8 days ago - Mithril - Direct link
We're going to try something new here. Although you can report your feedback and bugs on the official thread located here, please direct all bugs you encounter with today's update in this thread. It is appreciated if you can reproduce the issue on video and provide a link to the video in your reply. Or if you can capture it in a screenshot, you may use image hosting websites like imgur and link it in your reply below. Please provide us with any steps to help us recreate the issue if it requires any steps. Today's commonly reported issues are:
  • Random Sonar Beeps on the map
  • Trick or Treat mission not appearing < You must accept the mission from the mission list first. If you do not see the mission, complete or unpin another mission and see if it appears after that. If you still can not see the Trick or Treat mission from the mission screen ( " i " on the keyboard ) then please provide a screenshot of what you see from the mission screen and link it below.
  • Missing Lattice Links on the map
8 days ago - Mithril - Direct link
My NSO char doesn't have the event quest so i can't start doing the event directive. All my vanu chars have the quest. I suppose, other NSO players don't have the starting quest either Vanu char mission list - https://i.ibb.co/dmMwFr3/vanu.png
NSO char mission list - https://i.ibb.co/RvRYdb2/nso.png
Check back after the daily refresh counter completes, look like in 2 hours according to that screenshot
7 days ago - Mithril - Direct link
Regarding the sonar beeps, it appears to be connected to reactive armor. If you do not spawn your sunderer with reactive armor your sunderer will not emit the sonar beep. You can see under a player's sunderer if the bug is present as the sonar fx also shows under sunderers with reactive armor equipped. We are working on a hotfix to address this.
2 days ago - Mithril - Direct link
Event Directives no updating properly (?) On the Silver for Monsters directive, I have to kill 3 players with a melee weapon before I get credit for one kill. 10/5/24 I was playing and got 31 melee kills and the directive tracker only showed 10 kills."
Are your opponents using the Halloween mask?