of that that work
2128s is it's pretty close to being done
2129s actually so there's there's some UI
2131s involved in and then there's some bells
2134s and whistles tried to throw on actually
2136s know what see this works is this a thing
2148s so working on right now just like
2150s prototyping some of the squat and the
2153s the request-based
2154s like missions so the intent would be to
2158s allow a platoon leader or something like
2160s that to call in you know like I need
2162s armor support here at this location and
2164s then there will be like a quest
2166s I guess essentially to to go there for
2168s the people who are in vehicles and they
2170s go there and they can destroy it like
2172s specific types of targets so if it's an
2174s armored support it's probably to have
2175s armor I deal with other armor or if it's
2177s a air-to-ground support and maybe it's
2178s you know air just ground targets and
2181s that sort of thing maybe we do it like a
2184s protective VIP sort of mission based
2186s system just adding power to two squads
2191s is something that we would like to do
2193s and again
2193s this is just it's complete protein I
2195s think right now nothing actually works
2197s and a part of the the map indicators and
2200s our problem that we're solving right now
2201s map indicators how the indicators that's
2204s the best tech this don't needs to be
2205s developed or fleshed out a little bit
2207s more yeah so it's stuff like that it's
2211s really enabling players to giving them
2213s tools to coordinate better giving them
2216s you know ways to play with their friends
2218s more and yeah it's not just for them
2220s though it's for for all these
2221s surrounding players those players who
2223s aren't squatted like we want to add to
2225s give them direction between groups for
2226s sure yeah I what else what do we got all
2232s we had on the agenda for today yeah did
2235s we have any questions from the audience
2237s that were collected any any good any
2241s good ones any decent questions yeah feel
2245s free
2247s so from what I understand Drew has been
2252s working on learning how to be a force
2255s commander for possibly one of the
2256s upcoming events yeah I haven't asked him
2258s how that's going
2259s he's pretty good at team-based game yeah
2263s yeah I'd be I hope he gets all the
2266s education he needs because that is a
2267s grueling task oh yeah to control like
2270s numerous players but the players will
2271s totally help them out anyway
2272s so it should be really I mean you know
2275s even in Mo's and stuff getting like a 40
2278s man raid together so that's a lot of
2280s people to coordinate so imagine doing
2282s that in the first-person shooter where
2284s things are even louder and crazier I
2286s just hope that you know if he's a force
2288s commander he gets a power sword just
2290s like okay I can dang it
2292s so I got a couple pretty good questions
2293s one of them is are there any plans for
2296s implants are changing how they're earned
2298s and I think I completely missed this
2300s yeah you said something about this on
2302s reddit yeah okay so I yes yes this is a
2306s good question was it like did we
2308s softball that because this is something
2311s we totally wanted to talk about we
2312s completely forgot yeah so I yeah so the
2316s implant system is these are your new
2320s implants here enjoy that but we want to
2323s make them purchase a bowl without so for
2326s so
2327s maybe not all the implants with
2328s certainly some of the implants we're
2329s still determining what the prices will
2331s be and and how or which implants are
2335s gonna be purchasable and even like how
2337s to purchase those like for example and
2339s I'm just kind of spitballing right now
2341s you could if we wanted to give you the
2343s opportunity to to buy exceptional
2346s implants potentially we can use like
2348s have an alert reward that's just really
2350s rare and less like a catalyst that you
2352s need alongside the ISO four and then you
2354s know combine that you get your
2355s exceptional and the intent is to to
2357s reduce the oranjee for players who have
2359s already invested into the system and by
2362s invested I'm talking about you know had
2363s already yeah so I would say even some
2372s that they've been spending certs and
2373s just not getting what they want so that
2375s they do have a lot of I so far left or
2376s they've been participating in the alert
2377s system a whole lot and having a lot I so
2379s far from that we want them to be able to
2382s have some something to kind of spend
2383s into again to reiterate we haven't
2386s really finalized any of this these are
2387s we want a method to make this happen but
2392s we haven't finalized any of our thoughts
2394s on it yet yeah I think we'll definitely
2396s be doing the purchasing of the lower
2398s tier implants with the ISO relatively
2401s quickly yeah it's it's these other
2403s things that require crafting and and
2405s other sort of activities to get the
2407s exceptional is that is gonna take us a
2409s little bit longer to get done yeah for
2410s sure yeah what else we got the next one
2412s is do we have plans for the ASP respect
2415s or more perks so how soon are we gonna
2417s be revisiting the ASP systems um you
2420s know the I think the intent was to kind
2422s of fill out that system run its course
2424s for a while and then when we do and I
2428s know I'm not answering your question
2429s specifically but when we do end up
2431s adding more perks we will certainly add
2434s a respek at the same time just so that
2436s people don't feel you know cheated I
2438s that they had spent their points instead
2440s of saved them and that sort of thing so
2442s I so that'll that'll definitely take
2444s place but as far as new perks still
2449s still up in the air I think I think what
2452s we should probably look to do is just
2454s kind of invest in and fleshing out the
2456s classes a little bit more in like so
2458s that you can share less serve
2459s versions of those those items because
2461s the intent was never to to add power
2464s through this system it's it's more to
2466s add either versatility or just different
2470s place to options you know for players so
2471s that's why you have the funny ones where
2472s it's like you know a smoker dance for
2475s everybody quicker dates for everybody
