almost 2 years
ago -
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The following update is now available on the Public Test Server.
Download the Test Server client from this thread after reading the Test Server Policies:
Perihelion (VS Lightning/Magrider Main Cannon)
- Charge time is no longer infinite, and can now be held for up to 5 seconds before automatically firing.
- This weapon still reaches a Stage 2 charge at 1 second, and a Stage 3 charge at 3 seconds.
- Direct damage from 650 to 600.
- Blast damage damage from 450 to 400.
- Direct damage from 700 to 500.
- Indirect damage from 250 to 350.
- Reload speed from 3.75sec. to 4sec.
- While the shield is active, energy now drains at a rate of 40 per second.
- Energy recharge rate from 150 per second to 80 per second.
- This ability is now energy-based, and requires full energy to activate.
- Implants and suit slots that modify combat medic ability energy now also affect Triage Pulse.
- Fixed an issue preventing the Nimitz Reactor's shield recharge effect from being delivered to the client. Changes here have also increased the reliability of the UI when reporting shield-based abilities on vehicles.
- A-TROSS' Disruptor rounds now activate correctly when equipped.
- Hands should no longer clip into the weapons of GUI models.
- While on the redeploy screen, spawn option updates no longer close the remote vehicle spawn window.