over 6 years
ago -
PlanetSide 2
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | you |
9s | hello and welcome welcome to the sixth |
14s | anniversary of Planet sidestream you |
16s | know this is our annual stream it's time |
18s | for us to reveal some stuff to you guys |
21s | that we've been working on we're very |
22s | excited with me today is rel game |
26s | designer extraordinaire oh she got a |
28s | kazoo is there anything over there now |
33s | okay also with me is Drew hey game |
37s | designer extraordinaire thank you so |
41s | we're gonna be talking about a whole |
43s | bunch of stuff today and I'm not really |
44s | gonna run down an agenda because there's |
47s | gonna be some secrets that we're finally |
49s | talking about and we got a lot of stuff |
51s | to get through so let's just get right |
52s | to it oh but before I do we're let me |
56s | just call everybody's attention to that |
58s | what everyone then chat probably already |
60s | knows there's a code that you can redeem |
63s | in the game it's six years ps2 you can |
67s | go to the planetside 2 website you'll |
68s | see an article about it it gives you a |
70s | platinum naginata and a really awesome |
72s | six year decal to celebrate the six |
75s | years of planetside so thank you guys |
76s | for playing the game and we hope you'll |
78s | like that stuff |
79s | also while you're out there you can |
81s | check out the anniversary bundle some |
83s | people seem to be enjoying what's in |
85s | there and we're glad you guys are buying |
87s | it also on ps4 that you can get this |
90s | loyalty bundle as well even though you |
91s | can't enter a code there's a one cert |
94s | bundle that's available in the bundle |
95s | section of the ps4 marketplace and it |
98s | gives you the same stuff the Platinum |
99s | naginata and the 6-year decal so and |
103s | also I got a couple more things to |
106s | rundown before we really get kicked off |
107s | we'll be doing raffles today we're givin |
109s | away a bunch of stuff we're doing the |
112s | 6-year anniversary bundles a variety of |
114s | those and we'll also be giving away all |
117s | access membership I believe it's three |
119s | month codes and we'll be telling you a |
123s | little bit more about the advantages of |
124s | all-access membership while those |
126s | raffles are running maybe a little bit |
128s | later so how do they drop their name the |
131s | raffle here yep you just be active in |
133s | chat say something nice about rel or |
137s | drew that that's that's usually a good |
139s | way to give yourself a little bit |
140s | an advantage hoodie looks nice today |
142s | real thank you thank you no points and |
146s | so yeah I'll be calling out when those |
148s | raffles are going to happen and then Rox |
151s | Lee is manning the the chat over there |
154s | so be nice to her and we'll let you know |
156s | who's winning those rifles as they go |
158s | and the last thing before we get started |
160s | is there's a loading screen competition |
162s | that we're starting starting today you |
164s | can find out details about it on the |
166s | planetside 2 website but basically we're |
169s | we're soliciting you guys to send us |
172s | some loading screens that best represent |
175s | categories there's one for social |
177s | setting there's another one for an |
179s | action scene and a last one for lure |
181s | portrayal so excited to see what you |
184s | guys come up with and if you haven't |
185s | taken a look at the game as of today |
187s | okay this morning yep dated this morning |
190s | new loading screens actually of old art |
193s | and the old concept art but it's nice to |
194s | get in the game now I think it looks |
195s | great yeah no it's it gives you like |
198s | warm and fuzzies when I got it for some |
200s | reason it's magical but we'd like more |
202s | like make that let's make that a thing |
204s | so with all of that intro out of the way |
207s | let's look back at our at the past year |
210s | and see what we've added to the game so |
212s | I'll kick it off to the to the two |
214s | designers to sort of do their best to |
217s | recall without looking at my notes you |
218s | know everything that we've done in 2018 |
222s | oh the big thing is getting three new |
224s | people yeah added to the team yeah you |
229s | started one uh-huh |
231s | a week from or a year from next week |
234s | okay yes and Garrett was in October a |
237s | little bit before you right before |
239s | Halloween and then Zach was it was one I |
242s | don't remember |
243s | he was probably October - yeah yeah yeah |
245s | October as well so basically it like |
247s | this past year we we've now had one year |
250s | of building out the team and we've been |
254s | able to focus a lot on well I mean we've |
258s | been able to do a lot I some of those |
260s | things like I'm actually one of the |
261s | first things that the drew got sticked |
263s | on was construction but you know right |
267s | yeah sorry I don't mean to devalue that |
270s | because it was it was a very |
273s | pained part of our game and drew I know |
276s | you learned a lot from the process |
277s | oh god yeah and there was there was the |
279s | system as a whole was kind of in |
281s | shambles when I got here yeah on our |
283s | internal service and so kind of learning |
287s | how all of it functioned together and |
290s | then also improving it and making it |
292s | there's a lot of stuff that was |
293s | yesterday line and actually even later |
295s | on the year like we've had some some |
297s | troubles that were kind of bogging down |
299s | performance and were able to claim that |
301s | yes well it was like a massive yeah so |
307s | uh what else what else did we do I have |
309s | to look at the note I know I'm sorry SP |
314s | system was introduced him so that was |
316s | back in probably January I think it was |
319s | February maybe February okay so I |
321s | allowed you to prestige and then you |
323s | were able to - well pursue pursue more |
327s | than about 100 or 120 rather and let's |
330s | see what else is overdue completely |
332s | revamp the way the implants worked for |
336s | that one yeah yeah I added the the |
339s | ability to to purchase implants outright |
340s | - and you know double D implant pool but |
343s | let's see what else did we do a whole |
345s | bunch of quality life stuff so as far as |
347s | a headshot indicator and the like |
351s | recently the yeah that the numbers on |
354s | the health bars we did full timers on on |
360s | vehicles and and other things made |
362s | support better support for streamers to |
364s | not have trolls say stuff it's remote |
367s | yep that actually got pushed even |
369s | further - leaving channels so yep you |
372s | can for those who don't know because the |
374s | more I've been talking to people in the |
375s | community they've not known about this |
377s | but you can leave yell chat you can |
379s | leave towels you can leave all of these |
381s | different things actually do we have the |
385s | UI elements and for that I don't think |
387s | so no not yet okay so just a command |
389s | slash leave channel right that's a good |
392s | one |
392s | yep yep and and the UI elements are just |
394s | around the corner so yeah we celebrated |
397s | 15 years of the planetside franchise |
408s | let's see what else new directive lines |
410s | for xmas summer and Halloween yeah |
413s | actually the other time for the |
415s | Halloween Halloween didn't get a new |
416s | director for like actually no it hadn't |
420s | gotten a new directive until I got here |
423s | the fourth year or something and yeah so |
426s | actually yeah the when when drew came on |
429s | board I was like winding down from the |
431s | October Halloween stuff and basically |
434s | immediately back into Iraq yeah yeah |
437s | well yeah and then the the anniversary |
439s | stuff oh yeah yeah I was pretty much I |
441s | didn't get around that's why he threw |
448s | construction at me |
452s | we added vehicle capital basis to all |
454s | continents which I think was awesome |
456s | that was really good at the end of the |
457s | game and anomalies right that which is |
462s | probably my free Harry a favorite thing |
464s | that was added to the game this year |
465s | yeah one of my favorite moments is the |
469s | flight of galaxies at the end of an |
471s | arrow anomaly yes they're all free and |
473s | so they all go to aside actually and you |
479s | know we've been iterating on that system |
481s | throughout the year as well so yep yeah |
483s | what else any anything notable Oh hold |
486s | on oh boy oh yeah |
487s | so we've activated the salt XR we added |
489s | a new server to planetside and even |
492s | though we have yet to get the stat API |
494s | working for it which is near the top of |
496s | our list I can assure you guys that it's |
498s | a very full and healthy server so we're |
501s | very excited to see that there was so |
503s | many people that wanted to play the game |
504s | in the Asia area and now they have |
506s | finally have a place to play it and |
508s | they're just looks like they're having a |
510s | really great time on there how many |
511s | times do you or how many games get the |
513s | opportunity to open open a new server |
515s | alright like I mean I completely new |
518s | territory yeah yeah this late in the |
522s | sixth year so thank you guys for making |
526s | that possible |
527s | yeah it's if it wasn't for the players |
530s | the people out there playing our game we |
532s | wouldn't be able to do stuff like |
533s | the last one I think was the mender |
536s | squads and the squad revamp that oh yeah |
538s | yeah yeah I got about maybe like 50% of |
542s | the way on that stuff honestly and |
543s | actually there's a bunch of things that |
544s | we had set out to do at the year but we |
547s | I mean you you've you've experienced our |
550s | troubles as well there's there's |
553s | certainly no shortage of that and I |
556s | we're gonna hit it hard next year as |
558s | well yep but that's something you say at |
559s | the end of this room let's pretend a |
561s | good sales ok gone we had we also we |
564s | resumed releasing Laura for the game |
566s | it's true so that I'm sort of put on |
569s | hold a while back yeah and thanks to Rox |
572s | Lee we're digging up some old lore |
574s | entries that were prepared we're |
575s | creating new ones and we're releasing |
577s | them and it looks like people are |
580s | enjoying them I haven't heard any sort |
582s | of major criticism of |
583s | yet every time we release a new bit I |
586s | make sure to go find the sort of |
588s | relevant discussions that are happening |
590s | mostly on Reddit and and this seems like |
592s | a very positive sort of reactions |
594s | happening in there and we're planning on |
596s | continuing to expand the lord and in |
599s | 2019 |
599s | but why actually quite a bit more also |
602s | something I wanted to point out is we |
604s | did our first dev streamer we were |
606s | actually playing games rather than just |
608s | yeah yeah yeah and it went over really |
612s | positively thank you everybody who |
614s | donated but also kind of gave us the |
616s | first taste of actually playing on |
618s | stream yep and I think we're gonna |
619s | potentially yeah we're gonna be adding |
623s | fun streams in between our regular |
625s | regularly scheduled sort of reveal |
627s | stream yeah exactly we can get rel the |
