over 2 years
ago -
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The following update will be available within a few hours of posting this, on the Public Test Server.
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Tank Cannon Cleanup
- Fixed a visual issue with the Larion PPC's firing FX.
- Prowler's Kingsnake's firing animation now uses the correct barrel order.
- Vanguard's JGX12 no longer becomes invisible and crashes players, but now has the slowed rotation from the previous PTS update.
- These weapons continue to be a work in progress.
- Fixed a long-standing issue where Cortium/NPC spawns (like Pumpkins!) could appear underground or inside objects.
- Oshur now has new underwater teleporter rooms at Seaposts with underwater capture points.
- As an experiment: No-deploy zones at Tech Plants on Indar have been pushed toward the spawn rooms. Dev Note: This prevents Sunderers from interdicting the spawn room flow directly, and allows attacking Sunderers to deploy inside or on top of the Tech Plant itself. Time to point will decrease for attackers, but defenders should have more wiggle room to approach the base.
- Fixed shields on Esamir using the incorrect faction and collision information.
- Reverted previous PTS change to Pain Spire, but kept new visuals.
- Reverted previous PTS changes to Flail damage and resistance adjustments.
- Elysium Spawn Tube is now immune to small arms damage.
- Cortium Bombs are no longer usable by Infiltrators.
- Changed Pain Spire's damage resistance from 23 (Air to Ground Warhead) to 64 (Burning) to be in line with other burning effects.