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Based on live play since the patch a few things stick out with the Conduit bases. I'll preface this emphasizing that I appreciate the change of pace and flow in these bases, and that the concept can be expanded upon.

Contested states and map

Currently one of the larger issues is that the contested state doesn't show properly on the map. The flag count is not enough. This has several implications, but chief among them is that it should be clear to defenders that a capture is in progress as to allow fights to evolve at these bases.

A suggestion would be to translate the capture progress into time and display that as per usual. Possibly this entails a minor rule adjustment:

  • Repo points + flag count = Total points = Minutes
  • Repo point(s) flipped = base is and remains contested until secured
  • Conduits capture = progress

The notion that a flipped repo counts as contest of the base has implications:

  • Conduits are treated like base gens and cannot be interacted with once backcapped (this can happen and completely stalls a conduit base otherwise in play)
  • Base generators (in general) should remain in play/accessible if the base is contested, i.e. use the same ruleset as capture points do, rather than lattice connection alone
  • The adjustment that repos would count as progress would also contribute to using the full base (all repos), offer a delay other than conduits, but most importantly ensure that the conduit base remains contested until all repos are fully secured. The caveat would be that the backcap issue regarding gens etc. is addressed

Tower flags

Some conduits are poorly positioned inside towers, which has already been established as a poor location for capture points. A tower conduit should only be be applicable if there are multiple alternatives, ideally the tower one being 1 of 3.

  • Elli Tower is the prime example: should e.g. have one repo in the triple stack and two flags in the smaller adjacent buildings instead, or elsewhere (a single one in the tower is not good)
  • Indar Ex.: could have a 3rd flag in the former A point, and another repo in the one of the southern buildings
  • Bastion: could have a 3rd conduit in the northern building
  • Westpass: needs alternative conduits

I'll point out that all it takes for defenders to undo all the progress is to drop the conduits (or sneak in) and revert them all. If that happens all attacker progress is lost.

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over 2 years ago - /u/Wrel - Direct link

I'll point out that all it takes for defenders to undo all the progress is to drop the conduits (or sneak in) and revert them all. If that happens all attacker progress is lost.

This will be changing to a 30-second overload mechanic when the tech is complete. We're aiming for next week, but that will depend on how much progress is made between today and tomorrow.