630s | play on stream will see like you have |
632s | concerns of informants anxiety ever |
635s | playing on a system that's not your |
636s | Lauren's anxiety huh but yeah well we'll |
648s | find a way to get some of the devs |
649s | playing in front of you guys and we had |
652s | a blast doing that before and we'll be |
654s | we'll be doing it again soon |
656s | so with that let's go ahead and raffle |
659s | off some of those recruit bundles so |
662s | we're going to be doing these are the |
663s | lowest here anniversary bundles what's |
665s | in what's in the recruit bundle do we |
666s | want to |
667s | like pop it up on one of your guys the |
668s | screens you know it's uh you know I'll |
672s | run through all not real real quick here |
675s | just a bundle because this one's kind of |
676s | a little bit smaller and we're gonna |
678s | raffle off how many of this we're doing |
680s | three of these three of these so we're |
681s | six-year anniversary bundle it's got |
684s | your so there's equivalents for all |
685s | factions here your Carver is for NC it's |
690s | just the the power knifes are going out |
692s | and then you'll see the the six years |
694s | decal and the anniversary horn and then |
697s | the the amber panel as well and each |
699s | faction has as one of these but we'll |
703s | then I'll show you a little bit more |
704s | than later cool and while we're running |
706s | this raffle we'll go ahead and say bye |
708s | to drew thank you drew bye and we'll |
711s | bring on Garrett this bump you guys |
717s | didn't sing it off camera yeah every |
719s | time I wish I had friends oh I'm gonna |
730s | re-evaluate my life here on stream and a |
740s | happy 6-year anniversary of planetside 2 |
742s | yeah well yeah I'll take it a little so |
744s | I look like a celebration for my |
746s | one-year because as you guys know they |
748s | don't I got really sick right around |
751s | one-year mark for myself I don't |
753s | remember this you don't remember this no |
754s | no you don't remember the sick brownies |
756s | oh I remember |
757s | oh right I didn't eat though they |
759s | weren't sick by the way but he came in |
761s | after being clearly super sick and |
763s | decided to give us brownies and we were |
766s | all just sort of like yeah I didn't make |
768s | them they were given to me myself and |
771s | the team don't worry but I'm gonna go |
775s | back a little bit you guys missed two |
777s | two great they're not great but fun |
779s | things that I did okay |
781s | last year one being the construction |
784s | there is a lot of placement bugs oh yeah |
787s | yeah |
788s | appreciate it for sure but there was |
790s | there was loads of issues yeah so that |
793s | one that one took a lot of sleuthing for |
795s | my part Andrews we we had to work |
797s | together pretty hard for that one one |
799s | gathering information |
800s | - trying to reproduce it and those ones |
804s | are actually I mean they were fun to |
805s | mess with trying to reproduce them and |
808s | break them and then fixing him and |
811s | figuring out creative ways was it's |
813s | actually quite fun and then just I mean |
817s | it's it's my heart the bishop I know |
825s | this past year that it's yeah usually |
829s | don't run down all the cosmetics and |
831s | weapons that we've added for a game but |
833s | adding the new weapon mechanics was huge |
834s | and and that is easily one that that's |
836s | near the top yeah but it's still not |
838s | better than aerial anomalies no no no |
841s | aerial emily's I think are great but you |
843s | know just to see them from the ground |
845s | but also just did you know attempt to |
847s | join the fray what are we getting we're |
849s | getting cannon fodder |
850s | reflecting for the house hopefully soon |
853s | we've the bug is still there where they |
858s | look cool they work but maybe five |
861s | minutes later it crashes the entire game |
863s | so it's a work in progress but I'm |
867s | hoping I can you know revisit that soon |
870s | and yeah we can start seeing that simply |
871s | in December what what we're gonna be |
875s | doing as a team is having everybody work |
879s | on it kind of take some some time to |
881s | work on something that they really want |
882s | to do so whether it's a it's a small |
884s | game improvement or or you know some |
886s | sort of new system or something like |
888s | that and what would keep the scope small |
890s | but give us some some creative time of |
893s | ourselves and let each community member |
895s | kind of come up with this you know this |
897s | thing for the for the game something |
898s | that they personally want to see I know |
900s | Garrett has colorblindness so being able |
904s | to deploy zones |
906s | yeah the note deploy zones right are a |
908s | big one for me i I can't see those yeah |
911s | I'm sorry yeah I know they existed until |
913s | somebody told me yep yep and same thing |
915s | with the death screen it tells you a |
917s | little cone where you died from right |
919s | yeah I played the game for ten months |
923s | before I was politely informed by Drew |
926s | that they exist I was very frustrated to |
930s | find that out because let me tell you |
933s | that was really |
933s | yeah not knowing where you're dying from |
936s | but hopefully we can address that soon |
939s | buy wine the colors and to with you okay |
946s | fine I'm sitting do this for a little |
947s | bit okay all right |
948s | okay we have some winners for the |
950s | recruit bottles it's hot scene heavenly |
954s | 80 yeah and locust swarm yeah |
957s | congratulations guys I don't like okay |
963s | so congratulations you guys we're gonna |
964s | do one more raffle and could you set up |
966s | our next thing that we're gonna be doing |
967s | yeah well we're of course so we're gonna |
970s | do one more raffle this time for a |
972s | three-month all-access membership and if |
976s | a PC person can win instead of a ps4 |
978s | that makes our life way easier but if a |
980s | ps4 person wins will make sure you get |
983s | your three-month membership it just is a |
985s | little bit we want a membership double |
987s | experience weekend this weekend oh yeah |
989s | don't forget about that yeah is starting |
991s | it Friday started running through the |
993s | weekend actually right now double |
994s | experience for all and that ends on |
996s | Thursday and then on Friday members |
999s | double experience play the game play the |
1002s | game so yeah it's just it continues and |
1005s | if you want to keep that double |
1006s | experience loved going you can buy a |
1008s | membership so we the next thing for us |
1013s | to talk about is the the spawn revamp |
1015s | yeah yeah I'm gonna throw this to |
1018s | Gerrits Oh chroma screen okay that's |
1022s | fine that's fine |
1022s | oh it is crumbling okay add the greens |
1025s | or chroma there we go so what are we |
1027s | looking at right so ignore the filter |
1029s | because I just wanted to make them a |
1030s | little bit more visible so right now |
1032s | this is just the normal deploy screen |
1034s | with your different right now showing |
1038s | you know the three closest facility is a |
1040s | big audience oh thank you |
1045s | got it we're here now so just normal |
1049s | respawn locations and with some fun |
1053s | magic here we can change this to now |
1057s | switch over to try and use our |
1058s | priorities as you see now a bunch of |
1061s | stuff just popped up |
1063s | and we'll turn on priorities here well |
1066s | respawn okay and then while he's doing |
1070s | this |
1071s | petals TR you who you won that |
1074s | three-month membership so |
1075s | congratulations will run down the the |
1078s | benefits of membership later almost our |
1080s | whole audience probably knows about it |
1082s | but like there's a ton of stuff that you |
1084s | get with membership and there's gonna be |
1085s | something extra coming soon yeah alright |
1088s | so when I redeploy here the priorities |
1092s | are gonna be active where you can see |
1094s | the immediate place that you you know |
1097s | died from being immediately available |
1099s | and then the front line appears shortly |
1101s | after but those are just our first level |
1103s | priority basically you know under pop or |
1105s | places we need you to go and then after |
1108s | some duration some of these you know |
1109s | inner locations will then open up and |
1113s | based off of hopefully what we can test |
1116s | turning this on on the test server and |
1118s | potentially live because it's just a |
1120s | variable we can change on the fly we can |
1123s | get some you know real board numbers |
1124s | numbers that and you know just see you |
1128s | I'll see how it works yeah you guys yeah |
1130s | what happens you know it's so I just to |
1132s | back up a little bit |
1133s | spawn revamp was something that we had |
1135s | talked about many months ago and gave |
1138s | the design talk out to the community |
1139s | it's something that we had been working |
1141s | on and then you know those there's been |
1144s | a little bit of network performance the |
1148s | issue sorts of fires to be put out but |
1152s | now actually some of this a lot of the |
1154s | stuff is on life currently but is |
1157s | missing some some specific pieces that |
1159s | allow us to talk about on and off and |
1161s | that sort of thing but you will see |
1163s | coming to test the ability to or like |
1167s | will be opening up and the new spawn |
1168s | system so you can kind of try it and |
1170s | then later we're gonna be doing some |
1171s | some public testing which we'll talk |
1173s | about later |
1174s | there was some organized play tests and |
1176s | then also the the UI is going to get |
1178s | some adjustments in the future but the |
1180s | spawn revamp is intended to disperse the |
1183s | population throughout the continent and |
1185s | and make it so the fights are more even |
1188s | more often and so right now you see a |
1191s | whole bunch of spawn points on the map |
1193s | but we want to give you the flexibility |
1196s | to go where you want but |
1197s | not make it not make it so you can go |
1201s | like instantly everywhere that the |
1203s | current puck spawn system is it is |
1205s | really it does does some peculiar things |
1209s | yeah it's an attempt at a gentle push to |
1212s | get people to go where we want them to |
1213s | go but it doesn't use a heavy hand and |
1216s | prevent people from not going we're not |
1218s | they want I wouldn't say it's that that |
1220s | gentle I mean we do light up like so if |
1222s | your your current spawn region you die |
1225s | there you can respawn there that's fine |
1227s | right so in even an over pop fight like |
1229s | if you're at that point like if you want |
1231s | to get to that fight you can do that you |
1232s | could drop your your galaxy there and |
1234s | the participate and then respond |
1236s | instantly whatever I that's so that the |
1238s | sandbox element is always going to be |
1241s | present but you know once you die in |
1243s | that area perhaps more recommendable |
1247s | areas are going to be instantly lit up |
1250s | as well maybe in the future we do |
1251s | something that's a little bit a little |
1253s | bit harsher like maybe you know penalize |
1256s | you for being in that that area or |
1258s | whatever when your alpha pop but but for |
1260s | the time being we just want to give you |
