over 3 years
ago -
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Download the Test Server client from this thread after reading the Test Server Policies: https://forums.daybreakgames.com/ps...st-test-server-policies-download-link.114038/
There's a known crash that we need additional information to resolve. So please jump in to PTS to test out the upcoming update.
Nanite Systems Operatives are now FREE FOR ALL PLAYERS
When the update goes Live, players will be able to play as the Nanite Systems Operatives (NSO) faction without a membership. Unlocking this faction will require a quick mission to be completed, gained at BR20 (or above) upon entering Sanctuary. For the Public Test Server, we've disabled the BR requirement on this mission.
- Free players will operate similar to how NSO does on Live currently, by fighting for the lowest populated faction on a continent.
- In this "Freelance" state, players will be unable to join or create Outfits.
- Additionally, you may still opt into a Freelance state, and will not be kicked from your Outfit.
- If you're fighting for an opposing faction during the optional Freelance mode, Outfit communication and representation will be cut off.
- Enabling or disabling Freelance, or re-assigning yourself to a new Home Faction can be done through an NPC on Sanctuary named Emerson who now resides where Foster used to.
- The Defector can now equip implants available to MAX units.
- Time Bomb now removes weapon heat when active, and has been given an additional upgrade rank.
- Now has access to the Emergency Repair ability.
- We will be updating the Defector's silhouette so that it is more readily identifiable in the future. - CURRENTLY A WORK IN PROGRESS
- Two new weapons are slated for the Defector's release, and are currently under review. - CURRENTLY A WORK IN PROGRESS
- Rumble Seat passenger now faces forward by default, and can swivel 360 degrees.
- Now has a default heavy machine gun weapon.
- Has access to two additional weapons, and will have three at launch. - CURRENTLY A WORK IN PROGRESS
- Handling has been reworked to be less... whimsical, and bring the vehicle balance more in line with the Flash. - CHASSIS HAVE NOT YET BEEN TUNED AGAINST THESE CHANGES
- Adjusted continent queue code to account for NSO teams properly.
- NSO characters no longer spawn under the Warpgate floor.
- NSO characters now communicate with the correct teams in proximity voice.
- Engineer's repair beam now points to a Defector's chest.
- NSO's router now colors based on faction.
- Fixed issues with numerous faction-specific jump pads not accounting for NSO teams.
- NSX Kappa
- NSX Sesshin
- NSX Yawara
- NSX Masamune
- NSX Kuwa
- NSO characters have access to Nanite Auto-Repair as an optional suit slot certification.
- Rank 1 now includes ESF Interceptor variants, and Heavy Fighters.
- Rank 2 now includes the Valkyrie.
- Minimum damage from 125 to 143.
- Must now be reloaded when overheated.
- Heat bleedoff rate from 240per sec. to 200per sec. (1000 maximum heat.)
- Loadout UI now properly states 50 round magazine (not the 65 it's never been.)
- Refire rate from 120ms to 117ms.
- Refire rate while aiming from 75ms to 80ms, now matching its hipfire refire rate.
- Refire rate from 333ms to 667ms.
- First shot recoil multiplier from 1 to 2.66.
- Now increases weapon equip and unequip times by either 15% or 20% depending on size increase.
- Many DBC costs were reduced during this pass to bring them in line with newer attachment pricing.
- Removed storm restrictions on the Lightning Grenade, and it can now be used on all continents.
- Overall damage and area of effect were reduced.
- No longer overloads vehicles.
- The Mission system UI has been updated to allow for "Priority" missions and their filtering. Currently, only the NSO faction unlock mission is included as a Priority mission.
- The NSX Weapon Eval mission will continue to offer A7 as a potential reward, even after you've hit the soft cap.
- Ten new vehicle-centric missions have been added to the daily rotation.
- Repairing from the rumble seat has been removed for all vehicles.
- Both Battle Rifles and Scout Rifles have been combined under the "Scout Rifles" category.
- TEST SERVER ONLY: Added an Auraxium Weapons bundle in the Depot to unlock all current Auraxium weapons.
- Merit will no longer be cleared when leaving an Outfit.
- Fixed a memory allocation issue associated with audio events. (This is unlikely to fix the "Audio Bug" caused by longer play sessions.)
- You should no longer see random weapon attachments listed in the marketplace while using the search function.
- Added very small cooldown between grief audio indications to prevent stacking when multiple projectiles hit at the same time.
- NC and NSO Hardlight Barriers can no longer be stacked on top of one another.
- Fixed a particle issue with medical applications point to point visuals.
- Boosts can no longer be purchased with Merit.
- NS-11 "Endeavor" Carbine's 2x optics now correctly uses a 2x zoom range.
- Added missing Vanguard "Warning" horn.
- Vehicle dismount locations are now prioritized based on which seat the player occupied before ejecting.
- Fixed an issue with the "Storm Spotting" mission where placing a buoy wouldn't add progress.
- Biolabs now use teleporters from satellite bases, instead of spawn rooms within the Biolab.
- Fixed an issue with maximum voice channels being set improperly and the setting description being incorrect.
- You no longer auto-join squads in Sanctuary, and auto-join has been disabled by default for new installations.
- NSX Weapon Eval mission can no longer be completed by shooting NPCs.
- Nanite boosts no longer give extra cert rewards.
- Polish on Bastion terminal's "Launch" button disabled state.
- Added gunner kill experience for passengers on the Flash and Javelin.
- Fixed missing collision in the Sunderer Tower asset.
- Flash Basilisk Ammo Capacity upgrade no longer uses incorrect descriptions.