2476s it's like if you like doing that that's
2478s fine yeah do it and there's there's some
2481s points of contention like oh yeah
2482s jackhammers or a straight upgrade which
2483s I don't feel is necessarily true but um
2485s it's certainly different it's certainly
2488s fun so yeah we're just so that's I think
2492s that's the most difficult part is
2494s creating side grades so there's a more
2497s Doku weapons coming after this yes
2499s definitely yeah still undecided on
2501s whether it should be carbines or assault
2503s rifles Oh for the next round yeah yeah I
2506s think we did it I think the very last
2508s weapon from the NSX series was that the
2511s Yumi sorry Fleur was it before no and I
2521s think we should intentionally do
2522s something that's a little bit different
2523s just to kind of shake it up okay
2525s but okay what else we got how about that
2527s bashed in fleet carrier how about it
2529s next question outfit progression sorry
2535s passionate fleet carrier is like we we
2538s haven't done much to it at all I have
2541s plans to use it at some point and with
2543s the new event system you know maybe
2544s let's actually you know what let me back
2546s up a little bit so the event system in
2548s the long run you know outside of just
2549s the fun like events that we were
2550s creating for you I I would personally
2553s like this as a desire like for the the
2557s players to have some agency over that
2558s system as well so like during that that
2560s kind of charging period you know what if
2562s the players got to summon like or one
2564s outfit so I'm gonna Bastion free
2565s carriers like suddenly that's the alert
2566s now you know that you participate in is
2568s you know taking that out so it's adding
2570s the sort of agency would be like a
2572s long-term goal it's a pretty decent
2573s chance that the bastion will first be
2575s appearing in some form of alert yeah
2577s first it will find other ways of getting
2580s into the game after that but that'll be
2582s the first way that you guys are gonna be
2583s seeing it but for now it'll just bombard
2585s you from with our roll strikes you're
2587s afraid
2588s yeah last question outfit progression
2591s how's the progression that's not a
2592s question that's a comment how about that
2595s well how soon fine fine I don't like
2597s those questions okay so the progression
2599s will take take place toward the the end
2601s of the year ideally because it's it's a
2607s very in-depth system and the the efforts
2610s that we made through ASP kind of shed
2612s some light on how some of those some of
2617s that architecture is so like you would
2622s talked about the loving system being a
2624s whole whole different can of worms I'll
2626s just spawn system everything you know
2630s it's you know I've been on the project
2632s for like two years now and there's just
2634s still tons of systems I haven't touched
2636s and they're you know people who worked
2638s on them working on other projects or at
2640s other companies or whatever so a lot of
2643s working on a live game is not
2648s agriculture architecture not
2650s architecture the thing Indiana Jones
2653s does what archaeology archaeologists
2657s think I don't know why I can't remember
2658s that word a lot of what working on a
2660s live game is is archaeology where you're
2662s digging into like the system you're
2664s digging into like code from eons pass
2667s trying to figure out how it works now
2670s did it ever work what was the entire
2672s point of it can we use this stuff or
2674s should we just scrap it and make
2675s something new so without Fitz there'd be
2678s a bunch of work for that so it amended
2679s spelunking spelunking if you haven't
2683s played spelunky that game is really fun
2688s everyone already knows about this you
2689s talked about c4 balance what we're
2691s planning on doing yeah so c4 is getting
2693s a man I don't want to say no if it's
2697s getting a nerf just in the delivery of
2699s it or rather the nation of it that's
2701s weak I and that's that's kind of gonna
2705s be where we let it go for at least a
2708s little bit and then we'll see how it
2709s performs I'm not sort of thing but Doku
2712s teased a new detonator model that he
2714s just made it's like I don't like how
2718s this looks in the game it's gonna fix it
2719s else but I really like that about duck
2721s here
2721s but we are gonna put that in the game
2724s yes totally I wish we had a screen shot
2727s sure because it's stellar but but yeah
2729s the sorta like anime thing and we would
2731s ideally like to to have an animation for
2734s where you flick it up and then and hit
2735s it down because right now there's a 0.4
2738s second delay or it sounds like a charged
2740s up time and they change its being right
2743s right yep so instead of hitting it
2745s instantly you'll have to hold down the
2746s trigger so you'll you'll see your
2748s character you know put it up and then
2749s hit it that would be the intent at least
2752s yeah I may not go live like that but we
2753s certainly want to do the animation work
2754s for it yep cool all right so thank you
2758s everyone for coming to the stream today
2759s we hope you're excited about the stuff
2761s that we've shown you and that I just
2764s wanted to thank everybody for playing
2765s our game and for bringing the energy and
2768s culture that you guys have it's
2770s absolutely amazing
2771s it's inspirational us it keeps us going
2774s you know we love what was seeing you
2776s guys like be excited about the game and
2779s and it's we're hoping to improve the
2782s experience for new players but you guys
2784s have already been making the experience
2785s for new players better and and just
2787s please continue to do that
2789s what whenever you get a chance you can
2792s stop farming the the low B are noobs
2795s that are in there and if they're on your
2797s faction please send them a squad invite
2800s show them the ropes tell them that you
2801s know they need to be spending what
2802s they're supposed to be spending their
2803s early certs on not weapons and just help
2808s them understand what's going on with
2810s play outside
2810s that you guys are the best at keeping
2813s these new players interested in the game
2815s and and keeping them around that's
2817s that's very important so thank you
2819s everybody and we'll see you next time
2832s you