1261s | access to spawn locations that make |
1264s | sense for your despoina |
1266s | and this is a Sunderer oh yeah that's |
1268s | alright it's not as bad as a as a |
1270s | teleporter yeah and then so there's a |
1274s | bunch of other smaller locations that'll |
1275s | slow they light up over time basically |
1276s | places that we don't want you to go but |
1278s | like it's okay if you go there like so |
1281s | you'll you'll see them light up yeah but |
1283s | yeah yeah so soon |
1286s | that'll be coming soon yes so there'll |
1288s | be tests happening both on our test |
1290s | server where we will be organizing |
1292s | community tests to test other systems |
1295s | but this will be part of them as well |
1297s | and we'll also have the ability to just |
1301s | turn this on on live yet which we're not |
1303s | especially scared of doing that |
1305s | especially after we test it out on test |
1306s | a little bit so just run some even |
1308s | larger scale tests of this particular |
1310s | rule set right and then we can turn it |
1312s | off so we're not going to leave it on on |
1314s | live but and we'll run it for a certain |
1315s | time see how things play out and |
1318s | hopefully people just play naturally |
1320s | because if they all start behaving be |
1324s | you know differently because they know |
1326s | the system turned on then it sort of |
1328s | invalidates the yeah yeah well we'll |
1330s | certainly do a lot of |
1331s | yeah testing so yeah casual return don't |
1338s | everybody freak out whenever we turn the |
1340s | rolls on that's gonna be my broadcast |
1343s | message just don't everybody freak out |
1345s | new spawn rolls go on okay so did you |
1352s | want to show the new alert yes oh yeah |
1355s | all right yeah every row we did that |
1358s | so we've fuss over which new alert to |
1362s | add to the game next and it was actually |
1365s | several that were prototyped and |
1367s | hopefully will be returning to a lot of |
1369s | those concepts but this one is the next |
1371s | one yeah so we kind of punted on the |
1375s | death race for the time being but |
1377s | decided to whip this thing together so |
1379s | if you see these icons they should be |
1381s | somewhat familiar for those of you |
1382s | who've had a real love and desire for |
1385s | the construction system and now you get |
1390s | to re-experience that joy with a with a |
1393s | refine and refuel alert which is |
1395s | basically what happens is here's the |
1398s | backdrop right as NS is low encore diem |
1402s | and then either some fuel resupplying |
1404s | for the the sanctuaries and the the |
1407s | orbital satellites on various other |
1408s | techy bits and NS is offering a reward |
1411s | for those who for whichever faction is |
1414s | basically the most helpful so how this |
1417s | alert actually works is that there will |
1420s | always be at any given time two |
1422s | different sign lows or hives rather that |
1426s | you can deposit gordium into and once |
1430s | these hives fill up though they'll be |
1434s | replaced with with a separate set of |
1436s | hives there's currently four spawn |
1437s | locations total and so like one like |
1440s | kind of towards each factions territory |
1443s | and then one more centralized so that |
1446s | being the case |
1449s | this section right okay all right so |
1454s | currently you have to fill up these |
1455s | little spires and they're color-coded |
1458s | for your faction so I'm gonna I'm gonna |
1460s | fill it up and you can't fill up the |
1462s | other factions but uh no no what's going |
1468s | on here you know I didn't say fine |
1470s | actually is it not working everything |
1474s | works perfect let's see let's see does |
1480s | he have like I don't care |
1483s | I've debugging on the on the sixth |
1485s | anniversary screen no everything's fine |
1487s | okay let's do this okay you have a bunch |
1491s | gordium so once this thing gets enough |
1494s | gordium it has a certain capacity |
1496s | regardless of which faction is is trying |
1498s | to fill it up so if you if you have an |
1501s | ant full accordion and you know even if |
1503s | the enemy is protecting it and you go |
1505s | suicide and dump a bunch of court in a |
1507s | minute like your your points are gonna |
1508s | go to about silo regardless so you can |
1510s | you can be a real trooper there and help |
1516s | okay okay |
1520s | something's happening what's what's this |
1522s | according refinery is evolving yeah this |
1525s | is exciting I haven't seen this latest |
1527s | version of the temporary iam is |
1533s | delivered to orbit yeah okay I can't so |
1538s | you can stand on it you could stand on |
1540s | but it doesn't last you off in the air |
1542s | it will however disappears Roy white |
1544s | ceiling yeah actually a little bit |
1546s | beyond the fly ceiling okay but you can |
1548s | if you're if you're just flying around |
1550s | galaxies or whatever this thing will |
1552s | destroy you so so there's that and then |
1558s | another one plops down a textfield |
1561s | doesn't work and and then you repeat the |
1563s | process so so this will hopefully with |
1566s | without being too and play at any given |
1568s | time I give you the opportunity to not |
1572s | only deposit corps diem and and also |
1574s | like like interdict you know if you want |
1576s | to bring air vehicles and I kill all the |
1578s | people run in corps diem and that sort |
1579s | of thing so so what would would |
1582s | reward be for example let's um let's say |
1586s | this alert ends and I I've gathered a |
1588s | twenty one wow what am i doing okay oh |
1594s | yeah it ends so what happens what's my |
1599s | reward gunslinger there we go |
1600s | excellent generation one excellent |
1603s | outstanding - yeah but there's more |
1609s | but there's more there's more okay so in |
1612s | addition in the warp gates you'll see |
1613s | all the sorts of terminals that you're |
1615s | used to except there's a new one here |
1616s | and this will be probably textured to |
1618s | look a little bit more unique instead of |
1620s | just like a bug |
1623s | but you approach it and what's that |
1625s | that's interesting it's uh it's an NS |
1628s | wasp prototype mmm it's kind of fun |
1632s | so if you win this alert you'll have |
1636s | access to a specialty vehicle more like |
1639s | a vehicle variant that allows you a |
1641s | Garrett are you around yeah I owe you |
1644s | guys the teleport over to you which |
1647s | which faction in you want |
1648s | I'm currently Tiana's okay a little |
1660s | outside just yeah go to head oh gosh I |
1666s | wonder I haven't haven't actually tested |
1668s | this can we be best friends does that |
1670s | have this force right now I should yeah |
1672s | yeah okay there you go yeah okay what is |
1676s | TR you're doing do we want to see this |
1681s | from from his perspective sure yeah okay |
1685s | let's see so can you he's got his little |
1688s | little corneum corneum harvester which |
1691s | I'm about three with a coordinating eye |
1692s | most kind of it's kind of strange |
1694s | can you harvest this bait now are we or |
1697s | within range oh cool I'm Way too close |
1699s | to this thing okay I might have to |
1701s | increase the range that's fine |
1702s | everything's fine |
1702s | i and as you can see I do have access to |
1705s | an afterburner |
1708s | and Valkyries don't normally have |
1711s | afterburners just for clarification |
1713s | there they also don't have access to |
1715s | gordium guns usually and I've got enough |
1719s | juice and I'm just gonna so yeah so if I |
1722s | click my afterburners on it it's not |
1724s | doing any particle effects right now |
1726s | that's something that we need to add but |
1727s | for those of for those Valkyrie pilots |
1731s | you'll you'll notice that we are hauling |
1734s | balls right now yeah is there everybody |
1744s | fine it's all good school we're good |
1745s | cool we're good |
1746s | that was some slick flying right there |
1748s | skated off the ground |
1750s | yes okay and then the wasp also has |
1752s | access to Oh No |
1754s | let's matter Oh No okay well this the |
1758s | soif is a little bit defective oh you're |
1760s | trying to show off the Rockets yeah it |
1762s | is a prototype after all but um yeah I |
1765s | probably didn't fly a label |
1767s | gomey but the hospital will have access |
1771s | to anti-vehicle belters called the other |
1775s | two pummel ours it's a dual tool winged |
1777s | fixed-wing and actually this is for the |
1779s | for the pilot so the pilot has the |
1780s | ability to to fire off the intent of |
1784s | this vehicle is to give give you a |
1787s | reward for for the alert confliction |
1790s | obviously and so it's only for the |
1791s | winner don't have access to it and give |
1795s | you something something kind of kind of |
1797s | unique it doesn't have seats that are |
1801s | rumble seats though that that may change |
1803s | it's just right now like your head would |
1805s | hit the rocket pod so we probably have |
1807s | to reconfigure that it does have you |
1809s | know a different camera view and and |
1812s | that sort of thing so yeah just a little |
1814s | bit a little bit different kind of kind |
1816s | of shaking it up but variant vehicles |
1818s | are something that that hopefully you'll |
1821s | you'll see more of yeah as alert |
1822s | especially if we start to like tie |
1824s | directives to them and that sort of |
1825s | thing it becomes a very desirable thing |
1827s | like a limited time thing too so |
1829s | hopefully a little bit more incentive to |
1830s | actually pursue and and when |
1832s | alert and maybe even give you a combat |
1834s | advantage depending or at least just |
1838s | have a little fun playing with something |
1839s | something new right yeah yeah yeah and I |
1841s | mean this thing is it is fully kitted |
1843s | out it is a it has its own weaknesses |
1846s | there's max Raygun nano armor or a |
1849s | knight now repair as the defensive slot |
1853s | so not not a stealth excuse me like |
1856s | normally Valkyries would tempt to |
1858s | gravitate toward but yeah yeah so we'll |
1862s | we'll probably do some some tweaking and |
1864s | that's what I'm thinking about in the |
1865s | future before it goes live that's it |
1868s | cool yeah all right so while you guys |
1872s | keep sort of you can keep playing around |
1875s | a little bit with that let's really |
1878s | quickly the ants ps4 players might have |
1882s | noticed that there all the sudden was an |
1884s | ant field that appeared on there all |
1887s | right yeah so we'll call it we're not |
1890s | gonna claim that that was on purpose but |
1893s | it is a happy little accident because it |
1895s | sort of caused us to reevaluate for a |
1899s | moment what ants can be used for on nice |
1903s | what ants could potentially be used for |
1906s | on the on the on the ps4 yeah and what |
1910s | we want to bring this alert to ps4 |
1912s | there's nothing that would prevent this |
1914s | alert from happening on ps4 other than |
1917s | not having access to core diem veins and |
1920s | the ant itself yeah actually yeah and |
1923s | those are super easy to to toggle on so |
1925s | you'll see the ant have basically |
1928s | everything except for the ability to |
1935s | yeah so the ants will we're gonna be |
1937s | giving ants to ps4 they'll have |
1939s | everything except for the ability to |
1940s | deploy which which means no construction |
