Both Miller and Cobalt are physically located in Amsterdam. Here is a chart I put together showing the average latency of all players into both worlds between 9 PM and 10 PM CEST tonight.
The chart shows that about 50% of the people had 50ms or better, and about 80% had 70 ms or better. Assuming you were at 130ms for that hour, you would be in the bottom 5% of all players. Definitely not good and not normal.
It could be a problem unique to your route into the datacenter, or there could be congestion in the datacenter itself (we had similar problems with Orange and Deutsche Telekom in the past). If you don't mind sharing one of your character names (via reply or PM), I can do a bit more digging to see if anyone else is having similar issues.
As far as server latency goes, subtracting 130 ms from 150-200ms gives values between 20 and 70ms, which I would expect on a full continent. Note that each continent (Indar, Hossin, Amerish, Esamir, etc) runs in a separate process, so each continent will have different latency values depending on population and overall player density.