about 3 years
ago -
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All PS4 servers will come down for the same update on Tuesday, November 23, at 8:00am PST (6:00pm CEST). Downtime is expected to last up to 3 hours.
Nine Years of War
It's been almost nine years since PlanetSide 2's PC release on Nov. 20, 2012, and the war is still going strong. To celebrate this special occasion, we've got some treats in store.
Double Experience!
- Enjoy Double Experience for ALL PLAYERS from Nov. 17 - Nov. 25.
- Unlock a commemorative decal for your armor or vehicles for 1 Cert in the Depot!
- Fair Winds Profile Banner
- Fleet Admiral Title
- Quartermaster Title
- Deckhand Title
- The Swashbuckler (Melee Weapon)
- NS-44AE Mutiny (Common Pool Sidearm)
- Depth Charge Drop Pod
- Privateer Heavy Assault Armor (NC)
- Conquistador Heavy Assault Armor (TR)
- Crustacean Heavy Assault Armor (VS)
- Maritime Heavy Assault Armor (NSO)
- Privateer Helmet (NC)
- Conquistador Helmet (TR)
- Crustacean Helmet (VS)
- Maritime Helmet (NSO)
- "Treasured" LA-1 Anchor (NC LMG)
- "Treasured" MSW-R (TR LMG)
- "Treasured" Orion VS54 (VS LMG)
- "Treasured" XMG-100 (NSO LMG)
- Gangplank Camouflage
- High-seas Camouflage
- Heroic Boost - 12 Month
- Fair Winds Profile Banner
- Quartermaster Title
- Deckhand Title
- The Swashbuckler (Melee Weapon)
- Privateer Helmet (NC)
- Conquistador Helmet (TR)
- Crustacean Helmet (VS)
- Maritime Helmet (NSO)
- "Treasured" LA-1 Anchor (NC LMG)
- "Treasured" MSW-R (TR LMG)
- "Treasured" Orion VS54 (VS LMG)
- "Treasured" XMG-100 (NSO LMG)
- High-seas Camouflage
- Heroic Boost - 6 Month
- Fair Winds Profile Banner
- Deckhand Title
- Privateer Helmet (NC)
- Conquistador Helmet (TR)
- Crustacean Helmet (VS)
- Maritime Helmet (NSO)
- The first is that Chapter 01 will now be playable, even if Chapter 02 has already started. Though Chapter 01 must still be completed first.
- Chapters are now unlocked individually, instead of unlocking the Campaign in its entirety. Members still receive access to each Chapter for free.
- The A.S.P. system becomes available for a character who has hit at least Battle Rank 100.
- Visit the My Profile screen to reset your Battle Rank, and unlock new passive skills for your character.
- Members bypass the certification cost of activating A.S.P.
- Drastically reduced vertical recoil for the first 4 shots in the burst.
- Stabilizing rotor now reduces cone of fire bloom by 25%, instead of reducing recoil by 30%.
- Short reload from 2.475sec. to 2.15sec.
- Long reload from 3.38sec. to 2.75sec.
- Esamir will now correctly appear locked on the world map when the continent is unavailable.
- Fixed an issue with the NS Scorpion UI indicator not charging properly.
- The world map table in the upstairs Warpgate room should now allow players to Join Combat when used outside of the tutorial missions.
- The Anti-Vehicle MANA Turret can now zoom while aiming.
- Spawning on deployed vehicles and routers in the Warpgate no longer provides spawn experience.