1943s | yeah but yeah you get to use your |
1944s | abilities you get to harvest gordium and |
1946s | you get to participate in this alert so |
1948s | it's a decent anti-infantry view yeah I |
1950s | see a used to great effect by certain |
1952s | streamers farm but uh just a loan for |
1958s | its ability to sort of gracefully fly |
1961s | through the sky with its gordium turbo I |
1964s | think it's going to be worth it's going |
1966s | to |
1966s | whole bunch of fun for ps4 players so |
1968s | ant will be coming soon to ps4 and then |
1972s | we're on to doing another giveaway yeah |
1975s | did you want to bring up the contents of |
1977s | the soldier sixth anniversary bundle or |
1980s | let's give away to soldier six or |
1984s | Federer rentals sorry oh yeah sorry |
1986s | veterans there you go |
1987s | alright so veterans is is the beefed out |
1990s | version of the earlier bunless so you |
1992s | still have the power knives and you have |
1995s | the Doku LMGs the the most recently |
1998s | released LMGs that have the intent is a |
2001s | little bit of pearlescent and lavish |
2004s | design and then you get the the helmet |
2006s | as well this is actually not how it |
2008s | looks you know I got a lot of criticism |
2012s | for this helmet yeah I think it looks |
2013s | baller status so I think it looks really |
2016s | good dang right I did like that other |
2020s | one too though okay who left that in |
2031s | there who left what in there nothing |
2033s | nothing at all it was it was the |
2036s | gremlins all right so I'm no longer in |
2042s | charge of things and you have the the |
2046s | gold dust bundle or the gold dust camo |
2048s | which is one of the one of the seemingly |
2052s | many camos that you'll have access to |
2055s | and it has it has a little bit of a |
2057s | shine to it and once you get into play |
2061s | let's see what else and then of course |
2062s | they had the six-month rogue boost so |
2064s | that had sure was a lot like that |
2066s | faceless allied decal |
2071s | so that segue we have a couple it's not |
2078s | quite away we have a couple winners for |
2081s | our veterans anniversary bundles it's |
2082s | winter and kurz dead metal |
2085s | congratulations guys for winning those |
2087s | bundles and looter |
2090s | she changed Oh turn not winter we we tur |
2096s | okay congratulations guys so while we're |
2101s | doing another raffle will swap in our |
2104s | Garrett for Paul well that's been fun |
2109s | Thank You Garrett cool so we're gonna go |
2118s | ahead we're gonna have you two alone |
2125s | forever I need I need you I need you |
2128s | here welcome welcome to the sixth |
2133s | anniversary stream Paul hey guys how you |
2135s | doing we actually yeah really yeah cool |
2143s | you act so surprised some of some of the |
2145s | hype has has made its way up there I'm |
2149s | glad it's always and they they always |
2152s | know that we're gonna be giving away |
2153s | some pretty awesome stuff is that it |
2155s | they just want us for our stuff some are |
2157s | new stuff some of them I mean it's it's |
2159s | nice to feel wanted |
2160s | yeah if it is for material so is there a |
2166s | little video that we wanted to pull up |
2167s | on I guess but I just get it queued up I |
2175s | guess alt-enter |
2177s | thank you for teaching me this okay okay |
2183s | so I was gonna wait for the so make sure |
2189s | your your active and chat because the |
2192s | 3-month all-access membership is a big |
2195s | deal so what are some of those things |
2199s | you get with with all-access membership |
2200s | you sure I ruin it again just run it all |
2203s | the way down |
2206s | you get a 50% boost to your experience |
2210s | you get 10% off of all items Daybreak |
2212s | cash cost and in the marketplace those |
2216s | are the two big ones yes five five |
2218s | hundred yes Roxy yes please she was |
2224s | asking if this was a giveaway like some |
2233s | warning light okay yeah we were doing |
2236s | these giveaways like back-to-back we're |
2237s | doing those bundles yeah yeah good right |
2246s | on that's good I'm glad we're doing that |
2247s | so you get 500 day break cash every |
2250s | month that you have to come into the |
2251s | game to claim so that doesn't just |
2253s | automatically grant to your account you |
2254s | have to come into the game and click the |
2255s | button that claims your 500 day break |
2257s | cash some people don't do that and |
2259s | they're wondering where they're all |
2260s | their daybreak cashes I mean they log in |
2262s | three months later and is that our |
2267s | winner the the name up there yet so ant |
2270s | dance 4 4 3 5 congratulations for |
2273s | winning a three-month all-access |
2274s | daybreak membership that gives you |
2277s | access to a whole bunch more there's |
2278s | those items that are exclusive to |
2280s | players keep skipping |
2282s | oh yeah the queue skipping is huge is |
2285s | being able to jump straight to the front |
2286s | of the line whenever you're trying to |
2287s | get into a zone that's overpopulated |
2289s | absolutely is it still cross with other |
2292s | games yes and it still does cross with |
2295s | some of our other games so it gives you |
2296s | a ton of advantages in EverQuest |
2298s | everquest ii and DCUO which I do not |
2301s | have memorized and you'll have to go to |
2302s | the daybreak website I think it might be |
2308s | on the launcher I think you man yeah I |
2310s | think that maybe maybe maybe the |
2312s | information is on I would just go to |
2315s | daybreak games.com slash all-access I |
2317s | believe that's the website and it'll |
2319s | give you a rundown of all the all the |
2321s | advantages that are there so so it's a |
2323s | good oh yeah and then every month at the |
2326s | last full weekend so it has to run both |
2329s | of the weekend days have to be during |
2331s | that month some people get a little |
2333s | confused including myself from time to |
2335s | time that there's a Members Only DoubleX |
2338s | variants weekend which is coming up this |
2340s | weekend there's a double experienced |
2342s | weekend for our our members of |
2344s | planetside 2 so should definitely not |
2347s | miss out on that yeah yeah you should |
2349s | skip Black Friday stay at home safer not |
2355s | gonna play planetside skip boys Friday |
2357s | oh I know yeah just diversity the |
2361s | tickle-me-elmo I remember yeah yeah |
2364s | those those nightmarish cuz it gotten |
2366s | better I haven't been outside in a while |
2368s | [Laughter] |
2382s | I knew it I knew it |
2386s | okay so let's let's watch the video |
2388s | that's on your screen right we'll get |
2389s | this out of the way it's a microphone so |
2397s | get hear what this looks a lot like just |
2399s | regular planetside it's got a weird |
2401s | helmet on drive it around and pretty |
2404s | much looks exactly the same as regular |
2405s | planetside but there's a major |
2408s | difference that's going on here and the |
2411s | main thing that that we're driving for |
2414s | with this is that this is running into |
2416s | dx11 renderer so yeah that's a that's a |
2420s | mic drop but so yeah but let's let's |
2431s | break it down for for what this actually |
2432s | if it did break I will reimburse you so |
2439s | we're super excited we hope you guys are |
2442s | too but our pictures in front of the |
2443s | framerate counter frame rates are higher |
2445s | oh no no no yeah that was the main thing |
2448s | like not not only is this but there's a |
2450s | number of things to run down the big |
2452s | like the biggest thing that our players |
2454s | at home are going to be carrying about |
2457s | is we've seen a significant framerate |
2459s | boost and this is without any |
2460s | optimization at all it's basically just |
2462s | getting it running in dx11 all of a |
2464s | sudden all of the it starts utilizing |
2468s | modern graphics GPUs the way that you'd |
2470s | expect them to like |
2471s | x9 was not utilizing modern graphics |
2474s | cards not nearly the way you know the |
2477s | basically that increased we won't get |
2479s | into the technical details it was |
2480s | creating a lot of technological hurdles |
2481s | for us to just it's not normal not |
2484s | allowing us and then we were running |
2485s | into lawyers materials all sorts of |
2487s | stuff that we had accomplished we were |
2489s | running into problems that were pretty |
2490s | much unfixable they ran all the way down |
2491s | to the operating system level and |
2493s | microsoft would basically be the one |
2495s | that would need to hand us a fix and |
2497s | that was not gonna happen |
2498s | herds we're not expecting it you know |
2500s | it's not a hold our breath kind of thing |
2501s | put it in the ticket but you know they |
2503s | got a lots of work they have a lot to |
2504s | worry about and not DXL like one of the |
2506s | last remaining dx9 games that's |
2508s | operating out there it's probably not |
2509s | way up there list so and that's that's |
2512s | completely understandable so we're over |
2513s | moving over to dx11 we have a working |
2517s | build that i would call this alpha' yeah |
2519s | it's it's pretty early it's it's worth |
2521s | noting that the footage that that was |
2522s | recorded on was on an older version of |
2524s | our dx11 code we have plans to do a |
2529s | bunch of different things around this |
2531s | one of them is to update to a newer |
2534s | version of our code so that we can |
2536s | better utilize dx11 |
2538s | which should see some better framerate |
2542s | fixing some micro stutters and stuff |
2545s | that we're existing in the code a little |
2547s | bit before with some of the dx11 stuff |
2549s | and things like that in addition to the |
2553s | graphic engine you know the graphics |
2555s | itself we're bringing over a bunch of |
2557s | system level stuff with it |
2559s | for example threaded asset loading which |
2561s | is going to be huge on the ps4 this is a |
2565s | way to asynchronously load in a bunch of |
2568s | different assets so you can actually |
2571s | probably get better times on that but |
2573s | also have better like cross continent |
2576s | travel and you're not gonna see as much |
2578s | issue with that or anything like that |
2579s | but it's it's really important for ps4 |
2583s | since they have they're working under |
2585s | tighter constraints as far as hardware |
2587s | yeah so that's gonna be something on |
2590s | that that's gonna be pretty great for |
2592s | them in addition to that when we get the |
2595s | DirectX 11 code it's also going to |
2598s | include an upgrade to the |
2601s | PlayStation 4 SDK so that's gonna |
2605s | include tons of optimizations tons of |
2607s | like memory fixes and stuff like that |
2609s | that the entire game just gonna run |
2611s | better and it's gonna make it easier for |
2613s | us to develop with it - like there's a |
2616s | memory analysis tool that we're gonna |
2617s | have access to that'll help us track |
2619s | down any issues we have remaining there |
2621s | you know just lots of stuff that's just |
2624s | going to enable us both from the |
2625s | development side and give our wonderful |
2627s | players more frames than they can handle |
2630s | hopefully I mean certainly more frames |
2633s | yeah actually you know it so just - I |
2635s | know dx11 is great but we have been as a |
2640s | team making a whole bunch of performance |
