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Global PC servers will come down tomorrow, Wednesday March 11, 2020, at the following times:
EU: 4am GMT (est. 16 hr downtime)
NA/Asia: 9am PDT (est. 4 hr downtime)
Welcome to Escalation
We're excited to bring to you one of the largest updates in PlanetSide 2's seven-year history. If you're new to the game, or are a returning veteran, we welcome you to the fight for Auraxis. Outfits (or guilds/clans in other games) are an important part of the game's ecosystem, as they help acclimate new players to this grueling, endless war, and empower the strategic gameplay that sets PlanetSide 2 apart from other shooters. With the Escalation update, we sought to elevate Outfits and the communities that surround them by offering a new metagame atop the day-to-day war on Auraxis, a new system of Outfit armaments that we will continue to expand upon in the future, and a competitive space for Outfits who are driven to prove themselves the best on their server. With that said, let's go through the new features and content available with Escalation.
Bastion Fleet Carrier
An Empire's might and determination, symbolized in metal and voiced through cannon fire. The Bastion Fleet Carrier descends from orbit, ready to wage war across the battlefields of Auraxis.
" "Our worship has afforded us this opportunity," stated an elderly voice, more akin to that of cold metal than a human being. "Yes Prefect, the next wormhole will open in less than eight hours. We have assembled our forces and are ready for the journey," replied Acolyte Joselin with youthful exuberance. Prefect Armus remained unmoved, as if alone in his thoughts, "A chance to prove ourselves among they who seed the stars. We will put the squabbles of Auraxis behind us, and the future of humanity ahead." " |
- With enough resources and time, any Outfit can now craft and call planetside this massive warship.
- This fleet carrier comes equipped with shipboard turrets, command-based artillery systems, an interceptor launch platform, and can act as a spawn point for your entire Outfit.
- A singular Captain commands this warship over the continent, maneuvering to protect its weakpoints and project its power.
- Bastions require significant Outfit coordination and investment to call in, and each Empire can only field one at any given time.
- Additionally, Bastions contribute to Empire Strength while deployed over contested territory.
- Outfits craft multiple pieces of their Bastion in the Outfit Armory using resources they've secured through combat (those topics are covered further down.)
- When enough time and resources are invested, authorized Outfit members will be able to use the Bastion Uplink Terminal located at every Warpgate to call down their Bastion.
- Using the F1 - F10 keys, you can select your seating on the Bastion.
- The first seat is the Captain's, and seats 2 - 10 are turrets, and additional seats are for passengers. Bastions can hold a total of 48 players at any time.
- The Captain uses waypoints on the map (or mini-map) to move the Bastion around the map, and order its artillery barrage. Captain must maintain this seat in order to continue issuing commands.
- There are two types of mannable turrets aboard the Bastion currently. One is an anti-air/multi-purpose gatling, and the second is an air to ground cannon.
- Any player who ejects from the Bastion will be mounted in an Interceptor class fighter with a unique loadout and built-in ejection seat.
- Each Bastion has eight weakpoints located around the ship. Any anti-vehicle weaponry can damage these weak points.
- Weak points cannot be repaired, but do have a regenerating shield layer that comprises a quarter of their total health pool.
- When all weakpoints are destroyed, the Bastion will self destruct in a glorious fashion.
- Steel Rain: Deploy your entire squad in a coordinated drop pod assault anywhere on the map.
- Citadel Shield: A massive projectile-blocking bubble shield encases the area, providing room to advance, or defense against an incoming assault.
- A.N.V.I.L.: Airdrop a vehicle of your choosing to reinforce your defenses, or mobilize your allies.
- Orbital Satellite Uplink: Call for an Orbital Strike at your target location to crack an enemy armor column.
- When a Meltdown alert triggers, the faction that started the alert will receive an immediate 5x tick of resources from bases they own.
- When a Meltdown alert ends, the faction that won the alert will receive an immediate 5x tick of resources from bases they own.
- Unstable Meltdown alerts do the same, but with only a 2x tick of resources from bases owned.
- At the end of the alert, all outfit ownership is wiped.
- The Atrium is a spacious area with a view of Auraxis and beyond. It also houses marketplace vendors and various services.
- Upstairs, Central Operations is run by Nanite Systems employees to coordinate the various day to day workings of the Sanctuary satellite.
- During the Enlistment phase, players are given the opportunity to opt-in to the Qualification phase, where scoring will take place.
- Enlistment requires a modest resource investment to fund your trip through the wormhole.
- When the qualify phase begins, all enlisted Outfits will then scramble to capture and claim territory to earn points on the scoreboard.
- The outfits with the highest scores from each faction will be pitted against one another during the competition.
- There are three brackets (gold, silver, bronze,) which means that, at most, up to 9 outfits (top 3 from each faction,) may participate in the war.
- The prepare phase gives Outfits an opportunity to rally their members, and a finally chance to craft more War Assets to take with them for the trip to Desolation.
- When the war phase begins, players can join the Desolation zone by opening the Outfit Wars UI window in the Outfit Menu, or by going to the World Map screen.
- An Alert will then trigger on Desolation where Outfits attempt to capture and control as much territory as possible, which earns them points over time.
- The Outfit with the most points at the end of the Alert (or the first to 500 points,) wins additional resources, rewards, and glory for their Empire.
- Mid-continent events (Aerial Anomalies, Maximum Pressure, etc,) have been removed.
- Territory control of 41% now awards 5 Empire Strength.
- Territory control of 44% provides an additional 5 Empire Strength, and this effect also occurs at 48%, 52%, 56% and 60% territory.
- While a Bastion Fleet Carrier is hovering over contested territory, the faction will earn progress toward unlocking 15 Empire Strength. This process takes roughly 17 minutes to complete, and progress made toward this objective is not depleted when the Bastion is destroyed.
- Eisa Tech Plant (Esamir) Empire Strength benefit from 30 to 25.
- The Ascent (Amerish) Empire Strength benefit from 15 to 25.
- The Crown (Indar) Empire Strength benefit from 15 to 25.
- Critical Chain will no longer stack indefinitely.
- MAX units now correctly produce footstep audio.
- Javelin NEST launcher has new firing audio.
- Biolabs have thawed out, and are climate controlled once again.
- Cloaked infantry/vehicles can no longer capture control points.
- Bullet impact particles should now play when shooting grass.
- Smoke trail on the Falcon projectile should no longer glow bright white at night.
- Muzzleflash smoke on infantry weapons has been toned down.
- Toned down smoke on various vehicle related effects.
- Bullet shell casings have been scaled down.
- Muzzleflashes on MAX weapons should appear on the muzzle of the gun on High and Ultra settings.
- Blowing dust particles on Indar will now only play on high settings and have reduced scale and opacity.
- Lights should no longer stay on for several seconds after bullet impacts and explosions expire.
- Personal shield bullet impact particles should no longer obstruct your view in first person.
- Burning DoT effect has been optimized.
- Facility capture FX have been optimized.
- Jetpack particles should no longer trigger in first person view.
- Smoke particles on the Medic Shield Recharging Field have had their brightness reduced.
- Added hover-over tooltips for all currency types on the loadout screen, showing how to gain them, and their maximum values.
- Optimized the HUD health elements to reduce framerate spikes.
- The Flail now uses the correct icon.
- Fixed blue squares incorrectly appearing on the map and minimap for multiple Amp Stations across all continents.
- The Tutorial has been disabled.
- Fixed a physics crash that was the most frequent crash on Live.
- Loosened up on continent faction balance restrictions a bit, as they were originally tuned for smaller player counts.