about 4 years
ago -
Direct link
On 2/25 at 1 AM PST we will be starting a 24 hour maintenance period on our commerce systems. During this timeframe
- Account management (this includes password management and Customer Service petitions) will be unavailable.
- If you cannot remember your game credentials, we will suggest you to retrieve your login (https://account.daybreakgames.com/reg/forgotStationName!input.action?theme=dgc&locale=en_US) and password (https://account.daybreakgames.com/reg/forgotPassword!input.action?theme=dgc) before the maintenance begins on 2/25.
- Commerce will be down and no DBC/BC/ETC purchases will be able to be made
- Commercial website stores / shops will be unable to complete purchases (Krono, subscriptions, DLC, packs, etc.)
- Your wallet balance will show as 0 DBC / Battle Cash / DC Cash / Crowns during this time frame as well.