2641s | improvements and you know I've seen some |
2643s | posts on Reddit saying it like certain |
2646s | people's frame rates seem to have been |
2647s | dropped if you have information about |
2648s | that please send it to us because I was |
2651s | running at a hundred and forty frames |
2652s | per second like a couple of nights ago |
2654s | which is kind of a new thing for me so I |
2657s | and I performance everything felt like |
2660s | snappy and kind of better than it |
2661s | normally happened that wasn't in be |
2663s | excellent yeah absolutely x11 so like |
2665s | because again we've been making lots of |
2668s | performance improvements especially on |
2669s | the design side of things and a little |
2672s | bit on the other tech side as well so so |
2674s | things I mean the game should be running |
2676s | pretty well right now and it's only |
2678s | going to get better with the server |
2681s | needs some love but oh yeah no yeah for |
2689s | sure we've made improvements but there's |
2691s | definitely much more room for |
2692s | improvement yeah for sure yeah |
2695s | so we've been working on it it's it's a |
2698s | thing okay I guess it's worthy of a |
2700s | number to like you guys will see for |
2701s | yourself and we're gonna be very |
2702s | interested in looking at the actual |
2704s | practical frame rates that are gonna be |
2706s | achieved by people when we push this out |
2707s | to test and we're hoping to push this |
2709s | out to test by the end of the year that |
2712s | doesn't give us a lot of time but |
2713s | basically the work is done and now the |
2715s | work is basically taking it and bringing |
2717s | it into our main development branch if |
2719s | people are familiar with ya with |
2721s | programming terminology at all it's how |
2724s | we keep like big features from |
2728s | jeopardizing the stability of our live |
2731s | clients and that sort of thing so that |
2733s | this will be coming to testing and |
2734s | in our own internal compatibility test |
2736s | we've seen framerate improvements that |
2738s | are in the realm of 20% but no I know I |
2745s | know I'm just I've imagining the reddit |
2747s | poster or like ah oh ya know jeopardize |
2750s | a lot of mine is that why everything |
2751s | fell down a couple of weeks ago yeah no |
2755s | we know we've had some trouble like word |
2757s | or aware but uh yeah we're super stoked |
2761s | for dx11 we hope you guys are as well |
2763s | and we hope you're going to be seeing at |
2766s | least some of the the huge performance |
2768s | boosts that we're seeing in our own |
2770s | internal tests and it gives us a ability |
2774s | to just continue to optimize and add new |
2778s | features and hopefully give people a |
2779s | reason to thank you so between DirectX |
2787s | 11 graphic optimizations the larger |
2792s | systems we're gonna be adding like the |
2793s | threaded asset loading and as well as |
2796s | the ps4 SDK coming in and fixing a lot |
2799s | of issues you know what I'm wanting to |
2802s | see out of dx11 is more more than just |
2803s | people seeing the game running better is |
2805s | the reintroduction of stuff that we've |
2807s | had to potato yes from frame rate yes is |
2810s | the bio lab will probably be restored to |
2814s | its former glory |
2815s | I would guess some of the cool part |
2816s | you're not too sure about that yeah yeah |
2818s | we'll have to say and the main thing |
2820s | maybe if the bio lab is is to watch |
2823s | streamers running the game and not |
2825s | potato settings they can rely upon their |
2827s | graphics cards actually like yeah like |
2830s | put on the kind of power display that |
2832s | they're paying for so yeah I'm not a |
2835s | huge fan of watching streamers playing |
2836s | you gotta have like at least like this |
2838s | minimum level of fidelity to actually |
2841s | like represent the game wall and so |
2843s | hopefully yeah you know I think some of |
2845s | the potato mode stuff is actually |
2846s | culture yes people trying to get every |
2850s | frame exactly exactly but hopefully |
2852s | hopefully some of that stuff goes away |
2853s | cool so what before we do our next big |
2857s | reveal and there is another one that |
2860s | were another one but wait there's more |
2863s | the x11 is not all we will do ahead |
2868s | go do a couple more giveaways so we're |
2870s | gonna give away now the big anniversary |
2872s | bundle do you want to you want to show |
2874s | that off without spoiling any more stuff |
2876s | I don't know if I can I don't know |
2880s | no no way my confidence is shaken I'm |
2884s | glad you have confidence for me so for |
2886s | we believe this is the Warmachine |
2888s | anniversary bundle this is like the |
2889s | premium CL done before I do that I'm |
2892s | gonna go prep you can alter to meet let |
2896s | me prep before he's gonna grant some |
2900s | stuff to himself yeah so that way we |
2904s | don't have a repeat and the whatever |
2907s | happened before this super premium |
2909s | bundle is we put the drumroll in your |
2916s | head it's naughty sticky all right |
2924s | that's what I read not stingy naughty |
2926s | sticky congratulations that's a very |
2929s | expensive bundle it has all kinds of |
2932s | cool stuff in it and Rell's gonna show |
2934s | it to you here can I flip to your screen |
2937s | now no he's frantically clicking I'm |
2939s | free I'm frantically can't you see that |
2940s | I'm frantically clicking yeah okay here |
2943s | we go |
2945s | okay or machines sixth year anniversary |
2948s | bundle comes with logistics specialist a |
2951s | highly desirable implant disengage a |
2953s | implant firewall also a implant I know |
2958s | this game very well so living restroom |
2961s | for for Valkyries your Liberator and the |
2964s | we didn't show this one off earlier but |
2965s | yeah it's a living restroom it this is |
2967s | kinda neat and for the SF and I was in |
2970s | the other bundle and so galaxies that's |
2973s | new I'll show that one off forgotten war |
2974s | machine camo I am so proud of this camo |
2978s | I think it looks great I think it looks |
2979s | great |
2981s | everything is great and then at 12 |
2984s | months heroic boost so for the price of |
2987s | whatever word you win it |
2991s | [Laughter] |
2997s | everyone wants to see your big bundle no |
3005s | that is for private times this is a |
3009s | character right here |
3010s | no yes crush with the galaxy okay so on |
3017s | the light no so as the living rust trim |
3021s | has this sort of sort of a machine to it |
3026s | I think I'm through that the whatever |
3029s | channel that is and so it's a little bit |
3031s | little golden but in the so in that in |
3034s | the daytime hours here we got wine |
3043s | making grunting noises well have you |
3045s | flied it's very it's yeah it's very |
3047s | strenuous okay so the living rest trim |
3050s | it basically cakes your your vehicle or |
3053s | or any any asset really in a I'm sorry |
3058s | living rest room via the forgotten war |
3059s | machine camo and adds a little bit of |
3062s | old-time Old Earth rust or maybe this |
3070s | has caused by nanites as the rest of the |
3072s | degradation of the nanites they've |
3078s | reconstituted thus calyx see too many |
3080s | times yeah or or we have just become so |
3085s | bored of of our global like lived I |
3089s | lived I lived I that we just want to add |
3091s | some flare I think I think we're the |
3092s | pink ammo came from I so maybe maybe |
3095s | we're just go into different direction |
3096s | cool |
3096s | yeah I got some rust but I think it |
3100s | looks great it's really cool to see some |
3101s | of these vehicles with that camo slash |
3105s | no flies not a that's not a command |
3106s | that's just flying yeah cool should we |
3112s | give one last giveaway for the stream |
3114s | and we'll do one more all day break |
3118s | all-access membership shall we make it a |
3120s | three month leave that's what we have |
3122s | codes for okay let's do that yeah that |
3125s | looks really neat like the way it looks |
3127s | right now |
3128s | we gonna get a certain angle it's the |
3130s | like this right here like the quickness |
3133s | action it's living it's rust but it's |
3136s | it's rust that that you don't want to |
3139s | turn your back on like okay what else |
3158s | are we doing we're last winter and so |
3162s | that winner is crispy Joe |
3165s | congratulations for the three month they |
3167s | break all access membership grad school |
3170s | so we got I got my microphone back again |
3174s | microfiber what I need to did that even |
3176s | happen why would I need another |
3178s | microphone again |
3179s | why don't you do two microphones 20 or |
3182s | 18 dollars get your screen prepped up to |
3185s | where you want to be it looks like I'll |
3196s | kick it over to your screen see this is |
3199s | what we wanted to show you |
3201s | bambam that was it that was it |
3205s | yeah so no but as you can see we |
3208s | completely redid actually Thank You Zack |
3211s | for for redoing the loading or the other |
3214s | characters yeah there it is there okay |
3222s | what's up with that one guy the secret |
3224s | agent man he doesn't have a faction logo |
3225s | Oh take a sack that's bug we need to fix |
3229s | that right away okay what is this watch |
3236s | this stream never seen anything like |
3237s | this in planetside don't bully upside |
3250s | down yeah yeah yeah arrr so as you can |
3253s | see we've added the Ennis Segway yeah |
3259s | in a Segway yeah so the infanticide one |
3270s | there was a faction called call them the |
3273s | blackops faction maybe maybe yeah they |
3276s | weren't a faction oh no no they were |
3278s | there were so I I conferred with Burness |
3280s | and Kevin oh okay they knew their way |
3282s | yeah actually burn burn s worked on |
3285s | plants n1 okay yeah that's a lie so the |
3287s | Anna's black ops traction in planetside |
3289s | one was actually driven specifically by |
3291s | the developers like they they would take |
3293s | players and so during times of I mean |
3296s | either overpopulation or if they were |
3297s | just bored I guess they would take |
3299s | players from certain factions and then I |
3300s | put them in this this fourth faction and |
3302s | the intent that was to make it so this |
3305s | fourth faction all the other three |
3307s | factions would team up and fight them so |
3308s | the the NS blackops characters had they |
3310s | had more health they had I think they |
3313s | could use all the weapons and then they |
3314s | had these this fusion Katonah yes yes |
3318s | plan aside one we're not doing that yeah |
3321s | we're not doing that your fears now yes |
3325s | however so the black ops so this is |
3329s | essentially a new faction at least in |
3332s | the coded a very much we have created a |
3335s | new faction this faction is gonna work a |
3337s | little bit differently than the other |
3338s | ones in the existing three you create |
3342s | this robot character and you go in and |
3344s | you login and it'll put you and assigned |
3346s | you to one of the existing three |
3348s | factions depending on population so |
3352s | it'll assign you to the lowest |
3353s | population faction so as he loads in |
3356s | here he'll notice that oh look he got |
3358s | assigned to the vanu sovereignty yeah so |
3361s | we've gone through and completely |
3363s | reworked like every faction interaction |
