about 6 years
ago -
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NS Operatives
- Fixed a crash when trying to log in with an NSO character.
- First logins should now show team color on the first person arms without having to resupply.
- Voice packs now change correctly if your team changes.
- Operative loadout base body models are no longer caked in white.
- Fixed some janky lookin ankles with Operatives on the loadout screen UI.
- Modified visual FX for spawning, despawning, and changing classes.
- Tank Shell resistance (type 7) from -50 to -20
- Rear damage multiplier from 2x to 1.5x
- Tank Shell resistance (type 7) from -50 to -20
- Engineers in the rumble seat now repair 50% of their normal repair per second value, instead of 30%.
- Fixed an issue with the last PTS update where Fire Suppression would quickly heal vehicles to full.
- Warpgates once again block projectile collision from outside.