over 4 years
ago -
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PTS has been updated with the following changes.
Test Server installation can be found here: http://launch.daybreakgames.com/installer/PS2_Test_setup.exe
We've done a tuning pass based on feedback to allow for more accessibility and tactical application.
- Outfit weight from 50 to 25.
- Maximum stock from 3 to 4.
- Crafting time from 1 hour to 30 minutes.
- Crafting can now be overclocked.
- Added a default Horn to the Colossus.
- Fixed various stretched textures and inconsistencies in the model art.
- Made adjustments to Colossus icon on minimap and vehicle loadout screens.
- An updated pass on Russian and Chinese language translations as been completed. Please continue to offer feedback for any standout issues.
- Fixed the rejection messaging when trying to invite a BR5 and lower character to an Outfit.
- PTS Only: We've re-enabled the creation of Orbital Strikes on PTS.