3366s | in the game be it like how you know your |
3369s | med kits work or how revives work or |
3372s | weapons and medical spawns and like |
3375s | everything from the ground up so NS |
3378s | characters are going to have access to |
3379s | basically anything that's that's common |
3381s | pool so by default they're going to |
3383s | start with the NSX lineup here for the |
3385s | most part daimyo for the infiltrator and |
3389s | the the Tonto for the for the flying |
3391s | man's |
3392s | and a pilot rockland rifle all sorts of |
3396s | fun stuff they use common pool weapons |
3398s | completely faction agnostic they are |
3402s | assigned to a specific team so as you'll |
3405s | look here there is some wonderful trim |
3408s | could you go back to that for a second |
3409s | yeah their character is tinted based on |
3412s | the faction that they belong to so here |
3414s | you see the nice purple and teal tint of |
3417s | the vanu sovereignty Anna and I said |
3418s | these are glowy emissive bits or you're |
3420s | gonna need to use a little bit of |
3421s | cleanup oh yeah yeah so wins over Salone |
3424s | actually for those of you who are |
3427s | curious this was Dokus three-month |
3430s | project I know he's been teasing and |
3434s | honestly like he's done amazing work on |
3436s | this I'm really looking forward to be |
3439s | afar though I can't help but actually |
3448s | you know what so a lot of the community |
3449s | members and we're trying to give like |
3451s | hints like to that direction it's like |
3453s | it's yours |
3457s | yeah so one of the screenshots that was |
3460s | put out on Twitter was was the old there |
3462s | was this old shed in the middle of in |
3465s | dark and dusty old and dark and there |
3467s | used to be a glass pane that you look |
3469s | through and you'd see the old VFR model |
3471s | the old TR beer at VFR model alright so |
3474s | it was just that screenshot at the shed |
3476s | and I think a couple people picked up on |
3477s | it and so we're just like like push it |
3480s | that direction but but no no no bfr is |
3483s | I'm what I kind of am i pressing just |
3491s | buttons as you can see it the other |
3497s | blackops faction runs much faster than |
3499s | [Laughter] |
3505s | normally there's there's no major health |
3508s | pools and anything like like that I know |
3510s | that was traditional to the plan aside |
3512s | want but our game is like wheat these |
3515s | are this another character so they're |
3517s | going to be assisting the lowest |
3518s | populated faction and because of that |
3519s | because they're assisting the lowest |
3521s | populated faction fights should be more |
3524s | fair across the continent |
3525s | and and actually the wait times for |
3528s | members are going down which is |
3529s | fortunate because this can I say it is a |
3532s | this is a Members Only feature and so |
3536s | you if you have a membership you can |
3538s | purchase or I mean I'm sorry if you have |
3540s | a membership you can create this |
3541s | character and then also in order to to |
3545s | continue to play the character you have |
3547s | to continue to have the membership like |
3548s | that's that's that you'll have access to |
3550s | play them exactly so one of the sort of |
3552s | just built-in advantages of playing one |
3554s | of these characters is yes since you're |
3556s | going to the lowest population faction |
3558s | of each of the zones that you're going |
3560s | into you'll never be in a membership |
3561s | queue ever again but but yeah vibe but |
3565s | also because of the any sort of queue |
3567s | getting into his own and but because |
3569s | you're playing as these characters it'll |
3571s | make the other people that are waiting |
3572s | in queues not have to wait as long |
3574s | because you're bringing it that much |
3576s | closer to the faction balance that we're |
3578s | looking forward to allow for other |
3579s | people to join their other factions so |
3581s | exactly so this is a feature that |
3584s | benefits like planetside 2 as a whole |
3586s | and it's something that it's kind of |
3588s | been it's it's it's an idea from from |
3592s | older times but but now it's here it's |
3595s | something we're pretty excited about not |
3596s | only was it something that was like a |
3597s | you know really large technical |
3600s | undertaking to be able to like like I |
3602s | said like rework all the faction |
3603s | interactions but it gives you an |
3605s | opportunity to like play on different |
3607s | sides of the war easily and you know you |
3610s | can create a a robot only outfit and |
3615s | like you know see people across multiple |
3617s | different oh yeah you should switch out |
3619s | to a different yeah so this is the heavy |
3621s | and I think the heavy looks amazing I |
3623s | love how it's silhouettes actually it |
3624s | makes it really identifiable far away it |
3626s | assigns you to a faction based on which |
3629s | zone you're in the population that zone |
3630s | so if you switch from one zone to |
3632s | another |
3632s | it'll reassign you to whatever that zone |
3634s | happens to need and there's work that |
3636s | we'll need to do to make it so you is |
3638s | the player I always keep in mind which |
3640s | faction you're fighting for because I |
3642s | can get confusing if you're if you're |
3643s | zone or jumping zones yeah I've done a |
3645s | lot of spy before it's it's it's |
3648s | something that's keen on perception is |
3650s | yeah and so you can currently uh Paul |
3655s | briefly mentioned but it's worth |
3656s | reiterating I you can have an outfit |
3659s | of NS robots they are not on the same |
3661s | faction per se they have different |
3663s | assignments depending on what zone |
3665s | they're in and you know just whose |
3666s | population is the lowest so there there |
3669s | is some I I want to kind of rationalize |
3673s | the the membership benefit because it's |
3676s | important that we do it this way as so |
3680s | making it a members-only feature is not |
3681s | only like adds value to membership |
3683s | that's that's obvious right camera would |
3684s | you do it not only adds value to |
3691s | membership but also makes it so you |
3694s | don't have these guys running around |
3696s | absolutely everywhere and that means |
3698s | that you have more like the faction |
3700s | flavors is still present within the game |
3703s | so there's still a reason that there's a |
3705s | bunch of NC dudes in this bunch of the |
3706s | SDS and that's everything and then also |
3709s | I buy I think when lowering the I mean |
3713s | so the downside of the system is that it |
3716s | is is kind of solo player based it's |
3719s | like a lone wolf system really I mean |
3721s | you can have an outfit but that's no no |
3723s | guarantee there's gonna be able to play |
3724s | with your friends at any given time |
3725s | right so there is drawbacks and we we're |
3728s | well aware of that but the benefits far |
3731s | outweigh the drawbacks and hopefully |
3734s | this is something that's it's fun yeah |
3735s | so not forcing people to play this is no |
3737s | yeah yeah exactly so and again like that |
3740s | with the queue times and just balanced |
3742s | fights like that gives us a really solid |
3744s | direction to move in when it comes to I |
3747s | don't know just yeah just kinda trying |
3751s | to create more balanced fights like |
3752s | throughout the entire con yeah I mean |
3753s | that's a big part of the spawn system |
3757s | revamp as well try to get fights to be a |
3759s | lot more even that we find to be much |
3762s | more engaging encounters much more fun |
3765s | for their players yeah |
3766s | because even if you if you even if you |
3768s | have you know if you have a 50% TR |
3771s | population and throughout the entire |
3775s | continent like if you're over popped you |
3779s | have to put that population somewhere |
3780s | which contributes to the user gang |
3783s | overpopulation regardless like |
3785s | regardless of the spawn system like |
3787s | moving players around to different |
3788s | locations you you need to to have like a |
3791s | somewhat balanced |
3792s | the faction globally in order to create |
3796s | balance fights so what's the move spam |
3798s | command sorry wrong space or whatever |
3802s | yeah |
3804s | so there's we're also we have tons of |
3807s | ideas for what to add to the system to |
3809s | incentivize it to make it more |
3811s | interesting for all the players that are |
3813s | involved and so this is going to be that |
3815s | the the crux behind what we want to do |
3818s | with our play tests this is will this |
3821s | will be coming to the test server later |
3823s | today along with the anniversary bundles |
3825s | today today today you can play today |
3828s | with the robots today you don't have to |
3831s | have a membership so we're gonna be |
3837s | we're really looking for you guys to get |
3839s | out there and and try to see what kind |
3844s | of bugs you can find because this is a |
3847s | very disruptive system oh yeah |
3849s | absolutely we have a we have some known |
3851s | bugs already we're gonna be posting |
3853s | those with the patch notes there but |
3856s | we're really excited about this you know |
3858s | it's it's a way to sort of shake up the |
3860s | the visuals of the battlefields way to |
3862s | sort of give players like a challenge |
3865s | when they're playing is one of these |
3866s | characters just because they're so their |
3868s | weapon selection is a bit more limited |
3870s | and they aren't able to rely upon their |
3872s | their usual outfits and such to |
3875s | coordinate they have to coordinate with |
3876s | the faction that they're on there's |
3879s | there's a lot of stuff going on but |
3881s | there may be unique cosmetics I mean |
3883s | clearly cosmetics but there might be |
3885s | unique weapons coming to the system as |
3887s | well nothing that's gonna like throw the |
3889s | game like into a complete disarray what |
3892s | are you doing okay good good you just |
3896s | wanted it to be no head at all all I |
3897s | wanted to do like a freakish face throw |
3902s | the camo on though of course so and then |
3905s | we got we can it'll be shown up on the |
3907s | screen who do something nice well we'll |
3914s | just leave a color but the main thing is |
3916s | like we're gonna be updating the test |
3918s | server you guys will be able to play |
3919s | around with the system right away and |
3921s | we're gonna be looking for bugs that you |
3923s | guys discover and a ton of feedback |
3925s | because I'm sure you |
3926s | have a lot of thoughts about this system |
3928s | and we're gonna be interested in label |
3931s | what oh that was a throw innovation yeah |
3935s | well it's like grenade throw animation |
3937s | okay it's pretty snazzy yeah why do you |
3940s | hurt me like this oh and is this okay so |
3946s | what that what else trying to show off |
3948s | is what we came up with a new incentive |
3950s | item to encourage people to be part of |
3953s | the community tests that we have planned |
3955s | yeah so we're we haven't announced that |
3957s | community test yet but we are going to |
3960s | be doing some soon and because we want |
3962s | to get hundreds of players onto the test |
3964s | server to really push the system to |
3968s | limits that are not going to be possible |
3970s | and unless we were to offer some sort of |
