about 2 years ago - /u/Wrel - Direct link

Hey all. We're in the planning stages for when Nexus, Season 02 should begin, and I was hoping to gather some thoughts on the event and gameplay. Even if you didn't get a chance to participate last year, feedback from the audience's perspective would be useful as well.

I'll say up front that we're not committing to major changes regarding Outfit Wars this year, but we should have a bit of time for refinement and cleanup, at the very least.

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about 2 years ago - /u/Wrel - Direct link

Hey all. We're in the planning stages for when Nexus, Season 02 should begin, and I was hoping to gather some thoughts on the event and gameplay. Even if you didn't get a chance to participate last year, feedback from the audience's perspective would be useful as well.

I'll say up front that we're not committing to major changes regarding Outfit Wars this year, but we should have a bit of time for refinement and cleanup, at the very least.

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about 2 years ago - /u/Wrel - Direct link

Originally posted by krindusk

Fix the crippling lag effecting Emerald before you even consider running another round of Outfit Wars to distract the community, otherwise you might not have a community left to play Outfit Wars.

Scheduling wise, two Outfit Wars a year, spaced roughly 6-months apart, sounds reasonable. If you run the event too often you risk it losing its luster and less people will be interested in participating.

Fix the crippling lag effecting Emerald before you even consider running another round of Outfit Wars to distract the community, otherwise you might not have a community left to play Outfit Wars.

I feel this. We're still working on gathering information for the performance issues, as it doesn't (at the moment,) actually seem like the spawn system is the culprit. It's our highest priority at the moment, but some software licensing turmoil over the holiday is setting us back. That should get cleaned up in short order now that everyone is back in the office though.

about 2 years ago - /u/Wrel - Direct link

Originally posted by Ifluxedup

If you do nothing else you have to fix the hitboxes of the pillars in nexus secure substation on point, they are gamebreaking.

That one will definitely get fixed before the next season.