3972s | bribe for you guys yeah so it's gonna |
3975s | the the item that we've added and it's |
3977s | on live right now although there's no |
3978s | way to get it is the Ryan throwing stars |
3982s | so well just put it on his character |
3986s | yeah so this is using somebody I got to |
3991s | switch it over to year there we go oh we |
3993s | want to see both sides though okay so |
3997s | the so this is using the fan technology |
4000s | that we had or actually one of the many |
4003s | things that Garrett has come up with so |
4012s | that's the problem with uh with the fan |
4013s | of projectiles right is how functional |
4019s | is it gonna be in game I don't know well |
4021s | probably it needed yeah great the stats |
4022s | here boy but but yeah so it's uh it's |
4026s | got some some fun going on not as deadly |
4028s | as the what's at the Fujian knives |
4031s | ya know virgin is uh is a one-shot |
4033s | headshot pretty easily you know what'd |
4036s | be fun like to add homing to these |
4038s | knives oh boy okay then you're gonna |
4041s | have to power them down a little bit but |
4042s | yeah that would look neat I've seen a |
4043s | lot of games that have that sort of like |
4045s | fan out fan ana looks very MOBA if you |
4050s | do that but yeah that's that's the item |
4053s | that we're going to be giving out for |
4054s | participating in the and the upcoming |
4056s | community tests and we hope you guys are |
4059s | stoked to get |
4060s | hands-on that you do not get it by just |
4062s | jumping on test server know you'll have |
4064s | to pay attention to our social channels |
4066s | and notice that when we announce one of |
4068s | these events and then show up during the |
4070s | the specified time and then we will |
4072s | grant it to your live characters for |
4074s | participating during that time yeah |
4076s | we'll probably run an alert just so that |
4079s | there's a more visible start and finish |
4080s | time cool and with that we can move on |
4085s | to some questions and so let's do this |
4087s | stream was gonna run long today it has |
4089s | what time is it uh late lean o'clock |
4091s | going for over an hour okay oh man and |
4094s | so much content we're bringing to the |
4096s | people so we're gonna we tried something |
4101s | new today we took questions from from |
4103s | Twitter yesterday and from Facebook and |
4106s | so we have a prepared list of questions |
4107s | from various users and we will run |
4109s | through them now so the first one is |
4111s | from anis Kony on Twitter asked will you |
4115s | bring back the roadmap page to |
4117s | communicate with us what's in the |
4118s | pipeline why and for when this goes for |
4121s | optimizations as well as features so |
4124s | we're probably not going to bring back |
4126s | like an actual pipeline or a road map |
4129s | that we will show off on a regular basis |
4134s | there's a bunch of reasons for that but |
4135s | the main reason is with the size of the |
4138s | dev team and the nature of how we're |
4140s | constantly shifting between trying to |
4142s | develop new features and going back to |
4144s | trying to fix things on live yes I mean |
4146s | that's just how you that's just how game |
4148s | development works in general especially |
4149s | on a live product it's like you know |
4151s | there's a bunch of features we want to |
4154s | do a bunch of cool things we want to |
4155s | bring you know this this last year we |
4157s | had a pretty ambitious timeline set of |
4160s | things we wanted to do and you know |
4162s | along the way things happen you know |
4164s | tech surprises us or you know something |
4169s | that we thought was working stops |
4170s | working or you know things out of our |
4173s | control happened that we have to fix |
4175s | it's it's just the nature of it you can |
4177s | you can only plan for so much of it I'm |
4179s | also a fan of the when it's done mindset |
4182s | whenever in the in the game industry it |
4185s | not not to say that we should drag like |
4189s | your perfection yeah but but I'd rather |
4191s | actually get something to the point |
4193s | where we |
4194s | feel like it's ready for people to |
4196s | actually play with it yeah I mean that's |
4198s | the some of the so the Doku carbines you |
4200s | know we're kind of on the table and some |
4203s | Empire suppose of vehicle weapons like |
4205s | those were kind of floating about it but |
4207s | honestly they're not done and we're |
4208s | content to wait so yeah that the sort of |
4211s | mentality is is more beneficial for our |
4212s | team |
4213s | then then would be to like try to push |
4215s | these deadlines and that is pushing |
4217s | deadlines has certainly happened in the |
4218s | past and the community pays for |
4219s | repercussions so we we don't we want to |
4222s | try to stay away from that as much as |
4223s | possible and unfortunately roadmaps |
4225s | reinforce that mentality of like okay we |
4228s | we have this a certain amount of time |
4230s | basically to do something and that's |
4233s | just it's not good for either one of us |
4235s | you so with all that said of course |
4237s | we're going to share with you guys what |
4238s | we're working on we'd like to surprise |
4240s | you from time to time let's drive like |
4241s | with the NS operatives here and we also |
4246s | will try to give do our best to give you |
4249s | guys some of our long-term visions for |
4251s | the game but we're not going to put it |
4253s | into the format of a road map it just it |
4256s | doesn't suit us and I don't think it's |
4258s | it suits the community either it's |
4260s | something we don't want to we don't want |
4262s | to get you guys excited for something |
4263s | that we're working on and disappoint you |
4267s | ultimately like we want to we want to |
4269s | try to the line to you exactly surprise |
4271s | you a little bit bring you you know |
4274s | sometimes things just don't work out you |
4276s | know okay we'll move on to the next |
4283s | quote I think we just we meet the dead |
4286s | robot J Smith e6 13 on Twitter asked |
4290s | when will the character transfers from |
4292s | Connery to soul tech be available so the |
4295s | answer to that is December 1st probably |
4299s | we have the tech for it we have now sort |
4303s | of stabilized everything that was sort |
4304s | of what was preventing us from turning |
4306s | it on all this time and that that's now |
4309s | our plan is to turn it on and let it run |
4312s | the whole month of December this will |
4314s | allow for not only Connery to soul tech |
4315s | transfers but soul technical Connery |
4317s | transfers so people can sort of dip |
4319s | their toes in see what with their |
4321s | performances what the experience is on |
4323s | the other server and then jump back to |
4324s | back and forth so |
4327s | that's one that's planned so I say |
4331s | probably because we still have some more |
4332s | tests to run but I think we're in a |
4334s | pretty safe place to do it for descent |
4336s | yeah and you had mentioned that you can |
4338s | go back and forth but we're going to |
4340s | stop doing that way at the end of |
4342s | December so at the end of 2018 you will |
4344s | no longer be able to move your character |
4345s | back and forth we will remind people and |
4347s | remind them and remind them again |
4349s | and wherever you end up after the year |
4351s | is over |
4352s | that's that's where your character will |
4354s | stay yep |
4355s | so be careful with that what else we got |
4358s | we got leavin tim on twitter asks what |
4361s | is and what is not considered stat |
4364s | padding construction materials deployed |
4366s | without a silo and per mo repairing is |
4369s | that is that so step adding is kind of a |
4373s | blurry line at times but essentially |
4376s | it's any action that is providing you |
4379s | with some sort of progression and is |
4381s | against the spirit of the game so if |
4383s | you're an infiltrator right and you are |
4386s | working on your like hacking directive |
4387s | you can go around to every single turret |
4389s | on or axis and hack it your you know |
4392s | operating behind enemy lines but if it's |
4393s | you and another infiltrator from another |
4396s | faction like you and your buddy like |
4397s | swapping hacks back and forth on the |
4399s | same turret like that is its that is |
4401s | wrong clearly wrong we have some |
4404s | expectation you're trying to help your |
4409s | faction you're trying to help your team |
4411s | you're trying to engage in the gameplay |
4413s | and combat and everything and just you |
4417s | know plopping down some equipment |
4420s | somewhere in the middle of nowhere and |
4421s | just continually farming XP off it is |
4424s | not that so benefitting anyone but |
4427s | yourself we pointed for it yeah yeah so |
4430s | just and if you see somebody like doing |
4431s | those sort of stuff either put an end to |
4433s | it which is always fun or or you know |
4436s | step away something don't hurt to say |
4438s | something don't make it a bit like I'm |
4440s | not I'm saying no team killing yeah yeah |
4444s | I know I get it like right you want to |
4447s | put it into it the best way to get rid |
4449s | of them or stuff to do enemy factions |
4454s | pretty elaborate you could just like |
4457s | yeah it senator reports thunder slash |
4460s | bug |
4460s | and we read these things it sort of have |
4463s | started happening at a rate that we were |
4466s | having trouble controlling and really |
4468s | where we want to deploy like |
4470s | programmatic ways of preventing this |
4473s | kind of behavior it's really hard to get |
4475s | around douchey behavior like it's it's a |
4477s | challenge you know |
4478s | so anyways we'll stop with that and I |
4482s | hope that answers some of your questions |
4483s | is like it is a bit of a gray area I |
4486s | wish we could draw like a very clear |
4488s | line for you but like when you know your |
4490s | your do if you should know whenever |
4492s | you're doing something shady it's |
4493s | probably cheating yeah yeah X 966 on |
4498s | Twitter asks do you still plan on adding |
4501s | lure clues into the game can you say |
4503s | anything about the upcoming alerts so we |
4505s | talked about little builders we did but |
4508s | lore clues for the game so it'd be nice |
4510s | for us to or it's something we want to |
4513s | do we want you to be able to to search |
4516s | and explore and find you know maybe |
4517s | little collectibles or complete small |
4520s | directives maybe it gives you access to |
4522s | like a codex terminal and that sort of |
4523s | thing it gives you little insights about |
4527s | the the different locations on our axis |
4529s | that's very least we do have a limit |
4533s | with with how much we can transition |
4537s | don't help me out here sorry I was |
4539s | paying attention yes we have a sort of |
4546s | we have a budget that is actually not |
4547s | super great on doing our localization so |
4550s | yeah it cost time and money to support |
4556s | which is actually quite a lot so putting |
4558s | putting text into the game is probably |
4562s | not going to happen not at least not at |
4564s | the like very large scale rate right |
4567s | right we'll put in little little blurbs |
4569s | about stuff instead the Lord that we |
4571s | want to put into planetside in game is |
4573s | going to be more of a show not tell kind |
4575s | of thing right and if you want to learn |
4576s | more we're planning on posting more |
4579s | information on the website about the |
4581s | things we have chronicled in stone those |
4583s | so far and yet there is a whole lower |
4586s | section of the website if you haven't |
4587s | been there you can go check it out and |
4589s | yeah so anytime you see like |
4590s | novel-length stuff that that's where |
4592s | that's going to be but |
4593s | as far as Lauren general yeah yeah |
4594s | you'll see a little tidbits in the game |
4596s | and so some of the lore that you might |
4598s | be seeing in 2019 might explore we |
4601s | definitely have stuff in mind for what's |
4603s | going on at nanite systems like why are |
4605s | they deploying combat robots into the |
4607s | field at this point in the war who's in |
4610s | charge of all this stuff and how does it |
4612s | all play out in the grand scheme of |
4615s | things so yes yeah next question next |
4620s | question the next question is from Ravi |
4625s | on Facebook not sure if what I heard is |
4628s | true but are we going to be able to |
4629s | craft exceptional implants and if so any |
4632s | ETA on this sono ETA but crafting |
4635s | exceptional is something that we want to |
4636s | do exceptional implants are by |
4638s | definition something that we want to to |
4640s | be more rare so what will likely happen |
4643s | is that like a catalyst or some other |
4647s | item some sort of resource might drop |
4649s | from you know an alert win or something |
4651s | and like a rare some sort of rare |
4655s | circumstance right and then you'll use |
4656s | that catalyst along with I so for to to |
4659s | combine and create or maybe multiple |
4662s | craftable items we'll have to look into |
4664s | how it works and yeah I definitely don't |
4667s | want to make it feel like it's just a |
4668s | drop that you get from a loot table |
4671s | where you have to pay some I so there |
4673s | should be a little bit yeah they're more |
4675s | involved than just dropping down some |
4677s | but that's the main thing they are |
4679s | exceptional and thus are harder to |
4681s | reproduce yep so that's what we have in |
4684s | mind we don't have an ETA on it though |
4686s | right now the last question we got from |
4689s | Xavier on Facebook is our outfit |
4692s | overhauls planned and so instead of |
4694s | answering that question immediately I'll |
4697s | segue into the last thing we're going to |
4699s | talk about today is what's ahead in 2019 |
4701s | and so that is looking at over outfits |
4706s | is one of the things that we want to do |
4708s | in 2019 it is yeah progression is |
4712s | certainly something that something that |
4714s | we wanted to get started on at the very |
4715s | least this year obviously didn't pan out |
4718s | actually there was a number of things |
4719s | that that we wanted to do this year that |
4721s | didn't take place but we had a pretty |
4724s | ambitious set of we always do and I |
4726s | think Wolford |
4727s | 29:10 you know what you know what it's |
4728s | good it's have to have ambition and even |
4731s | though we're a small scrappy team the |
4734s | having having like some some lofty goals |
4736s | is good because at that point we can |
4738s | kind of like like pull things back down |
4740s | to reality opposed to and the |
4742s | alternative which is to just like leave |
4744s | the game floating for it a little bit |
4745s | and it's like what what are we gonna do |
4746s | I don't know we want this game to grow |
4753s | adding cool stuff yep so four outfits in |
4756s | particular yes |
4758s | f the progression is going to be |
4759s | something that we're very interested in |
4761s | I'm sorry |
4762s | outfit overhauls and progression as a |
4763s | part of that for 2019 and personally |
4766s | I've always believed that if there is |
4768s | any end game in planetside 2 it revolves |
4770s | around the outfit level and hopefully we |
4772s | are able to bring some of that to you |
4774s | yeah |
4775s | enabling players to playing groups and |
4779s | and you know have a lot of fun together |
4781s | and and do all sorts of cool stuff there |
4783s | is a important goal for us well it's a |
4786s | very it's a lot of fun game yeah like |
4788s | exactly not only yeah and you know |
4791s | personally I at least myself like it's a |
4793s | big part of how I play games so like |
4796s | trying to enable everyone to like do all |
4800s | the cool dumb stuff that they want to do |
4801s | you know and play with their friends as |
4805s | much as possible is absolutely what we |
4807s | want so incentivize let me do these a |
4809s | little bit out of order for what we got |
4810s | you next two would be oh sure and |
4813s | optimization those are major goals that |
4816s | we have for for 2019 yeah we covered a |
4819s | little bit the optimization stuff that's |
4820s | gonna dx11 is a major push in the |
4823s | direction of optimization for the client |
4825s | we're deploying a lot of tools and |
4827s | making improvements on the server side |
4828s | so that's one of the things that we're |
4831s | going to be focused on a lot and in the |
4832s | early part of the year and with all that |
4834s | dev resources being used up on things |
4837s | that aren't actual game systems that |
4839s | will free up designers to work on pure |
4841s | content like oh sure so yeah puts our |
4843s | plans for oh so oh sure yeah we had |
4845s | mentioned wanting to stream oh sure is a |
4848s | 12 |
4855s | but we're so much pretty I think the |
4856s | robots are pretty that's true yes |
4860s | oh sure I there has been some logistical |
4863s | issues trying to get basically a |
4866s | separate computer set up for me yeah so |
4868s | that I can actually work on oh sure and |
4870s | livestream it without also showing off |
4872s | things that I don't want to show off you |
4875s | know right yeah and so that that is |
4880s | coming that's at some point I actually |
4883s | yeah yes it's coming at some point the |
4890s | main thing is as we hit major milestones |
4893s | you guys are going to be seeing those |
4894s | for sure and as soon as we can get rail |
4897s | set up with a streaming rig where we |
4899s | feel safe |
4901s | haven't you stream from that rig those |
4906s | are gonna start immediately so squads |
4909s | we're gonna do another round of this |
4910s | right right so I this past year despite |
4913s | having worked on squads somewhat |
4915s | extensively I got put in a lot of time |
4918s | and energy and not only shoring up some |
4920s | of the squad system but actually like |
4921s | like building it out I personally feel |
4923s | that we're probably like 50% of the way |
4926s | where we wanted to do more we yeah yeah |
4929s | so we're gonna circle back around do |
4931s | another pass squads should be able to do |
4933s | things like highlight targets and create |
4936s | missions and bring in Collins and I sort |
4938s | of thing so that's that's one of the the |
4940s | directions who want to go yeah |
4943s | and that ties into the outfit |
4944s | progression we discussed earlier yeah |
4945s | probably going to be squad stuff that |
4948s | gets evolved based on your outfit |
4951s | progression kind of it's all social |
4959s | group play and I guess a new player |
4963s | tutorials about you know your your 7 is |
4967s | gonna be the year I promise it's |
4969s | important yeah so put up a better set up |
4975s | our new players for a better experience |
4976s | and you know help them stick around and |
4979s | enjoy playing the game get a real like |
4981s | crack at it without getting thrown to |
4983s | the wolves I was certainly one of one of |
4985s | our goals for this year did |
4987s | obviously we have some of the testicle |
4996s | so it's it's something we're interested |
4999s | in something that is gonna add a lot of |
5000s | value to the game at this stage no and |
5004s | the tech has been like we've gotten rail |
5005s | tech to work more interestingly the Lua |
5009s | pipeline has been expanded a lot of this |
5011s | was kind of foundational for new flight |
5014s | tutorials in general but feeling a |
5016s | little bit better about the the |
5019s | possibility for a commitment to the game |
5021s | at this point so yeah we'll just |
5023s | continue to harp on it because you know |
5025s | despite the game being so old we do get |
5028s | a lot of new players every day we |
5032s | absolutely love it you know it's it's |
5034s | it's a testament to the the hard work |
5036s | that you know we have put in and the |
5039s | more so the teams that have come before |
5041s | us have put in set up the game and set |
5044s | up the lore and set up the everything on |
5046s | it ya know plan to actually offer it's |
5048s | on a very like grassroots sort of level |
5052s | with with getting I mean being |
5053s | free-to-play is obviously part of you |
5055s | know getting all those new players and |
5056s | such but we don't honestly do it like a |
5058s | lot of marketing it's the existing |
5061s | players of the game exactly get people |
5063s | to play the game and we're looking at |
5065s | other routes of trying to attract more |
5067s | people to the game in 2019 and doing a |
5071s | dx11 port allows for us to do some major |
5073s | marketing pushes that weren't really |
5076s | possible for us before and so it you |
5079s | guys keep pulling the weight that you |
5081s | guys have been pulling we're gonna be |
5083s | doing a lot more on our end but there's |
5085s | gonna be a lot more new noobs for you |
5087s | guys - absolutely no one for you the |
5090s | health of the game is great it's a |
5092s | testament to the community and the |
5094s | players of the game as well as you know |
5096s | the developers that have come before us |
5098s | and set up this game that's kind of |
5100s | still unique in its market in a lot of |
5102s | ways no no it's one of them nothing like |
5104s | it it's one of a kind |
5105s | so getting getting new players a chance |
5109s | to own it won't always be forever got to |
5112s | get cracking |
5116s | yeah we have no intent to it so the last |
5118s | thing that's probably our biggest |
5120s | stretch goal of 2019 and I think it's |
5122s | assuming that we complete some of the |
5123s | other things that we just mentioned but |
5124s | rested or organized competitive play |
5127s | yeah supported end game between out |
5133s | that's it yeah we something we want to |
5137s | do I don't know how much we've |
5138s | elaborated on it stream already but |
5139s | there's there's some cool stuff in the |
5141s | works so yeah that's basically that's |
5145s | all but so we hope we got to the end |
5151s | yeah yeah all right so we look it up |
5154s | bring it home bring it home all right |
5155s | yeah so thank you everybody for being |
5158s | part of our sixth anniversary stream |
5160s | today we hope you guys are as hyped as |
5162s | we are I hope you're thinking that that |
5164s | the seventh year 2019 of planetside is |
5167s | going to be the best year of them all |
5168s | and just thank you the for the community |
5172s | for continuing to support the game it |
5173s | allows for us to do what we do we want |
5176s | to keep bringing better and better more |
5177s | and amazing stuff to you in planetside 2 |
5180s | and just keep playing and keep getting |
5183s | people to play and thank you so much and |
5185s | thanks for being to the stream today |
5187s | boom |
5198s | you |